Once bitten, twice shy?

As humans, a negative experience usually makes us more cautious of similar situations in the future but sometimes, a person refuses to learn from their mistakes. I remember back in 2021, I was getting down from a public bus and my phone fell a short distance from my hands to the floor of the bus.

You will think the phone will still be alright after such a "small" fall but the screen was shattered. This was the same phone I saw on YouTube being flung against a wall and nothing happened, like wtf?

Anyway, after that experience, I became extra careful when I am on a public bus. Whenever I get to my destination, I put my phone in my bag or hold it tightly in my hands, a perfectly human behavior to avoid another accident.

Now, let's look at my friend's experience and for the sake of this article, we will call him Jerry. Jerry's phone got shattered last year because he was using the flashlight and guess where he kept the phone? On top of a door

It fell from there and got shattered. After going through the trouble of fixing the screen, the phone was back to life. Now, a normal human will try to avoid a similar occurrence, right? Well, it seems Jerry isn't normal (or maybe not a human).

On this fateful day, Jerry was in the kitchen trying to cook dinner and electricity went out a couple of minutes ago, so he was using his phone's flashlight to navigate around the kitchen. Now, guess again where he kept his phone this time around? On top of the kitchen door! It wasn't long before I heard a crash from the kitchen. "what was that?", I asked.

** silence **. I quickly rushed to the kitchen and there it was, Jerry's phone kissing the kitchen floor and refusing to let go. He picked it up and apparently, nothing happened to it. Wonderful! He has been given a second chance and he has now learned his lesson, right? Nope! Again, he still placed the phone on top of the kitchen door.

This guy is in a toxic relationship with that door and he doesn't even realize it. A few minutes later, another crash. "maybe someone promised to get him a new phone if this current one met an unexpected end?", I thought to myself.

He picked up the phone again and this time, he finally came to his senses and placed it on something much safer than a door. The flashlight was still on, so he continued with his cooking. After he was done cooking, he got ready to eat and decided to watch some movies on his phone as well, but the phone wasn't coming on, and....the flashlight was still on!

The screen has totally gone blank with no chance to come back to life. "God gave you a second chance and you threw it back at him, what were you expecting when the phone fell twice, a miracle?", I asked him while chuckling.

He couldn't believe that the phone's screen had been destroyed but after a while, he accepted reality and ate his phone in silence, still using the phone's flashlight.

Thanks for reading

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Twitter: @kushyzeena
Readcash: @kushyzee

Lead image: Image by master1305 on Freepik
Edited with Canva
All GIFs gotten from Giphy


He shouldn't allow the battery of the phone to go off. Tell him to always charge it. It's better off as a touch light than a phone for Jerry. Let him just get a button phone. I suspect he's not fit to use gadgets of new tech. And before I go, please, advise him he shouldn't take up a job at a glass house, because there's no limit to what he can achieve in breaking it down unintentionally. 😂 I got a new phone three months ago from jumia, and had a dream two weeks later that the screen shattered. Hmmm! Just come and see the way I've been carrying it like an egg. That dream no go work.


😂 He should definitely stay clear of any place that works with glass, the guy is a destroyer 😅 I have gone through the pains of changing my phone's screen a few weeks ago and I'm no carrying it like the 10 commandments, meanwhile someone else is placing his phone on top door 😅


Top door for that matter. Chai


I don't take all of those YouTube phone practicals very serious. Those people know the black magic that they do.😀

Meanwhile your friend is not serious. Of all places to drop his phone it was a door. He should be managing the torch. Half bread is better. I'm just imagining dropping a Samsung phone anyhow. LMAO


Exactly, he should just keep charging the phone and using torch 😂 after all that's what is more important to him


Jerry's thought his phone screen is strong like a stone, maybe he watched the phone sales advert on YouTube, most things we are told on adverts are not the way the product are when we buy them.
He shouldn't have took his phone to the kitchen door, after the first fall, but he continue to used it anyhow.
So, has he buy a new phone yet?


For now he is phoneless 😅 no money to buy a new one. All those vloggers that review phones on YouTube are really something else, they say something genuine but in reality, it isn't true
