Live Thanksgiving Service on 9/7/22



Good day everyone. Trust we are doing good by God's grace. Am Ajah Kelvin and am doing this post on the 10/7/22 to share some of my benefits from the live Thanksgiving Service on the 9/7/22.

Thanksgiving is one of the most important thing that we should learn to do. When we thank God we are declaring His goodness and God is pleased when we do this.
Jesus is our perfect example and we should follow His foot steps . Jesus always thank God.
We should thank God for everything.


When we teach our children the act of Thanksgiving, when they grow up, they would continue in it. When we hear the word of God and get baptized and be added to the church,we should thank God for it because baptism just like fasting looses us from bound of the wickedness according to Isaiah 58:6.

Thanksgiving should be endless. We should thank God for His care, His kindness and mercy towards us - Jeremiah 9:23-24. It's a blessing to belong to a nation or people that God cares for- Psalms 144:15 and 1 Cor 1 :4-7. We should thank God for diverse reasons.



It's also joyous to dwell in the house of God. It's good to be thankful to God for the wonderous works He has done, what is doing and what He is about to do- Psalm27:4. God doesn't forsake us. He is always there for us and hence we should love Him the more.

We are learn from the service that as children of God we have a seal and hence we shouldn't endulge in iniquity- Philippines 2:19. When we are safe, God purifies us and make us an instrument of righteousness unto good works- Isa29:24,Dan 12:10, Titus 2:14. Once we sanctify ourselves, we can be used as vessels of honour that would do good works- 2Timothy 2:19.

According to Romance 12:1, we learnt that our body is our offering to God and God accepts our body when we yield our members as instrument of righteousness unto good works. If God is using us, then it means He has accepted it(our body). Hence, lets allow ourselves to be used by God unto good works.


We also learnt in John 7:17 that a true preacher is known through the word and the doctrine he preaches. If He preaches Christ and the doctrine of Christ,then he is a true preacher. Therefore for us to know a false preacher,then we know the doctrine ourselves.

We also learnt in Matthew 6:1&10 that whatever we do, we should do as unto God and not men. God sees the heart , while man sees the outward appearance. If we focus on pleasing men, then we would be doing eye service, hence we should focus on pleasing God.
It's possible that we please men but
not for our own profiting but that they might be save.

Thanks for reading through. Hope we are blessed. You are invited to join us in the MCGI programs as we continue to surt


Thanks be to God for listening on our meeting.

MCGI Cares (Hive) community's main mission is to share the words of God, not the Hive upvotes. If we get upvotes, please treat it as just a bonus. Do not focus mainly on material things as the bible is teaching us not to look at things seen but rather focus our eyes on things not seen.

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
