RE: I Pay Back $15.30 HBD To My Mom And My Dad For My Stylus ✍️


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How will you tackle the challenges of untagged and just general NSFW content that appears to be rampant on the blockchain and NFT sites?

I'ma send her all my HBD (2) to help fund some NFT's in the future. She's free to do with the funds as she wills though :D


This has always been a concern, but so far no issues have arose. I have her focused on content creation, and the only time she is browsing around where we might run into these issues is when she does her daily 10 comments and upvotes on posts she must find on the Blockchain.

There is a method to the madness though. I make sure she only interacts with accounts I've approved she follow, and also only interact in communities I've followed with her account. Other than that, I also have her sit by my side when she does this just so I can make sure things don't go awry.

Today is the day we sit down and I help her to upload her first tokenized artwork on the NFT Showroom. Thanks for the support.

Posted via | The City of Neoxian
