Is that business dead? Is minting Photography NFTs worth it?

Despite the fact I decided to start minting Photography NFTs to that new collection that I called "Iceland, my favorite travel photographs", I've been asking myself several questions.

  • Is spending time and other valuable resources to mint my photographs worth it?
  • What am I doing wrong, 'cause there are no sells?
  • Is my floor price of 0.07 ETH too high? Or too low?
  • Is it the best strategy to sell these as single, 1/1, exclusively on OpenSea?
  • Is OpenSea the best platform for that? I tried few others
  • Are my works that bad that no one wants to have them? I suspect here, the reasons may be others, as I have hundreds of sales from the stock agency photo sites and directly.
  • So, should I continue to publish there or just give up and focus my efforts somewhere else?

I would love to hear your experience and advices, thanks in advance!

So here are a couple of snapshots of how my new collection looks like. I have few more Iceland photographs in line to be uploaded there in high quality, full size and 300 ppi so they are great for printing too.



Thank you for your time and support, please check out below few other ways to encourage me in my difficult visual art endeavor and stay in touch!

You could get a license here for some of my visual works approved by the quality review team of Adobe, Inc.:

I use and recommend those services below, following my referral links is a win-win for both you and me:

Copyright: Light Captured
For licensing my photos, please drop me a message on Discord: lightcaptured#2698


Have a great day, stay safe, stay strong and let your muse be always on your shoulder!


I actually have the same doubts, no answers :-)

I think unless there is a fan following or a popular artist part of a collective its not easy to sell on these platforms like foundation and opensea. Perphaps we must try to create such collective of independent artists and then attempt to promote ourselves ?


That's a wonderful idea.
I guess all those ETH & wETH investors just moved onto all the meta-verses as they prospect for quicker and bigger ROI.
I think you're right - famous people and celebrities easily sell everything, no matter the quality.

Have some !PIZZA :)
