Nine months of our community #comedyopenmic| Between potions and concoctions



En nuestro país tenemos una mala costumbre, no sé si en otros países pase, pero aquí pasa mucho, que todos nos creemos médicos u homeópata, por supuesto que no hemos estudiado esa profesión, mucho menos tenemos el título, pero nos creemos que nos la sabemos “todas más una” para curar a alguien cuando está enfermo o automedicarnos.
In our country we have a bad habit, I do not know if it happens in other countries, but here it happens a lot, that we all think we are doctors or homeopaths, of course we have not studied this profession, much less have the title, but we think we know it "all plus one" to cure someone when they are sick or self-medicate



Sé que en todos los países existen culturas, y nuestros antepasados curaban con hierbas, muchas cosas se han transmitidos de décadas en décadas, pero como ahora todos es una tecnología, cuando nos duele algo o nos pasa algo, vamos al querido “Dr. Google”, a consultar como curarnos o qué hacer, o simplemente le preguntamos a la vecina o algún familiar qué debemos hacer pero no vamos a los expertos, a los médicos reales, quizás por miedo, por flojera, por no tener dinero, por no valorar el trabajo de los médicos o por ignorancia.
I know that in all countries there are cultures, and our ancestors used to cure with herbs, many things have been passed down from decades to decades, but since nowadays everything is a technology, when something hurts or something happens to us, we go to the beloved "Dr. Google", to consult how to cure us or what to do, or simply ask the neighbor or a relative what to do but we do not go to the experts, to the real doctors, perhaps out of fear, laziness, lack of money, not valuing the work of doctors or ignorance



El venezolano se ha acostumbrado a lo fácil, a que las personas no hagan lo que le toca hacer, sino que saltamos la talanquera, ahora hasta en las farmacias te medican, cosa que no se puede hacer, los médicos también te mandan a tomar menjunjes, un médico te dice algo, otro te dice otra cosa, y también pasa que como hemos tenido experiencias malas en algunas consultas médicas, terminamos teniéndole miedo a todos los médicos, y por eso nos abstenemos acudir a ellos, me incluyo en algunos momentos, porque he visto y me ha sucedido cada experiencia, que para qué contarlas, terminaríamos llorando todos, ja, ja, ja.
Venezuelans have become accustomed to what is easy, to the fact that people do not do what they have to do, but we jump the fence, now even in pharmacies they medicate you, something that cannot be done, doctors also send you to take medicine, one doctor tells you something, another one tells you something else, and it also happens that as we have had bad experiences in some medical consultations, we end up being afraid of all doctors, and that is why we refrain from going to them, I include myself in some moments, because I have seen and it has happened to me every experience, why count them, we would all end up crying, ha, ha, ha, ha



Si te sientes mal, la vecina te dice toma vinagre de manzana para la circulación, sale uno a tomarse eso, le da reacciones, después en vez de acudir al médico, le contamos a otra persona lo que pasó, y nos dice: “no, eso no lo tomes, toma cúrcuma, con poleo, malojillo, etc, eso te hará sentir mejor, y seguimos tomando y tomando todo lo que nos digan, quizás algunas cosas nos mejoren, porque algunas son ciertas, claro está, pero otras empeorarán la situación, sabiendo que hay enfermedades que no se curan con tecitos.
If you feel bad, the neighbor tells you to take apple cider vinegar for circulation, you go out to take that, it gives you reactions, then instead of going to the doctor, we tell someone else what happened, and they tell us: "no, do not take that, take turmeric, with pennyroyal, malojillo, etc, that will make you feel better, and we continue taking and taking everything they tell us, maybe some things will improve us, because some are true, of course, but others will worsen the situation, knowing that there are diseases that are not cured with teas...".



Tengo una vecina que ella toma jugos verdes, cada vez que salgo, me llama, nos ponemos a conversar un rato, y ¡Zás!, me trae una tacita o vacito con jugo verde, y siempre me lo tomo, me da pena despreciárselo, pero no han pasado ni unos minutos, que me toca decirle que me voy a meter porque tengo cosas que hacer en la casa, pero resulta que es que me toca salir corriendo al baño porque el jugo me manda directo al baño. Ya mi hijo cuando me ve que estoy mal del estómago, me dice: “Ay mamá, seguro que la vecina te volvió a dar su pócima de jugos verdes”, yo me río y le digo: “No vale, eso es que seguro me comí algo que me cayó mal”, pero resulta que es cierto, si tomé el jugo verde de la vecina. No sé con qué lo hace ni que le echa, pero yo digo que ese jugo que me da parece un “destapa cañerías”, es impresionante lo rápido que me hace efecto, me imagino que eso me va limpiando, lo que me impresiona es la acción tan rápido, sé que esos jugos son para desintoxicar.
I have a neighbor who drinks green juice, every time I go out, she calls me, we get to talk for a while, and wham, she brings me a little cup with green juice, and I always drink it, I am ashamed to despise it, but not even a few minutes have passed, I have to tell her that I am going to get in because I have things to do at home, but it turns out that I have to run to the bathroom because the juice sends me straight to the bathroom. When my son sees that I am sick to my stomach, he tells me: "Oh mom, I'm sure the neighbor gave you her green juice potion again", I laugh and tell him: "No way, I must have eaten something that made me sick", but it turns out it is true, I did drink the green juice from the neighbor. I don't know what she does it with or what she puts in it, but I say that the juice she gives me seems like a "pipe opener", it is impressive how fast it has an effect, I imagine that it cleans me, what impresses me is the action so fast, I know that those juices are for detoxification



