⚪🔴 Remember Pokémon GO? / ¿Se acuerdan de Pokémon GO? ⚪🔴 [ENG|ESP]

Best regards Hive community.🎮🕹️

Un saludo cordial comunidad de Hive🎮🕹️


Image edited by me, using photoshop / Imagen editada por mí, con photoshop

Do you remember in 2016 we were all playing the same video game? Kids, youngsters, adults, men, women, we were ALL out on the street trying to catch pokemons with our cell phone.

¿Se acuerdan de que en 2016 todos estábamos jugando al mismo videojuego? Niños, jóvenes, adultos, hombres, mujeres, TODOS estábamos en la calle intentando capturar pokemones con nuestro celular.


It was the novelty and innovation. A video game that uses augmented reality. Added to a franchise as beloved as Pokémon. Obviously, it was a success.

Era la novedad y lo innovador. Un videojuego que utiliza realidad aumentada. Sumado a una franquicia tan querida como Pokémon. Obviamente, fue un éxito.

Obviously, we are far from the best moment of Pokémon GO. At the beginning, it was played more for fashion than for fun. Today, it is still played by people who really like the game. Like me.
Evidentemente, estamos muy lejos del mejor momento de Pokémon GO. Al principio era jugado más por moda, que por gusto. Hoy en día, lo siguen jugando las personas que de verdad les gusta el videojuego. Como yo.

I show you some of my pokemones / Le presumo algunos de mis pokemones

Personally, I think Pokémon GO is one of the best games to enjoy with friends. There is nothing better than going out in a group to explore new places while catching pokemon, raiding, hatching eggs, etc. I dare say that this game is the one that most promotes exploration and physical activity.

En lo personal, creo que Pokémon GO es uno de los mejores juegos para disfrutar con amigos. No hay nada mejor que salir en grupo a explorar lugares nuevos mientras capturas pokemones, haces incursiones, eclosionas huevos, etc. Me atrevo a decir que este juego es el que más promueve la exploración y la actividad física.

The downside is that if you live in an unsafe country like mine (Argentina), there are times and places where you can't go out walking with your cell phone in your hand. A friend of mine had his cell phone stolen while playing Pokemon GO at night. It sucks, but that's the way it is.
Lo negativo es que si vives en un país inseguro como el mío (Argentina), hay horas y lugares donde no se puede salir a caminar con el celular en la mano. A un amigo le robaron el celular mientras jugaba Pokemon GO a la noche. Es una mierda, pero es lo hay.

Personally, I am quite fond of Pokémon games. In my life, I've played dozens of their console titles, Pokémon yellow, crystal, emerald, platinum, white, fire red, etc. And the biggest difference I find between traditional games and Pokémon GO, is their complexity.

En lo personal, soy bastante aficionado a los juegos de Pokémon. En mi vida, he jugado decenas de sus títulos para consola, Pokémon amarillo, cristal, esmeralda, platino, blanco, rojo fuego, etc. Y la mayor diferencia que encuentro entre los juegos tradicionales y el Pokémon GO, es su complejidad.

I like Pokémon Go, but its battle system is too primitive for what we're used to. It's designed to be played by your 95 year old grandfather, as well as your 2 year old nephew. Battles are basically based on punching the screen until an attack charges up. It requires very little strategy and intelligence. That would be the only negative point I see to the game.
Me gusta Pokémon Go, pero su sistema de batalla es demasiado primitivo para lo que estamos acostumbrados. Está diseñado para que lo pueda jugar tu abuelo de 95 años, como tu sobrino de 2 años. Las peleas se basan básicamente en darles golpes a la pantalla hasta que se cargue un ataque. Requiere muy poca estrategia e inteligencia. Ese sería el único punto negativo que le veo al juego.

Pokémon Go is a game to have it on your cell phone and open it every day for 10/15 minutes, capture something, see what event there is and send gifts. And from time to time get together with friends to go out and explore a little bit.

Pokémon Go es un juego para tenerlo en el celular y abrirlo todos los días 10/15 minutos, capturar algo, ver qué evento hay y mandar regalos. Y de vez en cuando juntarte con amigos para salir a explorar un poco.

This is not the best game in the world, far from it, but for a free mobile game, it is very good. Anyone who likes Pokémon, I recommend you to download this game.
Este no es el mejor juego del mundo, ni mucho menos, pero para ser gratis y de celular, es muy bueno. Todo aquel que le guste Pokémon, le recomiendo que se bajen este juego.


Thank you very much for reading my blog. It is a pleasure to share with you. I look forward to posting in this community in the future. I send you all a big hug and hope you are having a good day.👽🤙

Muchas gracias por leer mi blog. Es un placer compartir con ustedes. Espero poder publicar en esta comunidad en un futuro. Les mando un fuerte abrazo a todos y espero que estén teniendo un buen día.. 👽🤙


Todos mis links aquí 👇 / All my links here 👇



I remember when was the boom of pokemon go I always wanted to play it quietly but sadly I could not first my cell phone was not much capacity to say, and secondly I live in vzla AJJAJAJAJAJ, also is that where I lived at that time was where my grandmother and was not a very safe place to say, so my experience with Pokemon go was very little. I'm glad it's still working though. Good post bro <3


I would not dare to take out my cell phone to play Pokémon GO in Venezuela. If Argentina is dangerous, I can't even imagine it there. Thanks for your comment, my friend.


I got an account in Pokemon GO. I was able to play for a couple of days but then I kind of just stop playing it.


Understandable. For some people the game can be boring. More so if you have no one to play with.
