Mi introducción - Aquí les presento mi historia!



Naci, creci y he vivido Toda mi vida en Venezuela específicamente en la capital del Estado yaracuy, un pueblo muy pequeño lleno de magia, donde las personas que habitan en el se caracterizan por ser gente noble, amable y muy serviciales.

I was born, grew up and have lived all my life in Venezuela, specifically in the capital of the State of Yaracuy, a very small town full of magic, where the people who live there are characterized by being noble, kind and very helpful.

Mi nombre es Denny Lisset Castillo, me gusta que me llamen por mi segundo nombre, ya que con el primero no me identifico solo lo utilizo realizar tramites legales , todas las personas me conocen como Lisset y los más cercanos me dicen Liche

My name is Denny Lisset Castillo, I like to be called by my middle name, since I don't identify myself with my first name, I only use it for legal procedures, everyone knows me as Lisset and the closest ones call me Liche.

Naci el 6 de Agosto de 1977, soy la ultima de mis tres hermanos, formo parte de una bella y noble familia. Cada uno con caracteres diferentes, tengo la dicha de Contar con una excelente madre amable Con un corazón noble lleno de amor , comprensión, donde todo para ella lo primordial es la paz, la tranquilidad y armonia del hogar

I was born on August 6, 1977, I am the last of my three siblings, I am part of a beautiful and noble family. Each one with different characters, I have the joy of having an excellent and kind mother with a noble heart full of love, understanding, where everything for her the most important thing is the peace, tranquility and harmony of the home.


Creci en medio de mi familia unida, con un padre de Caracter fuerte apegado a sus Costumbres , afianzo en cada uno de sus hijos los buenos Valores Como lo es el Compromiso la responsabilidad y la honestidad

I grew up in the midst of my united family, with a father of strong character attached to their customs, entrenched in each of their children the good values such as commitment, responsibility and honesty.

Desde pequeña siempre me gusto la epoca decembrina, las festividades navideñas , el compartir en familia , lo recuerdo con mucho amor . A los nueve años me desarrolle lo que generó en mi vida un gran impacto, deje ser niña a ser adolecente deje de jugar con muñecas porque llego otra etapa a mi vida , en mi corta edad fue un cambio muy fuerte , lo que hizo que mi mente creará limitaciones al momento de jugar con otras niñas .

Since I was a child I always liked the Christmas season, the Christmas festivities, sharing with family, I remember it with much love. When I was nine years old I developed what generated in my life a great impact, I stopped playing with dolls because I reached another stage in my life, in my young age was a very strong change, which made my mind create limitations when playing with other girls.


Mis Padres me han apoyado en todo momento , han sido mi guia, inspiración, doy. gracias a Dios porque gracias a ellos soy una profesional

My parents have supported me at all times, they have been my guide, my inspiration, I thank God because thanks to them I am a professional.

Estudie , la Carrera de TSU en educacion Inicial, donde para poder iniciar mis estudios primero trabaje como colaboradora en una Institución Educativa para probar mi vocación y estar segura de la decisión de realizar mis estudio Como Docente

I studied the career of TSU in early childhood education, where in order to start my studies I first worked as a collaborator in an educational institution to test my vocation and be sure of my decision to study as a teacher.

Una vez Trabajando como docente, hice una pausa en mis estudios , luego continue la carrera de Licenciada, Trabajaba en la mañana estudiaba de noches, Luego realice la maestria obteniendo el titulo de Magister Scentaurum en educacion Inicial

Once I was working as a teacher, I took a break in my studies, then I continued my Bachelor's Degree, I worked in the morning and studied at night, then I did my Master's Degree obtaining the title of Magister Scentaurum in Early Childhood Education.


Tube la dicha de vivir la bella experiencia de trabajar en diferentes sectores en el ámbito educativo como lo fue la Educacion Privada y la publica, dos vivencias totalmente opuestas pero muy gratificante

Trabaje mi carrera profesional por mas de 18 años en una Zona rural donde esa comunidad la considero parte fundamental de todos los bellos momentos vividos.

