BREAKING: Austria imposes compulsory vaccination from February 1st [eng/срп] УДАРНА ВЕСТ: Аустрија уводи обавезну вакцинацију од 1. фебруара


Source / Извор:

Bearing in mind the fact that no one guarantees the efficasy and safety of ‘vaccines’ with which states and corporative media attack people, coercion to vaccinate is a crime that can no longer be stopped peacefully…

Austria is the first country to completely withdraw from the democratic regime, and started to treat its own citizens as subjugates, objects over which it can do anything. Today, conservative Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg told a news conference that a complete lockdown of the nation (both vaccinated and unvaccinated) would begin on Monday and last for an initial 10 days. And that it won’t last longer than 20 days. After that, lockdown stays in force for unvaccinated only. And from February 2022, ‘vaccination’ will be compulsory for everyone without distinction – as if ‘vaccines’ have no contraindications at all!

Do not try to find logic in this, because there is no logic in mass crime. There is only mass psychosis. That is why only psychopathic logic can be found in everything: Schallenberg made this decision only nine days after meeting with Aleksandar Soros, the successor of his father George’s project.

Имајући у виду чињеницу да за исправност и безбедност ‘вакцина’ којима државе и медији нападају људе нико не гарантује, принуда на вакцинацију представља злочин који се више не може зауставити мирним путем…

Аустрија је прва држава која је у потпуности иступила из демократског режима, и почела своје грађане да третира као поданике, над којима може извршити било шта. Данас је конзервативни канцелар Александар Шаленберг на конференцији за новинаре рекао да ће потпуно затварање нације (и за вакцинисане и за невакцинисане) почети у понедељак и да ће трајати првих 10 дана. И да неће трајати дуже од 20 дана. После тога затварање ће важити само за невакцинисане. А од фебруара 2022. ‘вакцинација’ ће бити обавезна за све без разлике – као да ‘вакцина’ нема баш никакве контраиндикације!

Немојте покушавати да нађете у овоме логику, јер логике у масовном злочину нема. Постоји само масовна психоза. Зато се у свему може пронаћи једино психопатска логика: Шаленберг је ову одлуку донео само девет дана после сусрета са Александром Сорошем, настављачем злочиначког пројекта свог оца Ђерђа.

Alexander Soros and Alexander Schallenberg. Source / Извор:

If Austria is no longer a democracy, then what is? Colleagues from the site logič correctly concluded that this was the initial act of creating the Fourth Reich. Their reasoning is correct:

“The American and British incitement of the European peoples against Russia is significant, precisely in the pre-revolutionary period where the people are fighting frantically against the government corrupted by a Big Pharma mafia.

Everything is ready as in 1939. May God help us. Let’s be together. Let’s talk to our relatives and neighbors and not allow ourselves to bleed again for the interests of financial lobbies that no longer have a way out or a solution.”

And lo and behold! Who is next with the great ‘case rise’? Germany! They are also preparing legislation to abolish democracy according to the Austrian model.

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Source / Извор:

Never forget Julian Assange was the first to expose global criminals
Не заборавите да је Џулијан Асанж први разоткрио глобалнe злочинце

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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 80 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


imagine the pleasure to murder all the children of all the austrian inteliigence officiers, before them, and then feed them to them? you see? then all the micro austrian army, same, kill all their families, feed them to them? ahhh not rdy to do that... ahhh okay... so lose.


remember they are ready to kill YOUR kids... isn't it only fair to be ready to kill theirs? anyway, the laws of war aren't for the weak, those are slaves to be, as they always were.
