Luscious Lemon Curd - Qurator's: Hive Top Chef! | Egg Yolk


Wish I could blame my late entry on the hens who lay the eggs, but I'd be fibbing, as I do not have the luxury of having my own chickens!

Life's just been a tad challenging here in SA, as we were expecting rioting on Monday after one of the radical political parties announced protests that would bring the country 'to a standstill'.

Everyone made sure their pantries were stocked, and freezers filled, as a previous event like this led to rioting that turned into looting and property damage which forced every business to close down for a good couple of days.

I bought everything, and had the eggs for this week's Qurator's: Hive Top Chef! | Egg Yolk, but I wanted to make Lemon Curd, and forgot to buy Lemons; no Lemon tree either!

All was calm on Monday, and again yesterday, which was Human Rights Day here in SA - but again a pleasant surprise, no rioting!

We ventured out today, and I managed to apply for my passport renewal AND bought the much-wanted Lemons.

That was a long excuse explanation for being late, but here goes.

The Egg Yolk

There, of course, are many uses for egg yolks - Mayonnaise, Hollandaise sauce, Pastry, and...and...and...the list goes on.

However, having a sweet tooth, I was contemplating making a decadent Creme Brulee, or little Custard Tarts, but opted for my absolute favourite; a rich and creamy Lemon Curd.

This recipe makes 5 bottles so can be shared with friends, or kept in the refrigerator for a good couple of weeks. It's delicious on sourdough bread, as a filling for pastries, a topping for crumpets, as a filling for sponge cake, and whatever your heart desires.


Only Four Ingredients!

Salted Butter, Lemons, White Sugar, and the star of the show: Egg Yolks


Having an egg separator really works well, no popping of the yolks and mixing with the whites; the latter can in turn be used to make meringues, so there's no wastage.



Lemon Curd

Before I start, I have to tell you that it is better to make your Lemon Curd in a double boiler, as it can easily burn. I however use a heavy-based pot, and as soon as the curd starts bubbling, I place it in a bowl of cold water to cool the base of the pot down.
The secret to a smooth and creamy Lemon Curd of course is whisking it continuously with a good whisk.

The Recipe
  • 500 gram Salted Butter, cubed
  • 500 grams white Sugar
  • Juice of 3 large or 4 medium Lemons
  • Rind of 2 Lemons
  • 5 Egg Yolks
    Note: if you prefer a slightly thicker Lemon Curd, you can add 1 egg white to the mixture.


Place all ingredients into a double boiler (or if you're brave, and careful, use a good heavy-based pot)


Place on medium heat and whisk continuously, till the mixture just starts to bubble. Remove from the stove immediately.


Pour into sterilized bottles, and cover with a thin food cover till totally cool, before sealing. Place in refrigerator to firm up before using.






Store in refrigerator for up to two weeks. It also makes a nice little impromptu gift for a friend.

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The bottles are the cutest thing 🖤 This would make a nice gift indeed. Would you believe me if I told you that I've never tried lemon curd? I was recently looking at a couple of recipes on the web and found it to be something I should love, for I love lemon. I enjoyed a lot the narrative of your post and the photos, @lizelle. I hope things are quiet in your country, but just in case, you'd better keep your pantry stocked.

I do have a lemon tree and until a few months ago, we had laying hens (free in our yard). In days of crisis and rioting in my country, these were very useful. A hug from Venezuela!


If you like Lemons, you'll love Lemon Curd, it's really delicious, and so quick & easy to make!
I'd love to get a couple of chicks to rear, but we have a cat and I think he'll see them as prey🙈 It must be so nice having fresh eggs from your own hens!
It seems that you have similar problems in Venezuela, we also have the power outages, caused by fraud and gross mismanagement by those in power. It's just awful.
Hugs all the way from South Africa @marlyncabrera 🤗


The sound of chickens clucking is very relaxing, especially at dawn. The animals learn to live together; we have three female cats and a male cat who thinks he lives here 😆; we also have two dogs, two parrots and some tortoises hanging around... But I should be afraid to bring small chickens now; when we brought the hens, they were already adults, and believe me, they can be really fierce!
Hopefully things will improve in our countries. The truth is that every country has their problems... The world is pretty crazy lately.

I'm going to make lemon curd with your recipe, let's see how it goes 😁



I love lemon curd. I didn't know about the whole egg trick - thank you. Have you ever made granadilla curd? That is also delicious. Says someone who dislikes passion fruit! I do love eggs though...


I looove passion fruit so have made granadilla curd, it's even better than plain lemon curd. How can you not like my absolute favourite fruit Fiona? I really need to try and grow it.
Arthur's the egg lover, I should eat it more often. Despite its bad reputation for cholesterol, it is high in Vit K2 which is good for heart health, one is that it reduces calcium build-up in the arteries.
Of course Dean bought a good supply of the vitamin after Arthur's episode & gave me a lecture on eggs as it's also good for bone health🙄
I take the capsules & am trying to eat more eggs😉
