How USA betrayed Gonzalo Lira… and itself!


Manila Chan's Modus Operandi Gonzalo Lira; a tacit murder by.mp4_snapshot_04.07.430.jpg
Source / Извор: Modus Operandi Screenshot

“Leave no man behind,” is supposed to be the American credo when one of our own is unjustly locked up in a foreign country. As everything else in the corrupt Collective West, that credo was just another deadly scam…

Gonzalo Lira certainly was not the only American citizen that was betrayed by the United States. There was much more gruesome case of Jamal Khashoggi five years ago. But that could be cancelled in the media as it was not expected, short lived, and covered with a massive weapons deal with Saudi Arabia. Trump’s business logic: “What’s one American life between friends, let’s make a deal!”

This was different. In the case of Gonzalo Lira, Biden’s inaction to not only free Lira but at the very least ensure his well-being while detained in Ukraine (a supposed US ally) awaiting his trial, was tacit permission for Kiev to kill Lira. And furthermore, Gonzalo Lira sent the last message asking American Administration for help, and you will see it in the video below.

Gonzalo Lira tragically died in a Ukrainian prison earlier this month after languishing for weeks in what some have called a ‘dungeon.’ The American-Chilean YouTube commenter, filmmaker, and journalist gathered a large audience on YouTube following the start of the Ukraine conflict in February 2022. His consistent criticism of the Kiev government, made from his apartment in Kharkov, soon landed him in hot water with authorities, leading to a dramatic escape attempt across the border into Hungary after his released from prison in 2023.

Now, global outrage over his death is focusing attention on the United States’ decided lack of intervention on behalf of an American citizen and the torturous prison conditions he endured in Ukraine. On this episode of the MO, Manila Chan is joined by the Ron Paul Institute’s Executive Director Daniel McAdams to discuss this latest attack on free speech in the so-called ‘free world.’

Gonzalo Lira betrayed at Rumble. Duration: 24:16

Manila Chan's Modus Operandi Gonzalo Lira; a tacit murder by.mp4_snapshot_14.56.733.jpg

Gonzalo Lira betrayed at Odysee. Duration: 24:16

Manila Chan's Modus Operandi Gonzalo Lira; a tacit murder by.mp4_snapshot_14.56.733.jpg

Gonzalo Lira betrayed at Bastyon. Duration: 24:16

Manila Chan's Modus Operandi Gonzalo Lira; a tacit murder by.mp4_snapshot_14.56.733.jpg

Now, if you think that was some king of administrative mistake, an omission, you have to remember the faith of Paul Whelan, ‘security director’, actually a spy, caught red handed by FSB in Moscow. Instead of exchanging him for the Russian pilot Viktor Bout, Biden Administration accepted exchange for a tranny WNBA basketball player Brittney Griner!

Knowing all this, it is clear why all of Texas feels betrayed, and why it no longer intends to rely on federal authorities…

Never forget Julian Assange was the first to expose global criminals
Не заборавите да је Џулијан Асанж први разоткрио глобалнe злочинце

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The persecution of inconvenient journalists is nothing new, it's sickening and wrong, but nothing new. !WINE


Thank you @ironshield, but this text is not about persecution of inconvenient journalists. It’s about the drowning (or declining) Empire which reject all its principles, morality and humanity.


How about the targeted assassinations of Gaza journalists and their families? You step off the narrative path and you're targeted in this increasingly authoritarian world.


I am under impression, @novacadian, that a rabid Zionist regime wants to kill not only journalists and their families, but EVERYONE in Gaza.

It’s a real shame for the whole Islamic world, standing and watching, while only Houthies are taking an effective action.


...a rabid Zionist regime wants to kill ... EVERYONE in Gaza.

Good point. The journalists are just a sad subset.


Max Igan has long said as goes Palestine so goes the world. The Zionazis don't want to conquer Gaza. They are conquering the world.


The West and all polities of consequence are occupied by banksters that corrupt and control governments in order to advance their interests as a class. Like a cancer, this financial parasite is destroying the global economy in order to transfer all title and equity to them, so that they can adopt the novel decentralized means of production and automate it with AI, by eliminating all collective centralized production and the people and society dependent on it.

This is why I advocate any that would survive this Great Reset adopt themselves such independent means of production of blessings of civilization they intend to enjoy and eliminate parasitic losses of their work to oligarchs that own collective corporate industry.

