BREAKING NEWS: Covid Passes in Serbia! [eng/срп] УДАРНА ВЕСТ: Ковид пропуснице у Србији!


Source / Извор: Спутњик

As soon as the introduction of covid passes in NATO countries began, it was clear that the colonial administration in Serbia would do the same thing, and we announced that. They are little late because searched for a modality that would not immediately provoke a mass resistance…

And they found it! At today’s session of the Crisis Headquarters, it was decided that from Saturday, October 23rd, a Covid pass will be introduced in Serbia, but which will be applied only after 10 pm for all indoor mass gathering facilities. Details in Serbian language you can read at this link. So this is the beginning of unprecedented terror.

As soon as the population agrees with the unconstitutional measure of discrimination, the application of that measure will expand very quickly, of course, ‘all because of your health protection’. This is actually the annulment of rights and the introduction of slavery, and now is the last moment for you to understand:

Slaves have no right to health

You don't have to wait, you can immediately conclude the following from your slave status:

Slaves have no right to education

And that is why the ‘crisis headquarters’ (probably so called because of the creation of the crisis) will immediately abolish your education:

Чим је почело увођење ковид пропусница у НАТО државама, било је јасно да ће колонијална управа у Србији учинити исту ствар, и то смо најавили. Мало касне јер су тражили модалитет који неће сместа изазвати масовну побуну…

И нашли су га! На данашњој седници Кризног штаба одлучено је да се од суботе 23. октобра, у Србији уведу ковид пропуснице, али које ће се примењивати само после 22 сата за све угоститељске објекте у затвореном простору. Детаље можете прочитати на овом линку. Ово је дакле почетак досад невиђеног терора.

Чим се становништво прећутно сложи са противуставном мером дискриминације, примена те мере ће се врло брзо проширити наравно ‘све због вашег здравља’. То је поништавање права и увођење у ропски статус, а сад је последњи час да схватите:

Робови немају право на здравље

Не морате чекати, можете из свог робовског статуса одмах закључити и следеће:

Робови немају право на образовање

И зато ће вам ‘кризни штаб’ (ваљда тако назван због стварања кризе) одмах укинути и образовање:

BREAKING NEWS: Next step – complete transition to online teaching
Source / Извор: Спутњик

Remember: You can’t comply your way out of tyranny!

Запамтите: Из тираније се не може изаћи покоравањем!


Notice for all citizens of Smederevo:

Tonight, October 20, at 8 pm, on the main city square,
a protest against the introduction of Covid passes.

See you!

Never forget Julian Assange was the first to expose global criminals
Не заборавите да је Џулијан Асанж први разоткрио глобалнe злочинце

* * *

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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!


This is sad.
I wonder if there will be a world government that doesn't do the pharmaceutical companies' bidding.


yeah... but it will require dead children...


...of the enemies, of course :)


very sad post. I am so surprise... I had high hope for serbian gov to be able to remain above the fret, sadly, I guess I was influenced by the great jokovich (tennis guy) and extrapolated it to the gov. mistake. Then I followed your post, how it went with small spontaneous protest and co... but was quite surprise with the term, colonial gov... impressive.

I mean, did the cia was able to silent regime change the serbian gov, even after having destroyed yougoslavia, deployed depleted uranium, and killed? fundamentally it's a darwinist question, or you can pulse back the shaytans of the cia back in their hive and nuke them if necessary, or you will be eaten alive...

it's all a war about killing cia children... to let them remain in their little cells, with all their kids dead arounds. they want TW, they will get TW. and be razed, never surrender, fight more, and win.


I mean, did the cia was able to silent regime change the serbian gov, even after having destroyed yougoslavia, deployed depleted uranium, and killed?

Yes, @sweecee, exactly that has happened. Thank you for your support.


my opinion on cia is now very simple : see, kill. and when I say cia, anything related with us gov, and western gov in general. I have adopted a strict policy. none.

Did they use only financial bribes to take down the previous gov? or pedo black mail too? imho, the best move is to leave. cia conquered area devolve quickly in anarchy... they are afterall only the minions of their masters in the swamp... resaid : they serve and protect pedo in the usa, what to expect in overseas operations if not hell... the only few places they can't master are japan / korea, as they know they don't understand nor can live by the "codes" :), so they remain: foreigners.

but don't worry we are gonna kill them all, and their children, I don't comment on Battlefield africa, but it's going well... they are easy to spot , and as said : see, kill.
