No To Climate Change Propaganda


The meeting of global elites in Davos is hypocrisy. They came with hundreds of private jets.

Davos just promoted the scientist who is behind the claim that "billions of people" will die from climate change. It's nonsense. I have debunked him now not just once but twice. The second time I debunked him he claimed he was misquoted by The Guardian.

Before it's too late, the public, especially the internet social media community, must fight climate change propaganda. Keep using oil and other fuels and show it to the public.

Do not buy a motorcycle or electric car. You know what? how great the damage caused by nickel mining as a raw material for batteries. Your air is clean but it's damaged by our nickel-producing nature.

The stupidity of netizens is when the first covid-d propaganda. Everyone became stupid and nodded their heads to wear masks and keep their distance. Then we are in brackets for 14 days, if it is still lacking, add another 14 days and so on.

As a result of the lockdown, the economy was destroyed and inflation increased in various countries. Slowly but surely, countries that have imposed lockdowns are starting to rise but be careful. In the next few years there will be a climate lockdown.

Restrictions on purchasing fuel, and restrictions on travel by vehicle. At our place, fuel purchases must use a customer ID with a barcode. But in practice it is not implemented because it only causes problems such as traffic jams.

There is a plan that buying fuel must be at one station and not allowed at other stations. However, this will be rejected because the food distribution channel will definitely be disrupted.

The global elite influence policies in our country, Indonesia. Fortunately, most Indonesians do not use smartphones, so these policies are not implemented. Smart phones are only held by young people and middle class workers. Moms who shop at the market don't carry smart phones. And this state is so good that they cannot be controlled.

When the government will implement the purchase of LPG gas with a smartphone, moms will reject it. The lower-middle-class Indonesian people are simple and don't know too much about technology. They have smartphones just to watch funny YouTube and use social media. They are the most important fun. If they shop, use cash.

Fight climate propaganda by buying a fuel motorbike, using cash and don't share and like news about climate change.
