BREAKING — ICJ: Israel must stop genocidal acts in Gaza!


Source / Извор: ICJ

Yes, there will be a genocide case against Israel!

In just announced provisional ruling, ICJ denied Israel’s request to dismiss the genocide case, and instructed Israel to take all necessary measures to prevent genocide in the Gaza Strip. These are key points from the reading by the President of the International Court of Justice, Joan Donoghue:

ICJ-2024-01-26_134615.JPGSource / Извор: RT News

• ICJ: South Africa has standing to submit genocide allegations
• The ICJ has denied Israel’s request to dismiss the genocide case
• ICJ: Some accusations against Israel are within the provisions of the genocide convention
• ICJ can arbitrate emergency measures in the genocide case involving Israel
• ICJ acknowledges the right of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip to be protected from acts of genocide
• The International Court of Justice instructed Israel to take all necessary measures to prevent genocide in the Gaza Strip
• ICJ: Israel must punish all those who call for genocide of Palestinians
• ICJ: Israel must take immediate measures to provide the basic services required in the event of war to Palestinians suffering from difficult circumstances and take measures to prevent the destruction of evidence of the commission of genocide
• ICJ: Israel must report the measures to the court within one month

Source / Извор: RT News


This, of course, is only an interim decision opening the proceedings against Israel. It was a Prima Facie case of genocide, and out of four scenarios for this provisional decision, I would say we got the best one we could hope for:

ICJ-2024-01-26_144044.JPGSource / Извор:

The decision-maker may take years, but the text worded in this way is extremely important, because it shows several things: First, and most importantly – that exceptional nations do not exist! Second, the World cannot be indifferent against such gross violation of human right and International Law. And we have one very important point that should be reported to the ICJ within a month: Israel must punish all those who call for genocide of Palestinians! Which means complete Zionist government of Israel and good part of its Parliament! That leads us to the third point initiated with this decision – a greater war! Nobody from the Zionist leadership will allow to be tried for the genocidal crimes, so they will make situation even worse. it is their only chance. Then we will see how Israel’s key accomplices – the USA and United Kingdom – will react.

Which means we are closing to the moment when World will have to respond with force…

Never forget Julian Assange was the first to expose global criminals
Не заборавите да је Џулијан Асанж први разоткрио глобалнe злочинце

* * *

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* * *

Archive of texts:

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Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2020)

Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2019)

Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2018)

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That's a great start!
I'm liking 2024 more and more.
Thanks for the article. I haven't come across any news on this topic yet today


I guess you just don't get it. Nothing is ever going to happen unless they plan on going after Jared Kushner, Trump, democrats involved in pushing the Abraham Accords, Arab leaders who were the ones who were going to invest fifty billion into Gaza, Joe Biden and Kamala for what their expectations for the day after are, etc., etc., etc., oh, and EU president von er Leyen who stated: "it has never been more important for the public and private sector to create new connective tissue because none of these challenges respect borders. They each require collaboration, to manage risk and to forge a path forward", "creating prosperity, wealth and security for people", "creating equal opportunity and freedom".
What you just read is the court ordered Israel to manage the risk. I haven't read much on it but the headlines out there indicate Israel was ordered to do everything except halt the conflict. Essentially this is putting make up on a pig. Cases filed in the court against the vaccines have gone no where. What's happened in Ukraine with Russia chasing the hard right down into tunnels and slaughtering them, not a peep. This is their new world order of things. They started at the top and made a list of what works and what don't work. Curing disease over eliminating/curtailing the number of cases of disease will be more cost effective. That was costing the world governments more money per year than anything else. Ukraine came in second. Gaza came in third. Who's next? I am guessing Finland with the worlds second oldest population. But who can say for sure. You can't punish people for saying things either, they'd have to punish those wishing genocide upon Israel, like yourself. Now if they actively engaged in genocide while calling for genocide, that's totally different. Seriously, from where I am sitting I don't see anything in sight that seems to indicate there will be charges leveled against some of the most powerful people in the world who have set this agenda loose. As long as they continue to get away with the words spoken by them, we are all in danger.


I always have an impression that you read only a few selected lines of my texts, @sunlit7, not the entire text.


I read all the text. They want Israel to clamp down on the genocide or genocide sounding rhetoric, not punish people for it. They can't build the next Dubai with terrorist and terrorist tunnels everywhere. They are essentially clearing the ground for reconstruction. It's going to become a major import/export center for the shipment of energy supplies into the backdoor of Europe. This is the "new" connective tissue, those opposing the formation of this new world order will face dire consequences.

Just like I don't think we'll see the Ukraine war going on for years. I think they are in mop up mode. I think they've taken care of most of the buildings that are not structurally fit to be retrofitted to green energy, their "new fourth industrial revolution". It's costing them billions but there is billions to be made off it's reconstruction. They've taken care of most the right, hard right and extremist. (Probably why they shot down that plane, the object is to get rid of them). Right now they are running around conscripting anybody they can to take out more of the older population before they wrap things up. Maybe clean up a few slum area's left untouched yet, if they desired to reduce the poverty rate in Gaza by fifty percent that analogy can be applied elsewhere. (Jared Kushner's own words on Gaza). That's why my bet would be if this expands Finland would be a next best bet, or Poland for it's strong nationalist ties. The object is to clear as many as possible off the earth who'll be dependent upon the social program networks by 2030 and bring in migrants of younger age to offset the damages from a global collapse come 2030. Yes they could have taken all these billions they are spending and prop up those systems but there's no rate of return on that. That's further debt. War brings in revenue from military contractors, rebuilding brings in revenue from reconstruction. Killing people reduces the load on social safety networks. Bring in migrants brings in millions of people who have more kids than there white counterparts and expect less in return on wages. Nothings going to happen to these people because they have all the money in the world to control people with.


I gave this link to someone else last night, it's rather interesting. It's from the US census.

Beginning in 2030, net international migration is expected
to overtake natural increase
as the driver of population
growth in the United States
because of population aging.
That year, the United States
is projected to add 1 million
people by natural increase
(the number of births minus
deaths) but 1.1 million through
net international migration.
Because the number of deaths
is projected to rise substantially, in 2060 the U.S. population is projected to add about
500,000 people by natural
increase, whereas net international migration is expected
to add more than twice that
number—1.1 million—to the
• The population is projected
to grow more from international migration than natural
increase in coming decades
because of population aging.
As baby boomers age into
older adulthood, the number
of deaths is projected to rise
faster than the number of
births. As a result, the population will naturally grow very
slowly, leaving international
migration to overtake natural
increase as the leading cause
of population growth, even as
projected levels of migration
remain relatively flat.

This is why I'd guess they are doing a lot of what they call "paroling" of migrants into the US. That allow them to work. The rest who don't get parole will work illegally, all unclaimed taxes paid into the system that no one collects but the federal, state and local governments.


You could call it a tit for tat situation. Killing off the older non productive population (retired) for younger working population.
