Share Your Battle Challenge -> Nerissa VS Peryton



They say there is nothing more beautiful than a Regal Peryton. They prefer to live in the mountains all across the Splinterlands, rarely seen by others. When they soar through the skies, the sunlight catches through their wings and creates rainbows underneath them. Regal Perytons are highly intelligent and consider themselves noble guardians of the natural world, using their magic to help others.



The battle challenge for this week is with Nerissa Tridawn, but I would like to make a twist in this story by showing you a battle with my analysis to help you to beat her. Nerissa Tridawn is a magic attack creature and it is a strong one! I have tried to pick a similar monster to her in order to take her down and secure a win for myself. 😉

The only problem I faced is that my opponent took Bortus against me who reduced my magic attack by one to all of my friendly creatures. 😧

Stats and abilities

Regal PerytonNerissa Tridawn
The Regal Peryton is a similar magic attack creature like Nerissa and he doesn't have too much ability as well only Flying. He has less magic damage than Nerissa, but he has much more sustain against melee and ranged attack thanks to his higher Speed and Flying.The magic damage of Nerissa Tridawn is almost twice as much like her counterpart of Peryton, but she is much slower and she doesn't have too much chance to dodge a melee or ranged attacks.

Nerissa mana cost is almost twice than the Peryton has, but he has much more dodge chance than her, which allows him to deal much more damage on the long run. 😁 It is much easier too boost the Regal Peryton damage with the Obsidian summoner and he will reach the same magic attack value like her!


Market price for the Regal Peryton compared with Nerissa Tridawn

Regal Peryton
Nerissa Tridawn

Click on the pictures if you want to see it bigger!

The Regal Peryton is a RARE card and such his BCX is much cheaper, but he need much more of them if you want to get a maximum version of him.

Nerissa Tridawn is an EPIC card and both card came from the Chaos Legion set!

Let's see how much they cost on maximum level:

Name of the cardSingle BCX PriceTotal Cost (USD)
Regal Peryton (Regular)0,2933,35
Nerissa Tridawn (Regular)1,4365,78
Regal Peryton (Gold Foil)4,6101,2
Nerissa Tridawn (Gold Foil)11,17111,7

The Regular cost of a maxed Nerissa Tridawn is twice as much than the Regal Peryton, which has the same ratio than their stats on the battlefield. More suprisingly their maxed level Gold Foil versions ar almost the same and only 10 USD is the difference, which is nothing.

The upcoming Battle ruleset


Briar PatchAll monsters have the Thorns ability.
Holy ProtectionAll Monsters have the Divine Shield ability.

The mana cap of this battle was 56, which is enough to use some of the best and most expensive monsters within the game. I love to play in a high mana cap battles, because it allows me to use my favorite tactics.


My lineup

The Obsidian is the modern Alric, but for the Earth Splinter. Ever since she appeared in the game she is one of the strongest Summoner especially if you are not expecting that you are going to face her. She gives +1 magic attack to all of her friendly monsters. 😇
The Chain Golem is my all time favorite tank, because he is well protected against all type of incoming attacks. He will halves all the damage dealt upon him easily. 😁
The Regal Peryton is a magic attack creature and I usually use him as an off-tank, because of his high speed, health and the ability of flying, which will provide extra 15% chance to dodge an incoming melee or ranged attack. 😊
The Sporcerer is a quite unique creature, because he has the most valuable abilities amongst many monsters, but unfortunately stats wise he is quite weak. He has the Rust ability, which will reduce the Armor of all enemy Monsters by 2 and also has Silence as well to decrease the magic attack of the enemy monsters by one. 😅
The Goblin Psychic has Silence as well like the Sporcerer, but his most important abilities are the Tank Heal and the Affliction. He is a must have in a team with Obsidian to heal our tank and remove the heal from the enemy tank. 😆
I have choosen Mitica Headhunter in this battle, because I do not like to rely only on one type of damage and if my opponent would try to reduce my magic damage the way I did with him than Mitica will be there to cause significant damage on his monsters. 😂
The Mycelic Slipspawn is the perfect decoy to protect my backline and tank in order to give some extra time to deal damage on my opponent frontline. The Taunt ability will soak all the attacks from my opponent monsters and the Forcefield will ensure that this Monster takes only 1 damage from attacks with power 5+. 😇


The Battle


Please click on the picture if you want to see the replay of the battle.

26uUsAjKTsXCDw7zixZR182JbFKvgzJ9YwsFpTVcRaGCmsqhA1unTgpqrAP9TBG3ngbmQff8XmGHioYU3At33cTpyHohG4z2ZWA19cNAtQpXz8JTL2Eth5Vxc1U3ozJdzUmyRRsLcmFgYoQ2JHa18eEtgZCjy2QR4hqU22 (1).png

Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

When I saw the ruleset of Briar Patches I knew that bringing Kelya with melee creatures will be out of question, so the only option was that my opponent will choose either Life ranged creatures or the Water or Earth Splinter with magic monsters.

So I prepared myself against magic attack creatures, because it was more chance to bring that and It worked perfectly. My opponent took a pretty soid team against me, but my two Silence monsters worked like a charm mitigate their huge magic damage. 😉

Battle Result


In this battle I will show you how to beat a magic attack team supported by Nerissa even though my opponent tried all his best to counter my team as well with Bortus who negated my +1 magic attack buff from my Obsidian.

I was very lucky in the frist round, because my Goblin Psychic triggered his Afflicition ability on my opponent Baakjira, which made him unable to heal himslef. In this round I have redirected a lot of damage into my Slipspawn, so I had some time to damage his tank.

In the beginning of the second round I have killed his Baakjira even though he had the Void ability, which will halves all the incoming magic damage, but against my Mitica he was completely unprotected and she killed him. 😁

As soon as my Slipspawn died they started to target my Chain Golem, so it was very useful that he has protection against all type of attacks. 😌

Even though my opponent took a pretty solid and expensive team he had almost zero chance to go through on my tank and I was able to win this battle. 😎


Do you like Nerissa Tridawn or you will pick Regal Peryton? Why or why not?

Nerissa Tridawn cost twice as much like the Regal Peryton, but their main role is quite similar. I always pick these two monster into my teams, while Nerissa goes well into higher mana cap battles the Peryton is quite good in any battles especially under 30 mana. 😊


I like to help new players 😉, so if you are just starting this game and you can use my referral link to sign-up, write me a message on Discord (LordDiablooo#3750), so I will send you 100 DEC and few key cards (delegated for an entire season) to kick off your career in Splinterlands. 😊

If you would like to use some of my dividers I have created for your blog feel free to use them following this link. 😉

Thank you so much 🙏 that you took the time to read my Weekly Battle Challenge. I hope it was informative and you liked it. 🤞

