Motivational Monday: Lesson From The Pawpaw Tree / (Lunes motivacional: lección del árbol de papaya.) English /Spanish

Warmest greetings all. I hope you are all well and doing great.

I welcome you to my blog again as I want to share this piece for the themed day Motivational Monday

When I was thinking of what to write about, my mind told me to go through my picture gallery that I would find something there. And while going through the images, my eyes got stuck on this one, the pawpaw tree.

I know you may be wondering what a pawpaw tree has got to do with motivation. Well, just like you are doing right now, I did too.
I was like, what the heck, what's there to write about a pawpaw tree. 😅 But I still listened to the nudging in my heart to continue.
I just hope this will make sense, but if it doesn't just admire the pawpaw tree 😂

First, let me tell you how the pawpaw tree came to be.
I had gone for an assignment in one of the villages in my state and on getting to the compound of the family I was to see, there the pawpaw tree was, looking inviting.
What actually caught my attention was the way one of its branches grew and the support given to it to stand. I was wowed by the ingenuity of the owner and I just had to capture it and it's been sitting pretty on my phone's gallery until today that opportunity for it to be used meaningfully came calling.

Now to why my focus is on the pawpaw tree. Looking at it closely, you will see that the main or parent pawpaw tree is no longer there. Maybe it was cut off or fell off due to external forces or natural occurrence.- challenges.
Again you will see that it is still standing meaning the roots (which gives it life) were not affected, hence the branches on it.

Despite the challenges that was probably geared at cutting it's life short, it developed more branches which have started bearing fruits, and plenty of fruits too. One of them is even bent and was supported by a bamboo stick so it doesn't cut - determination.

Let's learn from this wonderful pawpaw tree.
In life, challenges will come. Yes, those external challenges will that will try to push you down, make you feel you cannot achieve your goals and dreams, cause you stress, and depression, but hey, you shouldn't let that happen.
Just like the pawpaw tree didn't allow whatever that happened to it stop it's growth, same way you shouldn't allow any challenge take the better of you. Stand firm, courageous and rooted with all faith that you will make it. Step out stronger and determined to grow and achieve more in life, that is the key.

Going further, note that one of the branches was bent and had to be supported.

There are times when one will find himself or herself at a bending point and not knowing which angle to turn to or the way to go again. In such cases, the person feels stuck, confused, helpless, etc, and if the person isn't strong willed, he or she will just give up at that point. What the person needs in such situations is support.
Each and everyone of us need support and encouragement at some point in our lives, no one can deny this fact.

Just like the owner noticed that the branch will break if nothing is done, he had to swing into action and gave it a support.
So also should we not delay in lending support to someone in times of need. It could be in form of encouraging words, financial support, food, wears, visits, prayers, depending on the situation of the one who needs the support.
There is need to identify the exact type of support needed and give it, just like the pawpaw owner did.

We do not live for ourselves alone, but for others too. Life is beautiful when we share it with others.

Final Words

Remember, where there is life, there is hope. Don't yield to that situation that is trying to weigh you down. Learn from this pawpaw tree, be determined, re-strategize and flourish more.

Don't forget when one door closes, another better one opens.

Till I write again, stay #motivated, #alive and #aliveandthriving.

Still @luchyl, the #threadsaddict 😄


Los saludos más cálidos todo. Espero que todos estén bien y lo estén bien.

Te doy la bienvenida a mi blog nuevamente, ya que quiero compartir esta pieza para el día temático Lunes motivador

Cuando estaba pensando en qué escribir, mi mente me dijo que revisara mi galería de imágenes que encontraría algo allí.
Y mientras pasaba por las imágenes, mis ojos se atascaron en este, el árbol de la papaya.

Sé que quizás te preguntes qué tiene que ver un árbol de papaya con la motivación. Bueno, tal como lo estás haciendo tú ahora, yo también lo hice.

Pensé, qué diablos, qué hay que escribir sobre un árbol de papaya. 😅 Pero todavía escuché el empujón en mi corazón para continuar.

Solo espero que esto tenga sentido, pero si no es solo admirar el árbol de papaya 😂

Primero, déjame contarte cómo surgió el árbol de papaya.
Había ido a realizar una tarea a una de las aldeas de mi estado y, al llegar al complejo de la familia que debía ver, allí estaba el árbol de papaya, luciendo atractivo.

Lo que realmente me llamó la atención fue la forma en que crecía una de sus ramas y el apoyo que le daba para mantenerse en pie. Me cautivó el ingenio del propietario y solo tenía que capturarlo y ha estado muy bien en la galería de mi teléfono hasta que hoy surgió la oportunidad de usarlo de manera significativa.

