BREAKING NEWS: Iran fires missiles at ‘terrorists and spies’ in Iraq and Syria

Source / Извор: RT News

The attack in Iraq and Syria were a reprisal for the Kerman bombing, the IRGC has said

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps said it had used ballistic missiles against an ISIS base in Syria and a stronghold of the Israeli spy service Mossad in Iraq on Monday, in retaliation for the recent terrorist bombings in Iran.

Two explosions killed almost 100 people in Kerman on January 3, as pilgrims gathered to honor the late General Qassem Soleimani, killed by the US in 2021. Islamic State (IS, also known as ISIS) claimed responsibility. Last month, another suicide bombing in the town of Rask killed 11 Iranian police. It was blamed on the Pakistan-based group Jaish Al-Adl.

“In response to the recent crimes of the terrorist groups that unjustly martyred a group of our dear compatriots in Kerman and Rask, we have identified gathering places of commanders and elements of ISIS related to recent terrorist operations in the occupied territories of Syria and destroyed them by firing a number of ballistic missiles,” the IRGC said in a statement.

In a follow-on statement, the IRGC said it had also used missiles against “one of the main espionage headquarters of the Zionist regime (Mossad) in the Kurdistan region of Iraq.”

The following missile targets have been reported so far:

• American base at Erbil airport.
• US Consulate in Erbil.
• The local headquarters of the Kurdish security service.
• The private residence of a local Mossad-connected businessman.

There is a lot of ambulance activity in Erbil. The extent of casualties is unclear, but it is evident that there will be casualties in such attacks.

Arab media reports that the American consulate in Erbil was almost completely destroyed. Sky News Arabia reports that the diplomatic mission was hit by “long-range missiles of great destructive power.”

Bishr Dizai. Source / Извор: SrbijaRusija

Unconfirmed news is being released about the death of Bishr Dizai, the owner of the Falcon Group and a person close to the Barzani family and a business partner of the American occupation regime, in a rocket attack on the Mossad headquarters in northern Iraq.

Furthermore — The Israeli channels report that soldiers of the Egyptian army crossed the South Israeli border and opened fire on Israeli border guard forces!

After this, escalation will go without brakes. And it will have to end by cleaning Middle East of ‘The Empire’ and its Zionazi scum…

Never forget Julian Assange was the first to expose global criminals
Не заборавите да је Џулијан Асанж први разоткрио глобалнe злочинце

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Archive of texts:

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Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2020)

Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2019)

Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2018)

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Goes to show how inadequate the US media is, this is the first I'm hearing about any of this. !WINE


Furthermore — The Israeli channels report that soldiers of the Egyptian army crossed the South Israeli border and opened fire on Israeli border guard forces!

They weren't Egyptian soldiers. The ones who weren't shot were arrested by Egypt, the rest of the twenty if they aren't in a hospital they are dead. They were drug smugglers according to a news release. Wrong place, wrong time I guess.

After this, escalation will go without brakes. And it will have to end by cleaning Middle East of ‘The Empire’ and its Zionazi scum…

I think this isn't going to end like you expect it will. They've been planning this for quite awhile. Jared Kushner's if you can dream it you can build it and it requires the elimination of Hamas from Gaza. Trump didn't give Africa thirty billion to build oil refineries along the coast of Africa for nothing. They fully intend to use those refineries to refine LNG products to ship up through the Red Sea and right into the backdoor of Europe. No environmental regulations, loads of cheap labor and they can compete with China and India for Europe's energy needs. Gaza is destined to become a major hub for it all after they eliminate about twenty percent of the poverty rate. (code for genocide of Hamas) (that's just my personal take on it) They didn't put all this money into this venture (which, by the way, started with Obama giving them billions to upgrade the electrical in Africa in preparation for the building of the oil refineries) just to let Iran and it's proxies sit there running interference every time they got a stick up their ass. My guess-a-mation is they are going to clean up the alleyway before full implementation takes hold. I know one refinery is suppose to or is slanted to go online this year. They keep this all hidden from people with tactics of Biden's ineptitude and Trump's parade of insults keeps people distracted of what's been in the works for years now.

I am at the tail end of an op on some of this stuff but writing the ending before which direction you'll see this unfold is sort of complicated, but like I said, it's not going to come out the way you think it will, it may well escalate if Russia jumps into the fold but I am skeptical of that considering in the long run they are going to get a huge chunk of the China energy transition, which is way more product for them to sell compared to Europe. Not unless of course they want to just kill a whole lot more people off while they are at this new world global order of things.


So, @sunlit7, you think a simple plan of bombing globalist outposts to smithereens will not succeed, but the intricate globalist plan (which already is in tatters) will? How strange…


Depends. One part I can't put my finger on is was Netanyahu a participant who knowingly let Israeli's get slaughter to achieve an objective of the Abraham Accord. It's hard to believe that they didn't see this coming. If Netanyahu didn't see this coming there are a couple of people suspect as to why. He was in office when he signed onto the accord but he wasn't in office when they developed a plan to sell a majority stake in Phoenix, one of Israel's largest financial institutions, to Arabs. That plan met the ax when Netanyahu came back, in July 2023, two months prior to the attack. Now the Arabs are limited in scope to what investments they can make in Israel. The ax fell two months prior to the attack. Every time Netanyahu comes out and says they will not relinquish security control over Gaza, one particular person threatens to quit, which, from reports, would throw his cabinet into chaos for whatever reason. Netanyahu finally relented after SA bulked at putting any money into Gaza if Netanyahu wasn't going to allow an international coalition into Gaza. That was the plan all along. The big question is getting at who is pulling the strings in all this.

I don't think the globalist plan is in tatters, at least not yet. You have to watch the plays being made. One big play that comes into focus was when the US removed one of their ships from the area and Israel took a lot of the military out of Gaza. That was followed up by some heavy hits on major players within the terrorist organizations and the bombing of Soleimani event, almost as if to pull them into the fray, which it did pull them further into the fray. The question is was the back off deliberate to entice the response they wanted or not. You can see the curmudgeon to the situation.

A bit off topic, but the intricate globalist plan won't be in tatters until something dramatic starts happening holding people accountable for the vaccine. As long as that is allow to stand.....
