RE: Throwing up at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Orlando, USA


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We went to Harry Potter world a few years ago for my wife's 30th birthday and we both really enjoyed it. She also bought one of those expensive wands, the interactive ones that allow you to do "magic" around the park. She was standing in line with all these 8 year old kids waiting waiting her turn. It was pretty funny. That's That's shame that you felt so sick on the rides. That's no fun. I felt nauseous on the rides with the screens, the 4D rides, I think they're called. I still went on all of them but was always glad when they were over lol.
Also, I read the Harry Potter series as an adult (last year basically) and really enjoyed it. It's quite good if you ever need something easy to read.


Did you read the whole series, during lockdown? At least, that was something nice to keep you occupied during lockdown. So your wife is a Harry Potter fan? The thought of her standing in queue with the kids does sound quite funny. Did you have to stand with her 😊?


Yes I read it during lockdown. You kind of have to push yourself through the first book because it's poorly written (expected from a first time author without a proper editor) but then it gets very good. The series becomes more adult as you go along. I really enjoyed the movies as well though. My wife is a huge H.P. fan and has read them multiple times. Luckily I didn't have to wait in line with her lol.
