RE: Sublime Sunday - 08.21.22 Another Trip To Dim Witt with a new Action Cam!


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I believe You are right on that.. Not only that people are really "so much friendlier", says something!
She may have been a Cougar, who knows? She probably has all the time in the world to play with it and it probably makes her some fun! 👍🏼😁👍🏼

Now that is Something! When someone approaches You and says that! A Magical Moment, to be remembered - at least! An honour for sure! 👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼
And I am sure that is what she saw! I think when you first change things you shine a bit more than after awhile..
Short version is it's because "it's new to you too"!😉

That "is" something that is in my "to do list"!
You can believe I am visiting!

Yes back to work! 😉 I mean we are Suppose to do something - so...
And Yes the change is happening - we are the Lucky ones!
And "I Am Back"! Glad the Positivity reached out and grabbed "Me"! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

It Will be a Awesome Positive Energy Week!
I Can Feel It!
Enjoy it and Yourself!
Let's Do This, and We Will
"Positive Monday"!


It does tell you that the energy truly shifted to positive 😊😎 very interesting and cool to experience!
Let’s keep it going…
Yep, probably just like that hehehe 🤭

It was indeed such a magical moment I never will forget. I even still can picture her before me. Even after some years.
I do understand what you say. As all is new, to the outside world and to me. It could well be just like that.

That’s great that is on your list of to do, visited them there. Yep… it has to be.

Indeed, we are spreading the positive energy. We are doing the best we can, with all the new changes around us. All will be just fine 🤩🤓
Glad it did indeed… ✨✨✨🤞🏻😎

And let it be a positive energy week. New things will happen.
Let’s do this and have fun. Let’s bee 🐝 happy.
Have a wonderful magical positive energy day today 👋🏻✨🤞🏻🍀
Enjoy it… every little moment.


Yes it has, and it is pretty Awesome! 🙌🏼✨🙌🏼✨🙌🏼
I am enjoying the change, and I have a theory - but either way it's Positivity to Me! 👍🏼😁👍🏼

Maybe, of course maybe she should tell you that to make "You" aware.. One thing for sure is You met a being who is "Aware", out of the blue. All such experiences are Magical!
They Are!

Absolutely it does! And will happen for sure!
That is important to me! 📋

Yes we are! And going to do even more! Yes it takes awhile to settle into this, that I see.. But it is about there now I would say!
And "Thank You" @littlebee4 !
That is Very nice of You to say,. Really!

Have a Very Amazing Tuesday,
Stay Blessed and Happy - Take Care and Always Be Safe!
Let's Do This and Make it Magical!


All is positivity so all good 🤩😎😃

Yes, it was magical… especially as you do not meet them very often. Maybe it had that purpose to make me aware. It did make me question and look into things, that moment. 🤓😊

You are welcome @lesmann 😊🤗

Have a wonderful magical positive energy day today 👋🏻✨
Stay safe and blessed ☀️☕️ Let’s bee 🐝 happy…
Let’s make it magical.
Happy Tuesday 👋🏻😊🐝✨👋🏻🍀


Correct! @littlebee4 👋🏼✨👋🏼✨👋🏼

Yes it is funny, huh? Not only did You get the well wishes but also You got the thought to look a little closer,
Always Good! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

Wonderful Blessed Mid-Week I am Wishing You!
Stay Safe Have Fun and be Happy Yourself!
Make It Magical!