Ahora veamos por qué mi atención se centra en el árbol de papaya. Mirándolo de cerca, verá que el árbol de papaya principal o padre ya no está allí. Tal vez se cortó o se cayó debido a fuerzas externas o sucesos naturales.- desafíos.

Nuevamente verás que todavía está en pie, es decir, las raíces (que le dan vida) no fueron afectadas, de ahí las ramas.

A pesar de los desafíos que probablemente tuvieron como objetivo acortar su vida, desarrolló más ramas que comenzaron a dar frutos, y muchos frutos también. Uno de ellos incluso está doblado y estaba sostenido por una vara de bambú para no cortarse: determinación.

Aprendamos de este maravilloso árbol de papaya.
En la vida vendrán desafíos. Sí, esos desafíos externos intentarán hundirte, hacerte sentir que no puedes alcanzar tus metas y sueños, causarte estrés y depresión, pero bueno, no debes permitir que eso suceda.

Así como el árbol de papaya no permitió que lo que le pasó detuviera su crecimiento, de la misma manera tú no debes permitir que ningún desafío se apodere de ti. Mantente firme, valiente y arraigado con toda fe en que lo lograrás. Salir más fuerte y decidido a crecer y lograr más en la vida, esa es la clave.

Yendo más lejos, observe que una de las ramas estaba doblada y tuvo que ser apoyada.

Hay momentos en los que uno se encontrará en un punto de inflexión y sin saber qué ángulo tomar o qué camino tomar nuevamente. En tales casos, la persona se siente estancada, confundida, indefensa, etc., y si no tiene una voluntad fuerte, simplemente se rendirá en ese momento. Lo que la persona necesita en tales situaciones es apoyo.

De la misma manera, no deberíamos demorarnos en brindar apoyo a alguien en momentos de necesidad. Puede ser en forma de palabras de aliento, apoyo económico, comida, ropa, visitas, oraciones, dependiendo de la situación de quien necesita el apoyo.
Es necesario identificar el tipo exacto de apoyo necesario y brindarlo, tal como lo hizo el dueño de la papaya.

No vivimos sólo para nosotros, sino también para los demás. La vida es hermosa cuando la compartimos con los demás.

Ultimas palabras

Recuerda, donde hay vida, hay esperanza. No cedas ante esa situación que intenta agobiarte. Aprenda de este árbol de papaya, sea determinado, reestructure sus estrategias y prospere más.

No olvides que cuando se cierra una puerta se abre otra mejor.

Hasta que vuelva a escribir, mantente #motivado, #vivo y #vivoyprosperando

Sigue siendo @luchyl, el #threadsaddict 😄


This was a very clever, yet apt metaphor! Nature itself shows us that we must continue to thrive and use the support of others to do so. We are, indeed interconnected, and it's perfectly fine to acknowledge this.

A very interesting and unique post - thank you for sharing this. 😊


Yes, we should continue thrive and pursue purpose despite the odds that might be against us. There shouldn't be room for giving up.

Thanks for this wonderful submission and acknowledgement.



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That's right. There is a lot we can learn from the pawpaw and you outlined your points well with the picture. There are times we will need support in life because we can't do it alone and we should try to give space for help to come in.

Hello dearest dreemer I hope you are well. TGIF!!! The weekend is already here and I hope you have fun with it. I waltzed in from #dreemport for I am an amazing #dreemer. An awesomely made #dreemerforlife.


Are you not a sage! So much wisdom just from the picture of a paw paw tree. But, you're very much right. Sometimes, the motivation we need is just right around the corner, just like that tree. As humans, we are bound to reach our breaking points, bound to face obstacles but again, giving up should never be an option.

This was a lovely read.



Are you not a sage! So much wisdom just from the picture of a paw paw tree.

Hahaha, we all have rare wisdom in us. It's just for us to find it and explore it.

Sometimes, the motivation we need is just right around the corner, just like that tree.

Exactly, everything around us has a way of sending waves of motivation to us. All we just need is understanding it when it comes.

Giving up does no good at all.

Thanks for sharing your wonderful thoughts here.



Wow...I was curious to know what you will come up with after choosing the papaw tree and here we nice
Pretty life lessons here
Ingot value
Thanks for sharing



I wasn't really sure what I was going to write about when I chose it but I just allowed my instincts to guide me.

I'm glad you got value from the write up.
Greatly appreciate your kind words.
Have a great weekend.



This is very wonderful, few people will actually notice this but I makes a lot of sense and yes, we should never give up easily because it's when we give up that it's really over.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful piece with us.


You are right, I have come to learn that giving up never helps at all because just like the saying goes "there's always light at the end of the tunnel"
This encourage us to keep moving no matter how difficult the path may seem.

Thanks for stopping by and sharing your wonderful thoughts, greatly appreciate.



I totally agree, you are welcome 🤗.
