Which is better: passion or discipline?


Many people consider passion as the most important trait to be successful, but they are mistaken. Having passion is important, yes but it has nothing to do with what makes you a success. What makes you successful is your consistency and discipline which develop your passion for something into something superior, more better, and more disciplined than what you might have had before.

It's a tough choice, but I think discipline is more important than passion. Passion is what you have when you look forward to something. It's the thing that makes you excited about doing something, or the thing that makes you feel like you want to do it even if you don't know why. Discipline is what happens when you actually put in the time and effort to do whatever it is that has your passion and get rewarded with an outcome more than just wanting it.

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It's just like someone who has a passion for writing, they enjoy doing it and they publish articles once in a while but aren't putting in their best because they see it as more of a hobby. Even when they do put in their best, they aren't consistent and can't seem to find the right motivation to push them because all they have is their "passion".

The thing is, it's easy to be passionate about something. You get all fired up with excitement and you want to do your best at it. But what if that passion isn't enough? What if you're just as excited and enthusiastic about something but you don't have the discipline to make it happen?

Passion is important because it can motivate us to try harder and do more than we would have otherwise. But passion alone isn't enough for most people who want to reach their full potential. Everyone has different goals, and some people need a little bit of passion and motivation in order to get started, while others need more discipline so they can stay on track.

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You can have passion without discipline; it just means that there's no real commitment behind what you're doing. If you are really passionate about something but don't take action on it, then eventually your passion will fade away and it will become something else (like a hobby). But if you do take action on something because of your passion, then over time all those actions will lead to a positive outcome (which could be anything from getting paid work as an artist to getting promoted at work).

Discipline is what makes the difference between success or failure—and it's not always easy! It requires sacrifice and hard work, but when you have the right combination of passion and discipline, you can achieve anything! (within your power)

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The final thing I'd like to leave you with is this: passion and discipline are both important. Passion will help you get started, but discipline will keep you going. Discipline is something that few have; passion is something that many claim to have. But only the disciplined few can see things through to the end, whereas the passionate many will often quit when times get tough.

The only way you're going to be able to reach your goals for this year (and beyond) is by having passion and discipline, not just one or the other. It's a combination of the two that will make all the difference in your life, so never forget that. It can be summed up in this way: Do what you need to do and don't quit until you've finished.


Thanks for reading 💖💖💖
Original content, first published on readcash
