End of the Old World Stats: BRICS vs. G7 [eng/срп] Статистика краја старог света: БРИКС против Г7


Source / Извор: visualcapitalist.com

Let’s say you’re watching a football (soccer) match where one team comes out with a full squad of 11, and the other with only seven players…

Рецимо да гледате фудбалску утакмицу у којој један тим изађе у комплетном саставу, а други са само седам играча…

8. Brazil (2006)1. United Kingdom
9. Russia (2006)2. Germany
10. India (2006)3. Italy
11. China (2006)4. Canada
12. South Africa (2011)5. USA
13. Argentina (2024)6. France
14. Egypt (2024)7. Japan
15. Iran (2024)
16. UAE (2024)
17. Saudi Arabia (2024)
18. Ethiopia (2024)

In addition, the team with complete 11 is physically superior in every way, while the opponents have almost all gay players (Gay7?) who are more for retirement than for the game… You can still consider every outcome is possible, but basically you know how the game will end. The winner is already known:

Уз то, комплетан тим је физички супериорнији у сваком погледу, док код супарника има више геј играча (Геј7?) који су пре за пензију него за игру… Ви можете сматрати сваки исход могућим, али у суштини знате како ће се утакмица завршити. Победник је већ познат:

BRICS vs G7-1692867041427342_UmTbA2yA.png

Rest of the World




Purchasing Power BDP (2023)


Oil deposits (2021)


Export (2022)


Industrial Production (2021)


Gold Reserve (2022)



Crop volume (2021)        






Аnnual production        
of metals (2022)








SOURCES: TASS, IMF, UN, World Bank, OPEC, FAO, World Gold Council, WIPO, US Geo Service

But this is not the end of the story. Take another look at the cover picture map. On it, marked in yellow, are the candidate countries that will most likely join BRICS at the next meeting in Kazan, in 2024. The difference will then be so pronounced that the question of the winner will no longer be asked at all.

Betting anyone?

Али није овде крај приче. Погледајте још једном насловну мапу. На њој су жутом бојом обележене земље кандидати које ће највероватније БРИКС-у приступити на следећем састанку у Казању, 2024. Разлика ће тада бити толико изражена, да се питање победника више уопште неће постављати.

Је ли ко за клађење?

Never forget Julian Assange was the first to expose global criminals
Не заборавите да је Џулијан Асанж први разоткрио глобалнe злочинце

* * *

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* * *

Archive of texts:

Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2021)

Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2020)

Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2019)

Archive of texts on the steps to a Great WAR (2018)

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I fail to see any benefit to the BRICS from their separation from the overtly vile polities of the West, when they remain wholly subjugated to the same puppeteers that control them with the same reins of silver and gold. I am reminded that JP Morgan, Henry Ford, and the usual suspects enthusiastically funded the Bolsheviks, and not Makhno. I just see Weimar again plying it's bloody trade in outrage to bring penury to plebs, as collectives aren't freed, by definition, yet their division will set them on the edge of the blade of genocide.

It makes no difference whether you play with the same tokens as your adversary if your tokens come from the same source, and to get them you grovel to the same usurists. All I can see coming fruit is war and death that will destroy most of the wealth in the world, until eyeballs blinded by bullshit see through their bamboozling the bribes and blackmail of their betters brings, and finally despair enough to themselves create their own blessings of civilization that are secure from both deception and destruction.



when they remain wholly subjugated to the same puppeteers that control them with the same reins of silver and gold.

Anything to evidence said wholly subjugated, and "same reins of silver and gold"?


I fail to see any benefit to the BRICS from their separation from the overtly vile polities of the West, when they remain wholly subjugated to the same puppeteers that control them with the same reins of silver and gold. I am reminded that JP Morgan, Henry Ford, and the usual suspects enthusiastically funded the Bolsheviks, and not Makhno.

Any funding of evil ideas stems from inflatory fiat currencies, @valued-customer. Thus, the first priority is de-dollarization. You can’t see the benefits yet, because it is a process. Cleansing the World of fiat ‘reserve currency’. Gold can be safely used as an accounting unit as a second step towards the free Bitcoin World.


"Any funding of evil ideas stems from inflatory fiat currencies..."

All fiats, in other words, including the Ruble, the Yuan, and the Real.

Changing the reserve currency doesn't change the nature of fiat. It just swaps the particular polity issuing the reserve currency for another.

Gold is just as vulnerable to political vagaries as anything, which the criminalization of private gold in the USA proved while the price of gold increase >10x, depriving private parties of those gains. BTC is entirely availed of value by permission of the owners of the physical infrastructure necessary to transmitting BTC transactions, just as is every datum on the internet. Censorship is a primary expertise of the owners of that infrastructure, and is not preventing BTC or other crypto transactions because that trap is still being baited. When the hunter is ready to harvest the game, the trap will be sprung, and crypto will no longer be able to transact on the internet. Given that expertise, little could be simpler.

