Coronavirus Hoax: A Retiring Rat? [eng/срп] Коронапревара: Пацов у повлачењу?


Source / Извор: Russia Today

Almost unanimously, the corporate media announced that the criminal in Chief of the Coronavirus Hoax, bastard whose Institute (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases – NIAID) directly financed gain of function research with the aim of creating a biological weapons of mass destruction, Anthony Fauci has announced his retirement in December. Is that really so?

The reason why I am writing this text was the awakened hope among many people who reported this news, that Fauci, after retiring, will finally be prosecuted for everything he did during the development of biological weapons, during the corona fraud and his mandate as the chief medical adviser to President Biden. I don’t like to burst people’s bubbles, but that's not going to happen. You see, the administration was set up to protect the interests of the ruling class, and Fauci was part of that administration and was the highest paid official. Higher than even President is. Such a man does not back down.

People who hoped that he would actually retire and that he would then be exposed to justice, did not read his statement to the end:

Готово једногласно, корпоративни медији објавили су да је главни злочинац коронапреваре, битанга чији је Институт (Национални институт за алергије и инфективне болести – NIAID) директно финансирао развој функције вируса у циљу стварања биолошког оружја за масовно уништење, Ентони Фаучи најавио повлачење у децембру. Да ли је баш тако?

Разлог због кога пишем овај текст била је пробуђена нада међу многим људима који су ову вест пренели, да ће Фаучи по одласку у пензију најзад бити кривично гоњен због свега што је радио током развоја биолошког оружја, током коронапреваре и свог мандата главног медицинског саветника председнику Бајдену. Не волим да бушим људима балончиће, али то се неће десити. Видите, администрација је успостављена да штити интересе класе на власти, а Фаучи је део те администрације као службеник са највишом платом. Вишом од председничке. Такав човек се не повлачи.

Људи који су се понадали да ће се он заиста пензионисати и да ће тада бити изложен правди, нису до краја прочитали његову изјаву:


„Мада силазим са садашњих функција, у пензију не идем. После више од 50 година службе у влади, планирам да наставим следећу фазу своје каријере док још увек имам толико енергије и страсти за своју струку. Желим да искористим оно што сам научио као директор НИАИД-а да наставим да унапређујем науку и јавно здравље, да инспиришем и да будем ментор следећој генерацији научних лидера док помажу у припреми света да се суочи са будућим претњама заразних болести.“

So, frankly – there will be no retirement, he is literally preparing to make a bunch of new Faucis! Keep that in mind as you view the gallery of his lying exploits:

Дакле, отворено – нема ништа од пензије, он се буквално спрема да прави нове Фаучије! Имајте то у виду док гледате галерију његових лажовских подвига:



Duration / Трајање: 4:20 (енг.)


Fauci-Mask or no mask.png



In order for scoundrels of this caliber to be punished, it is necessary to first dismantle the Nazi structure that presents itself as a state and then re-establish a democratic republic.

Unfortunately, under the current conditions, it is no longer possible to do this without armed resistance…

Да би гадови оваквог калибра били кажњени, неопходно је најпре растурити нацистичку структуру која се представља као држава и затим поново успоставити демократску републику.

Нажалост, под садашњим условима то више није могуће урадити без оружаног отпора…

Always remember Julian Assange was the first to expose global criminals
Не заборавите да је Џулијан Асанж први разоткрио глобалнe злочинце

* * *

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Millions of people have been harmed, lost friends, and their beloved family. It is necessary that those crimes be properly adjudicated, and that cannot happen properly unless Fauci is taken down. Birx, Bourla, Biden, and all the rest of the genocidal profiteers and crazed killers of our good people need to be prosecuted, convicted of their crimes, and justly penalized under the laws that have been established to sanction crimes against humanity, war crimes, and genocide.

If the Zionazis get in the way, aiding and abetting, as well as misprision of felonies are crimes too, and there will be room on the dockets for them all.

Fauci lied and people died. People who were loved and are missed still. More people will die as the effects of the jabs continue to harm them, and madmen continue to force them on hapless subjects.

There will be justice.



I personally believe that this bastard called Fauci, the only thing he will do with this announcement is to withdraw from the public eye, since his story is not convincing, so that he can reappear in the next pseudo-pandemic as a savior!


That is very good assessment @giorgakis. That is what he would do… If he lives long enough.


If we have the attention span of goldfish, he will be fine. I remember taking my beloved friend to the ER twice after his second jab, ashen grey, barely able to walk, who thereafter died. I remember watching my neighbor brought back to life after a sudden heart attack, his struggles as the attendants stuffed him in the ambulance, never to be seen again after serial heart attacks killed him to death. I remember my father, dying unable to remember my mother, me or a conversation he was in the middle of.

I will not ever forget Fauci. There is no where he can hide, nothing he can do, that will dissuade me from seeking to bring him to justice.



Iam really sorry for your losts sir


Thank you. I am in the good company of the myriad people that have suffered harm and death of millions of their loved ones by the jabs Fauci received royalties on, due to his patents, and his collusion with Bourla, Bancel, and the other vermin infesting the pharmaceutical industry, by abusing his position as a regulator of such technology in the NIAID he allowed to be captured by that industry through his criminal fraud and corruption.

Murder for profit cannot be allowed to continue, or the mere millions that have today been grievously harmed and killed will become billions, and our grief impossible to suffer without incurring blind hatred and rage that will shatter society.


Absolutely Anthony fauci is running before he ends up in prison.

This is completely political and he is totally liable.

The phenomenal amount of corruption needs to be prosecuted and Anthony fauci needs to be an example. An example that's in prison and forfeits all that he stole from the American people and scammed from the rest of the world.
