
Farming is a source of food in every country. There are some countries that have no farming area. They should import the food from others. In my country , there are large farming areas. There are millions traditional farmers live there. Most of them are old people or 1960s to 1970s generation. 1980s to 2000s generation tend to be reluctant in farming. I know there are some reasons why farming become less interesting for young people in my country. Does your country have the same case?


Traditional farming are still preserved by our granparents and parents. They grow rice in a year twice. In dry season they grow beans. In one year there are only three planting time. Rice can be harvested about three months and so can the soy and green bean.
This is one of housing development that is not friendly to farming area in my country.


This is the biggest problem why young people tend to be urbans. After graduating from vocational school or University, most young people go to big cities in Indonesia. Most of them are in Jakarta area, Surabaya, Medan, Bali and Makasar. Those are big cities in Indonesia. Young people like to work in industries or do some business in cities.

Working in industries or do business in big cities are give them more income than become farmers. Modern farming are done by few who have educational skill in farming. Most young people do not study farming. Many schools and universities open economic, engineering, and information technology faculties. Universities that serves farming faculties only a few. They are Institut Pertanian Bogor ( IPB). This is the biggest university of farming in Indonesia. However, most of the graduates works in farming companies. Only a few of the graduates work as the enterpreneur in farms so sharing knowledge among the graduates and traditional farmers are limited.

Another reason is land reduction. The development is my country is not friendly to farm land. Many houses are built in farming and fertile land. That is a bad policy of our government. Now, Indonesia with large land become importer of rice and vegetables.

Ekonom senior Universitas Indonesia Faisal Basri mengatakan adanya krisis akibat Covid-19 menunjukkan kurangnya ketahanan pangan di Tanah Air. Karena secara umum, menurut dia, impor pangan Indonesia selama ini tergolong tinggi.

Salah satu komoditas pangan yang banyak diimpor adalah sayuran. "Impor sayur, saya kaget. Impor sayur itu sudah mencapai 770 juta dolar setahun pada 2019," ujar Faisal menyitir data dari Badan Pusat Statistik dalam diskusi daring, Jumat, 22 Mei 2020.

From the statistic and statement of economist form University of Indonesia, Faisal Basri said that Indonesia imported vegetables and fruits about 770 Million USD. That is a big money if government gives incentives to local farmers or to educate young people in farming industries.


Farming is the future industry. In the future, there will be lack of source land and farming area. By using technology, young people should involved food production. They should be part of the basic economic need. "Food" is the basic need now and the future.
*This is rice field. Before farmer plant the rice, the field is soaked with water and the land is cultivated.


Food is an important resource and in the current world economy we are already short of food. So you rightly say we would need technology to grow food and increase the harvest.
Also agriculture involves a lot of hard work and in most parts of the world climate and nature play a big part.
One storm or insect infestation can destroy the whole crop.

Perhaps that is the reason that the young people prefer more stable jobs.

However we must all be connected to the soil and grow our own food if not entirely then at least partially by way of a small kitchen garden.
This way we would remain connected with the plight of the farmer community and the hardships faced by them.


Tech for farm is the answer. I think you are right. technolocy will increase the production of food in the future. Young people should learn about technology in farming. The weakness is that in my country, graduates from the best university in farming work in big companies. They enjoy high salary instead of becoming farmers.
