Splinterlands - Water Elemental (Weekly Batte Post)



This week the chosen monster card to use in battle is the Water Elemental. One of my favorite range cards is this. Why? It has self heal and is a quick attacker. Also the card price is reasonable compared to other self healing monsters. I usually put the monster at the end of the formation.

Here is one battle I have using Water Elemental, enjoy:


A battle with 40 mana limit and rule sets of Heavy Hitters and Keeping the Distance makes it wise to go with water splinter in my opinion. This is because I have a decent magic attack formation. My formation starts off with a tanker in LA and then Prismatic Energy followed up by three magic monsters and ending with Water Elemental. My opponent went with death splinter and used Shadowy Presence follow up with three magic monsters and two range monsters. Their formation similar focus as to mine where we have tankers at lead and magic/range monsters in the back end of the formation.


After the first round my entire formation was still intact while my opponent's tanker was gone and a second monster. Down to four and health reduced on multiple monsters I had the upper edge.


By the end of the second round my opponent only had their range attack monsters left but it was clear I was going to be victorious.


The formation I had was superior than my opponent's and I think it came from a few reasons. First my monsters were mostly higher than level one or it was a rarity of legend. While my opponent had all their monsters at level one and no legends. In addition my summoner help boost attack stack on multiple of my monsters while my opponent's was only able to slow down one monster attack which was my Water Elemental.

Although Water Elemental did not show off its massive advantage of quick attack and heal it was supplementing the remainder of the formation which help in the overall battle. I like using it at the rare for its speed and heal. It does well to neutralize sneak ability while has the speed to be one of the first attackers.

If you are interested in watching me knock out my opponent here is a link to the battle.

The Magic of Splinterlands Awaits You