I worked my professional career for more than 18 years in a rural area where I consider that community as a fundamental part of all the beautiful moments I lived.

Tres años antes de retirarme del Ministerio de Educacion trabaje como Directora de 5 Prescolares educativos en el año 2017 abri mi propio negocio una Charcuteria , que por motivo de la situacion pais de Venezuela funciono siete meses

Three years before retiring from the Ministry of Education I worked as Director of 5 educational preschools in 2017 I opened my own business a Charcuteria, which because of the situation in Venezuela country worked seven months.


A mis 35 años me case teniendo hoy por hoy 10 años de casada, no tuve la dicha de tener hijos aunque mi mayor deseo siempre fue y sera el ser madre, Actualmente trabajo como profesora dando tareas dirigidas, apoyando a los niños en refuerzo escolar mediante estrategias pedagógicas

At the age of 35 I got married and have been married for 10 years now, I have not had the joy of having children although my greatest desire has always been and will always be to be a mother, I am currently working as a teacher giving homework, supporting children in school reinforcement through pedagogical strategies.


Quiero darle las gracias a @veronicamartinc por ser mi apoyo , inspiración y enseñarme las herramientas para integrarme a esta plataforma . Excelente ser humano, la hija que no tuve , un ejemplo de lucha y perseverancia

I want to thank @veronicamartinc for being my support , inspiration and teaching me the tools to integrate me to this platform . Excellent human being, the daughter I did not have, an example of struggle and perseverance.


Si quieren saber un poco más mi historia Visiten mi perfil , estaré contando anecdotas y cambios de mi vida, Nos vemos en un próximo post!
If you want to know a little more about my story visit my profile, I will be telling anecdotes and changes in my life, see you in a future post!


Bienvenida a esta bonita plataforma, estoy segura de que lo harás muy bien y podrás conocer personas increíbles, porque en hive sobran buenas personas y llenas de talento! El mayor de los éxitos para ti y por supuesto mucha perseverancia!


Hi @lisset06!

Welcome to Blockchain Hive!

Hive is a whole ecosystem, although I'm sure @veronicamartinc has explained to you how it works . 😊

There are a variety of communities, you can focus or write about whatever you want. The niches you dominate or where you want to publish. Something very important: always read the rules of each community before posting.

A suggestion for you who are starting is to interact with other users in the communities where you publish or on topics that interest you, it is the best way to make yourself known and gain readers/followers. 😊

I also invite you to explore other communities you might like that are part of the OCD Communities Incubation Program. Check out all the communities, read their rules and post in the one that fits your content. I also suggest you check out this guide for newbies

Hive is a platform where content is monetized, so plagiarism is penalized, always create original content, respecting the copyright, if you use third party images, put the respective source.

Any questions or concerns you can connect to the OCD's Discord server and we'll be happy to answer your questions.

I wish you much success on Hive 👍.

Lovesniper @OCD team.


Thank you very much for all your recommendations


Bienvenida, espero que te sientas muy bien en esta increíble plataforma y que nos compartas grato contenido


Gracias por tus buenos deseos , por aquí estaré


Welcome aboard! I'll delegate some resource credits to help you comment and post more often while you get started. The best way to build a good audience is to be a good audience for others, so create conversations!

Be sure to write down your keys and keep them somewhere safe. Here is another writer's overview of which keys do what. Beware of scammers who promise quick riches or mystery airdrops, and don't enter your keys anywhere carelessly.

The HIVE community tends to be welcoming, but rewards may drop off after your introduction. Persevere! The path to success is not always fast and easy. Avoid plagiarism and spam in your posts. You'll make progress in due time. Here's a great post from another blogger with some helpful advice, too.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! I don't have all the answers, but I am glad to help if I can.

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HIVE | PeakD | Ecency


Welcome to Hive Lisset. Good to see you put the college education into children who will be are future


Thank you very much, children's education is the most valuable thing.


bienvenida a Hive todos los exitos en la plataforma y en esta maravillosa comunidad global web3.0
muchas bendiciones y lo mejor para ti


Bienvenida a Hive 👏🏻❤️🖤
