What should we be eating to be healthy and vibrant?


I believe that we are what we eat, but I also think it's important to remember that there is a difference between what we need to eat in order to stay alive, and what will make us feel great. It seems like every day there's another study about how X food causes Y disease or makes you fat, so it can be hard to know which foods are actually good for you. The truth is, we don't have all the answers yet, but we do know that certain things just aren't as healthy as they're made out to be. For example, white bread isn't very nutritious at all—it's basically empty calories with almost no nutritional value whatsoever.

On the other hand, whole grains contain fiber and nutrients that help keep our bodies functioning properly. So, if you want to eat something that will nourish your body, stick to whole grains over refined ones. That being said, sometimes even whole grain products aren't as healthy as they claim. A lot of people assume that because whole wheat is on the package, it must be healthier than regular white flour. However, when manufacturers add extra vitamins and minerals to their products, they often end up adding more sugar or fat as well. This means that while whole wheat may be better for you, it doesn't necessarily mean that the product itself is any healthier. There's no such thing as a free lunch, after all!

image source pixabay.com

So what should we be eating? Well, the answer to that question depends on who you ask. But I'm going to give you my two cents anyway. First off, let me say this: If you're trying to lose weight, you should probably avoid anything that tastes good. Yes, that includes chocolate, ice cream, and pizza. If you want to stay fit, you have to put your health first.

Unfortunately, taste usually comes second. To get around this, I recommend finding foods that are both tasty and nutritious. For example, if you love pizza, try making one from scratch instead of buying a frozen version. You'll save money, too!

The next time you go grocery shopping, pay attention to the ingredients listed on the packaging. Look for products that list "whole" or "natural" ingredients before "sugar," "fat," or any other additives. If you see something that looks like it was made in a factory rather than grown in a field, then you might want to skip it. The fewer ingredients listed on the label the better, in general. Also, look for foods that contain protein. Proteins are essential for building muscle, and many people find them easier to digest than carbohydrates.

Now, if you want to be super healthy, you should probably avoid all animal products. Animal proteins contain saturated fats, which can cause heart disease. Some people claim that these fats are necessary for good health, but the science just doesn't back that up. Eating meat can also lead to environmental problems, since raising animals takes a lot of resources. Plus, most people don't realize that most of the animals we raise for food aren't even raised humanely. They spend their entire lives in tiny cages, only getting enough space to move around once a day.

If you do decide to eat meat, make sure you buy organic whenever possible. Factory farms use antibiotics and hormones to make their animals grow faster and bigger, but those chemicals end up contaminating the soil and water. As a result, you may not be able to tell if your meat is truly organic just by looking at it. Buying local is also an option, since farmers tend to raise their animals in ways that are more sustainable.

As far as fruits and vegetables go, it's best to eat them raw. Cooking destroys some of the nutrients found in plants, and can change the way they taste. In fact, some people even claim that cooking makes produce less nutritious. If you want to cook your food, however, steaming is probably your safest bet. That way, you won't damage any of the nutrients in your food. Also, try to avoid using oils when cooking. Oils are high in calories, and can also contribute to weight gain. Instead, use water or broth to sauté your veggies.

One last tip: If you want to lose weight, it's probably a good idea to cut down on the amount of salt you consume. Most of the sodium we eat comes from processed foods, like canned soups and packaged snacks. These foods are convenient, but they're not always the best choice. Try to avoid them whenever you can.

That's all I have for today. I hope you enjoyed my answer, and that it helped you out a little bit!


I love the answer you gave and what you started your post with;

I believe that we are what we eat, but I also think it's important to remember that there is a difference between what we need to eat in order to stay alive, and what will make us feel great.

This is very true because I agree to it that there is a big difference between eating to stay alive and eating to be healthy and great. Many people in a bid to stay alive due to hunger have made them eat whatever they see and do not mind their health, but it is important to stay healthy too and there are foods one must avoid which you have mentioned in your post.

Thank you for posting in the Ecotrain community.


Nice, good combination food that has health standard and adds to the spirit. Thank you.
