Losing them has been the worst thing in my life | Week #139


One more week where for the weekend, it has become a good habit for me to come to #weekend-engagement to see what ideas my friend @Galenkp has come up with for those of us who follow his valuable initiative to write about during the weekend.

As they are always topics that most of us could take out tips as the saying goes, this time I will give an answer to the proposal of the loss and how I have overcome it. I was reading each one of the topics presented, when I saw the one about the loss, all of a sudden part of my family that has gone to another plane came to my mind. They are the ones I am writing about.

Those you see on the cover of my post, are my brothers and my dad, they left very young, leaving me with a broken heart. One after the other, practically, almost 6 years after he left first, my brother Yordany, he was only 23 years old, when who knows who took his life, leaving us all dismayed, it was something sudden and knowing that the 3 losses hurt me, his loss left me mourning for several years.

I did not even want to smile, because I felt that I could not be happy, having my brother in the ground. My friends would invite me to go out and I thought that this was a lack of his memory and not to mention when I listened to music that I liked a lot, my feet would move by themselves, that made my conscience stir, I didn't want to feel that life would go on if my brother was not with us.

What could I do to overcome it, nothing special, just go on with life and mourning, inside and out, since I did not wear anything colorful, as it is customary in these parts, when a loved one dies. By the way, I didn't even go to the beach because it was fun, the truth was a little tragic, my friends told me that it was.


When my sister died, who was the one who left after almost 3 years, that was heartbreaking, breast cancer took her away, it hurt us a lot, but we felt that she was resting in peace from so much pain, she was suffering a lot, those of us who were left comforted each other and focused on taking care of her children. I also mourned her as she deserved. Not as much as my brother.

My dad is going to be 2 years since he left us, about a month ago I had taken away my sister's mourning, why did I say why suffer so much and attract more suffering; however, the mourning, the dark and the pain again had come into my life, my dad had several strokes (Cardio Vascular Accident) something that was taking his life little by little, in a short time.

Another blow, that although it hurt us too much, has been making us stronger, because my mom is a sick person too and we left the mourning a little more than a year, we want to leave all that behind, be happy, distract ourselves, share with family, not everything is sadness and calamities.

To overcome the loss, we remember them with affection and we always remember the good moments we lived and learn from the bad experiences not to commit them again. We always keep them in mind, we visit their graves, we bring them flowers, we know that they do not even see it, but that comforts us. Even on their birthdays we make their cakes and pray for perpetual light to fill them with peace in a better place, where I think they are.

I will always love you brothers Yordanny and Karen and my father Giovanni. God rest their souls.

The photos were taken by me, they were edited more than a year ago by a family member and now I edited them again with the Picsart app.

This is my participation for week 139 in the weekend experience community. Thank you so much for reading. God bless you.


Photos taken by @leidimarc

Device | Samsung Galaxy A20

Photos edited in | App Picsart

Separators made in | CC Express for Samsung

Translation with| DeepL

Weekend-engagement weekend family life lifestyle org
Lost waivio NEOXIAN alive


Your words about loss and how you've overcome it are so touching and inspiring. I'm sure they're looking down on you with love and pride. Also with our family this coming March, will be year old of one of our dear love one who passed away. Thank you for sharing this heartfelt post and happy weekends.


Thank you for reading my friend @eunoia101, the truth is that it is something that hurts a lot, step by step one is keeping that pain and smiling at life, which is the most precious thing we have.

Enjoy yours with your family too. May your departed loved ones rest in peace.


I'm so sorry for your losses. That is a lot to take on in such a short time.
I lost my father first, and then my mother 2 years or so later.
They were both sick, although my mothers' death was still unexpected.
And now last week, my brother passed away as well. He was sick also but only for a short time and it was still unexpected. He was much older than me but still too young to go.

But I can't even imagine how it must have been for you, losing your brother at such a young age. And for your mother to lose two children. I can't imagine how this must be for you both, losing two siblings/children. Losing a husband is horrible too, of course, but a child...My best friend lost her youngest son in an accident and the two weeks I spent with her and her family leading up to the funeral and after were the two worst weeks of my life, and it wasn't my child! He and his brother basically grew up with my daughter and we saw each other almost every day. It's left a very deep scar behind in our hearts, even for us.

I'm so sorry you've had to go through all of it. I truly feel for you and can't imagine the heartache you were dealing with. But I can also see that you are strong, and over time, maybe things become easier. We'll always miss our loved ones but time heals, little by little.

Thank you for sharing your story. Much love.


So it is something very painful friend @misslasvegas well you know why you have gone through that. What a pitiful thing that has happened to you and worse that at this moment you are in that moment of mourning for your brother, may God give you the strength that your heart needs. May God have you in his Holy Glory.

If you knew that when my dad died, I was just starting a page called Noise.cash, the truth is that being active and receiving the encouragement of my friends online distracted my mind a lot.

Because my dad's death was something horrible, it was watching him die little by little in a hospital because nothing could be done, every now and then he would run out of breath and I would run to find the doctor, what they said was that he was going to die slowly, it was horrible really.

That is why after a while we wanted to leave the mourning aside and not call our life more tragedies.

We have to be happy to attract more happiness.

Of course, all this after the pain of his departure has passed a little.

Thank you for reading and leaving me your valuable comment. Strength and faith my friend 🤗🤗🤗


Three very hard losses my beautiful friend, not only because they were your most loved ones, but also because of the circumstances of each one.
You are a strong woman and in spite of the pain you are always optimistic and your faith characterizes you. Not many could do it after going through what you have lived through.
I hug you tight friend. God bless you always


Yes beautiful friend, the 3 deaths were totally different and each one was horrible, no death is beautiful, but they were really 3 traumatic deaths, it was God who kept my mother still with strength to continue, because I am the strongest of all, I was also walking like her.

The truth is that I only wanted to mourn my brothers and my dad, and I would not see them anymore.

Those were hard moments, which I hope will not happen again for at least many more years.

It has already been a lot.

Thank you beautiful friend, Amen 😙🤗


The physical loss of our loved ones is the hardest of all, but time heals the wound as it did for you.

I have heard that people now make birthday cakes for their deceased, it is a nice way to share the pain of mourning as a family.

I have not had such close losses, only 3 of my grandparents and my closest tips, they hurt me but to imagine that the time came for my own siblings or parents I already feel devastated.

I send you a big hug friend


Yes my friend, we always have them present for everything we do at home, in any subject they come up, how could they not if we all lived so many years together, united, supporting each other in good times and bad.

It is too painful to tell God to the family in those circumstances that the three of them died, my brother at 23, my sister at 33 and my father at 54, all very young to leave, but God called them to meet him.

Thank you beautiful friend 🤗😙