Humanity yearns for freedom, but attaining it requires taking real threats and opportunities into account. America and Serbia are both occupied countries, controlled by banksters subject to the BIS, as are all countries on Earth today. Neither the West nor the BRICS are different in that regard. Any currency created by the BRICS will be no less a fiat subjected to inflation, unless it's far worse, a CBDC, which seem to be about to roll out across all jurisdictions including the BRICS.

What isn't inflationary is the production of goods themselves, and why I exclusively recommend seizing the means of production suitable to one's personal circumstances, rather than financialization in any form. There isn't a currency extant that isn't losing value, ie inflationary, relative to goods and services. The only route to successfully avoiding inflation is to become a primary producer, which the BRICS only consider on a collective basis, enabling parasitization of that production by the usual suspects, overlords.




All fiats, in other words, including the Ruble, the Yuan, and the Real.

You may not know yet, @valued-customer, but Yuan is not fiat anymore. It has gold backing, and it can so far be exchanged with some restrictions: There are only two exchange services in China, and can be exchanged for gold only by a BRICS countries.

Ruble is also not fiat any more, because it is now energy backed – you can exchange it for gas & oil anytime. And it will also have at least partly gold backing, as Sergey Glazyev has explained:


His idea is (in my opinion) wrong because of centralization, but backing is not questionable. Yuan and Ruble are not fiat anymore – until further notice.


"...backing is not questionable."

Expecting the CCP to hand over gold for Yuan is delusional. Chinese banks only even hand over Yuan at their whim. In the last year hundreds of thousands of people in China have just had the funds in their banks vanish.

And, I'll just drive my tanker over to pick up my crude from Sberbank.



Expecting the CCP to hand over gold for Yuan is delusional.

It does not amaze me that you don’t know facts about China because you live in a part of the world which censors everything from the ‘competing narrative’. It amazes me how you refuse to accept fact, sticking firmly to the propaganda you’re fed, without even a doubt that the same propaganda who lied about COVID could also lie about China…


BTC is entirely availed of value by permission of the owners of the physical infrastructure necessary to transmitting BTC transactions, just as is every datum on the internet.

There is a serious flaw in this statement. No owner of ‘physical infrastructure’ can dictate value of Bitcoin.


They can completely eliminate it's value simply by refusing to transmit transaction data.

They completely control whether or not BTC has value at all.


This means that you didn’t read a single line on how the Bitcoin functions. You’ve wrote a complete and centralized fantasy, @valued-customer, because it is not possible in a decentralized system.


Data is data. It doesn't matter how BTC functions. If data containing BTC transactions cannot be transmitted, BTC has no value.

Edit: also, BlackRock is majority owner of 80% of BTC miners. Welcome to the jungle.


Why you don’t want to know how data is distributed? Why do you stick to a stupid prejudice instead of just looking how the system works? It’s open. Are you lazy or you chose your side against Bitcoin?

The thing you insist on IS NOT POSSIBLE.


"...stupid prejudice..."

The claim that data on networks isn't completely and totally controlled by network owners is based on what? Do I need to provide some link to examples of physical infrastructure being utterly and completely permissioned? All data on physical networks can only pass by permission of the network owners. It is not possible to infiltrate data onto a physical network the owners of that network exclude (without physical access to the network), because they can physically force the data into filters that exclude any data they do not want on their network.

How do you not understand this?


The claim that data on networks isn't completely and totally controlled by network owners is based on what? Do I need to provide some link to examples of physical infrastructure being utterly and completely permissioned?

How long will you insist on your ignorance, @valued-customer? What you are saying can be applied to centralized networks only. Bitcoin don’t need any permission because it is DECENTRALIZED. Do you even know what that mean? Why don’t you want to know?

Please get yourself educated, or you will sound ridiculous with your public statements to anyone who knows.

I don’t have any more time for this kind of nonsense.


Bitcoin don’t need any permission because it is DECENTRALIZED.

BTC is DATA. It isn't transmitted by magic fairy dust, but as 1's and 0's controlled by network operators who own the physical networks BTC cannot exist without, or at least as a currency.

I am surprised at your ignorance. I am deeply saddened at your inability to converse rationally, and note that your irrational rage suggests cognitive dissonance you are not only unable to overcome, but to even acknowledge.


Take the “Mastering Bitcoin’ book by Andreas M. Antonopoulos and learn how the system works. Don’t quote some obscure ‘public knowledge’. You sound completely ridiculous in your conviction that you know something. And insisting in your ignorance is really tragic.


Where does Andreas state that BTC has a physical network connecting it's nodes? Andreas does not claim there is such a physical network. Neither he, nor you, have a dedicated satellite, radio, or wired connection between each other, exchanges, and miners, solely for BTC.

BTC has a software application that allows all those parties to communicate over the internet, which BTC doesn't own. Did you ever get a bill, or receive deed or title to any such physical property when you acquired BTC? You access BTC's software network of decentalized nodes as does everyone else - over the internet.


Again, all wrong.

Where does Andreas state that BTC has a physical network connecting it's nodes?