Cuando nos duele la cabeza siempre hay alguien que nos dice tómate esto, y verás que se te pasará a millón, si se le cae el cabello a uno salen los médicos estilista a darnos recetas, si tenemos los triglicéridos y colesterol alto, también aparece las recomendaciones, pero la que más sale y se comentan, son los remedios para adelgazar, para desintoxicar, para rejuvenecer, etc.
When we have a headache there is always someone who tells us to take this, and you will see that it will pass in a million, if the hair falls out, the doctors and stylists come out to give us recipes, if we have high triglycerides and cholesterol, recommendations also appear, but the most frequently mentioned are the remedies to lose weight, to detoxify, to rejuvenate, etc



En fin, está comprobado que el venezolano es guerrero e inventador, que no le teme a tomarse nada, en otro país no puedes automedicarte, de hecho, no te venden muchísimos medicamentos sin récipe, aquí si te los venden sin récipes, y si toca llevar récipes a veces hasta sobornan al farmacéutico y termina vendiendo varias dosis por un solo récipe o sin récipe, de verdad que somos bien bárbaros, parecemos la película “Duro de matar”, creemos más en los medicamentos de nuestras abuelas y vecinos, que en la de los profesionales en la medicina, que son los médicos.
In short, it has been proven that Venezuelans are warriors and inventors, they are not afraid of taking anything, in another country you cannot self-medicate, in fact, they do not sell you many medications without prescription, here they do sell them without prescription, and if you have to carry recipes sometimes they even bribe the pharmacist and end up selling several doses for a single recipe or without recipe, we are really barbarians, we look like the movie "Die Hard", we believe more in the medicines of our grandmothers and neighbors, than in those of the professionals in medicine, which are the doctors



No te automediques, no te creas invencible, ni Superman, amerita ir al médico aunque sea una vez al año a chequearse, no mediques a nadie, deja a los médicos ser médicos y tu ejerce la carrera de la cual te graduaste, deja a los expertos hacer su trabajo, si vas a dar alguna receta que sea de comida para que otro disfrute de un buen plato, pero que no sea una receta médica que pueda hacerle daño a otro. Cuídate y cuida a los demás.
Do not self-medicate, do not think you are invincible, or Superman, it is worth going to the doctor even once a year for a check-up, do not medicate anyone, let doctors be doctors and you practice the career from which you graduated, let the experts do their job, if you are going to give a recipe that is food for another to enjoy a good dish, but not a medical prescription that can hurt someone else. Take care of yourself and others

Gracias a todos los que dejan un poquito de tiempo para sacar una sonrisa por la blockchain. Gracias #comedyopenmic por estos espacios, rumbo al primer aniversario por nuestra #hive.
Thanks to everyone who gives a little bit of time to put a smile on your face for the blockchain. Thank you #comedyopenmic for these spaces, heading to the first anniversary for our #hive

Todas las imágenes son cortesía gratuitas de pixabay, con sus respectivas fuentes y agradecimiento al autor. Mi firma con aplicación Canva. Traductor utilizado DeepL.
All images are free courtesy of pixabay, with their respective sources and thanks to the author. My signature with Canva application. Translator used DeepL




We want to be the ones always on top but we are not the ones who supposed to. Claiming this fact has been what so many people does. They want to be the ones prescribing or the doctors themselves.


The important thing is to be attentive, my grandmother was prescribed a regoxal by a neighbor and she almost didn't tell about it. My grandmother was stuck to the walls, she went to the bathroom many times ha,ha,ha,ha. Good remedy, but we must be careful. Thanks for stopping by @cool08 my internet is terrible


Hi friend @lisfabian, that's very true...everyone recommends what has worked for them. We forget that every organism is different and of course their reactions are different too.
Be careful with green juices, although they have their function...they send you to the bathroom ha ha ha ha.


Hola amiga @lisfabian, eso es muy cierto...cada uno recomienda lo que le ha servido para su mal. Olvidamos que cada organismo es diferente y por supuesto sus reacciones también.
Cuidado con los jugos verdes, aunque tienen su función...a ti te mandan al baño ja ja ja

