
Saludos amigos de Hive, hoy deseo compartirles la segunda entrega de esta historia que me pareció digna de ser leída, narrada y comentada, pues nunca pensé que esto pudiera ser real, me siento muy emocionado de ser partícipe de este blog, ya que este tema me apasiona.

Imagen de Gerd Altmann en Pixabay

Sé que la vida no termina con la muerte, el mundo espiritual existe y de las obras que hagamos aquí, depende nuestra estancia allá, por ello el libre albedrio debemos saberlo llevar, por nuestro propio bien, pero aquí no tocare ese tema, es solo a manera de reflexión.

Greetings friends of Hive, today I want to share with you the second installment of this story that I found worthy of being read, narrated and commented, because I never thought that this could be real, I feel very excited to be part of this blog, since I am passionate about this topic.

I know that life does not end with death, the spiritual world exists and the works we do here, depends on our stay there, so the free will we must know how to carry, for our own good, but here I will not touch that topic, it is only a way of reflection.

Imagen de Karin Henseler en Pixabay

El segundo encuentro con la muerte que vivió Lucia fue a los nueve años de edad, en su comunidad vivía un muchacho que era conocido por su mano de gatillo alegre, mataba a cualquier persona, muchas veces sin motivo, le tenían miedo y no llegaba a dieciocho años de edad.

Venia Lucia con sus padres una noche y vieron al gatillo alegre compartiendo un botín con su socio, entonces ella les dice:

-Ese muchacho va a morir con los pies cruzados, la mano en el cuello y un tiro en la frente.
-¡Muchacha! déjate de esas cosas.

Llegaron a su casa y se desvistieron, se sentaron a cenar, repentinamente llego un vecino a dar la noticia que acababan de matar al gatillo alegre, la madre en su curiosidad fue a ver el cadáver y justamente quedo en la posición que describió su hija.

The second encounter with death that Lucia experienced was when she was nine years old, in her community there lived a boy who was known for his trigger happy hand, he would kill anyone, often for no reason, they were afraid of him and he was not even eighteen years old.

Lucia came with her parents one night and saw the trigger happy sharing a loot with his partner, then she tells them:

-That boy is going to die with his feet crossed, his hand on his neck and a shot in the forehead.
-Girl! stop that stuff.

They arrived home and undressed, sat down to dinner, suddenly a neighbor arrived to give the news that they had just killed the trigger happy, the mother in her curiosity went to see the corpse and was just in the position described by her daughter.

Imagen de Comfreak en Pixabay

Yo sorprendido por la historia, comienzo a hondar en la búsqueda de detalles, ¿Cómo te llegan esas revelaciones? Ella me cuenta que primero siente mucho frio y se eriza su piel, pero lo que no le gusta de su don, es sentir la tristeza que siente cada futuro difunto, dice que es un sentimiento desolador, como si estuvieran vacíos, eso le da muchas ganas de llorar.

Surprised by the story, I begin to delve into the search for details, how do these revelations come to you? She tells me that at first she feels very cold and her skin gets bristly, but what she doesn't like about her gift, is to feel the sadness that each future deceased feels, she says it is a desolate feeling, as if they were empty, that makes her want to cry a lot.

Imagen de Grae Dickason en Pixabay

Su tercer encuentro fue con un vecino, tenía un enamorado que la visitaba mucho y una tarde que conversaban le dijo:

-Un amigo tuyo va a morir hoy, frente a la empresa de baterías, su cuerpo quedara doblado y cuando lo saquen del carro, su cabeza quedara expuesta.
-¡Tú estás loca!... Con tus creencias absurdas.

En la tarde llega su enamorado gritándole:

-¡Bruja!... ¡Eres una bruja! a ti hay que tenerte miedo.
-¿Qué paso?
-Mi amigo Felipe murió donde dijiste y como dijiste. Iba en su moto repentinamente se estrelló contra un carro, su cuerpo traspaso el parabrisas y quedo doblado con la espalda frente a su cara y cuando lo sacaron, quedo colgada su cabeza, como que si su cuello creció.
-Si ya lo había visto.

Her third encounter was with a neighbor, she had a lover who visited her a lot and one afternoon when they were talking, she told him: "A friend of yours is going to die today, in front of the battery company:

-A friend of yours is going to die today, in front of the battery company, his body will be bent and when they take him out of the car, his head will be exposed.
-You are crazy! With your absurd beliefs.

In the afternoon, her lover arrives shouting at her:

-You're a witch! You're a witch! You're the one to be afraid of!
-What happened?
-My friend Felipe died where you said and how you said. He was riding his motorcycle and suddenly crashed into a car, his body went through the windshield and was bent with his back in front of his face and when they pulled him out, his head was hanging, as if his neck had grown.
-Yes, I had already seen it.

Imagen de intographics en Pixabay

Luego me conto su cuarto encuentro, su hermano mayor estaba hospitalizado y ella fue a entrar a su cuarto, lo vio flotando como a un metro de altura, estaba en paño, la vio y le dio la espalda, se metió tras una cortina, entonces ella grita:

-¡Papá!... se murió mi hermano.
-¡Deja tus suposiciones!... Él está tranquilo en el hospital, ya son las ocho de la noche, no hay trasporte para trasladarnos, por lo que iremos mañana a verlo.

Muy temprano salieron a ver a su familiar, pero se encontraron con la noticia de que a las ocho de la noche había muerto.

Then she told me about her fourth encounter, her older brother was hospitalized and she went to enter his room, she saw him floating about a meter high, he was in a cloth, he saw her and turned his back on her, he went behind a curtain, then she screams:

-Dad!... my brother is dead.
-He is quiet in the hospital, it is already eight o'clock at night, there is no transport to move us, so we will go tomorrow to see him.

Early in the morning they went out to see their relative, but they found the news that at eight o'clock at night he had died.

Imagen de Sasin Tipchai en Pixabay

Esta segunda entrega espero les guste es de la vida real, la primera es esta THE GIFT I DO NOT WISH TO HAVE // EL DON QUE NO DESEO TENER (ENG)(ESP) si les gusto comenten, continuare con la tercera que es el final saludos.
Todas las imagenes son de pixabay.
Utilice el traductor gratuito DeepL.

This is the second installment, the first one is this one THE GIFT I DO NOT WISH TO HAVE // EL DON QUE NO DESEO TENER (ENG)(ESP) if you like it comment, I will continue with the third one which is the final one.
All images are from pixabay.
Use the free translator DeepL.


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