‘Internet of money’, several editions. You THINK you know something which you haven’t a clue about. Bitcoin does not need Internet at all. If Internet today crashes and cease to exist, Bitcoin would continue to work without a hickup. And yes, alternative ‘physical infrastructure’ already exists, and is very cheap.

The same functionality you have with Bastyon and its application. If you don’t want to learn, you are hopeless.


Bastyon is not a physical network. It's purely a software application running on the internet.

You completely misstate that any of the entities has any physical network at all, denying the factual reality that all of them are software running on the physical hardware owned by corporations, not them.

Andreas nowhere states BTC has any physical network, which is why you gesture vaguely in the direction of whole volumes of text, because you cannot quote ANY example anywhere he claims there is any physical hardware between BTC nodes, miners, and users.

Regarding BlackRock buying miners, it is just the fact.


As long as you refuse to acknowledge real and actual facts and cling to your misunderstanding without any reason of basis for it, we will remain unable to have any meaningful discussion, because refusing to acknowledge physical reality and instead hallucinating fantastic visions leaves no potential for substantive discourse.

Count the wires in your network card. Count the physical devices your PC uses to connect to networks. There is the the truth of the network you use to transact in BTC. There is only one hardware network for that purpose: the internet. Either you actually respond to this statement and address that reality, or I will leave you to your fantasies.


Bastyon is not a physical network. It's purely a software application running on the internet.

No, that’s what you THINK because you didn’t try. Go ahead live in your fantasy of knowledge. You are a waste of time.


Look at the network card in your machine. Just look. If there were any other physical networks connecting these protocols, they would connect to you. If they exist, and you're not connected to them, why are you being excluded? If Bastyon and BTC have physical networks, why can't you use them? Why aren't they plugged into your network card?

Did they setup the network software you connect to BTC and Bastyon with just for you? Are you the only one that must connect through the internet?


This is complete rubbish – all statements are false. You don’t know what you are talking about, but you insist on your ignorance. Just try to write a text with your ‘discoveries’ and see what happens.


I have 'discovered' nothing. Not one thing I have said on this topic is my own invention, but is public knowledge.

"Just try to write a text with your ‘discoveries’ and see what happens."

The BTC miners use specialized daughter boards in racks of servers to calculate the hashes necessary to solve the Proof of Work mathematical problems that produce BTC when solved. This data, like all digital information, is transmitted on physical networks as binary computer code. When the owners of the BTC 'mined' in this way decide to execute a transaction, that communication with servers others own and operate is conducted by transmitting binary code on physical networks owned by various corporations, known as the internet. Today, BlackRock, StateStreet, and Vanguard own a controlling interest in ~90% of stock corporations in the world, including 80% of the BTC mining corporations. When people purchase BTC, they do not purchase some part of the internet, but only the cryptographic hash representing the BTC they have purchased. In order to transact with that BTC, the information contained in that cryptographic hash must be transmitted to a vendor over the internet. Censorship can prevent such information from reaching it's destination, and is commonly practiced on more and more platforms, such as social media websites, on the internet. Companies like cloudflare and ISPs are today preventing data from reaching destinations like websites they do not approve of by means of filtering that data by specific information it contains, such as the URL of a 'banned' website. BTC transactions necessarily contain a hash of the value of the BTC in the transaction, and wallet addresses it is coming from, and going to, all of which can similarly be filtered by network owners and censored.

There's a text based on the factual reality of BTC. What specific part of that information isn't accurate and true?


Nothing is accurate. You fell for a complete fake. Bitcoin is NOT on Internet. It is a parallel decentralized network that can’t be controlled. You don’t even need Internet for transactions. You ignorance is so great I feel really sorry for you @valued-customer.


"Bitcoin is NOT on Internet. It is a parallel decentralized network that can’t be controlled."

You don't have access to any such network you own. All your connections and data is transmitted to you over someone elses wires, for which you (or someone) pays to allow you access. All your BTC communications take place over the internet - or you're someone I need to listen to a lot more closely.

That decentralized network BTC has is software. It's data transmitted on someone else's physical wires. You don't have a dedicated wire you own for transmitting BTC data, and neither do the folks you transmit and receive BTC data with. You have the internet connection you are using to access Hive right now, and that's the connection you use for BTC.

Look at the connection to your computer. There is no separate physical wire for BTC. Look at your network connections in your PC software. There is no separate network device for BTC. You use the same network card for BTC transactions you use for the internet, because you use the internet for BTC transactions.


You don't have access to any such network you own.

You haven’t heard of lochamesh either. Listen, you can insist on your prejudice as much as you like @valued-customer. I can only help to those who want to know the truth. Good luck to you.


the networks you refer to aren't physical hardware. There's only one wire connecting your PC to anyone else. That is one end of the physical hardware. You just ignore reality and babble on your delusions about what has to be true, for some reason.

Software isn't hardware, you can't cite any source for Andreas saying BTC has any proprietary hardware network, and you don't address that your BTC transactions all come through that one wire in the back of your box. The one your ISP owns.
