Oreo Cookie and Milk Ice Cream

💕 Hello Hive Community! 💕


El dulce siempre ha sido algo que me ha encantado, los helados son de mis postres favoritos y no habĂ­a podido hacer una receta de helados decente ya que mi nevera no funciona muy bien que digamos, pero recientemente adquirĂ­ un freezer y sentĂ­ la libertad creativa para hacer una receta muy sencilla de helados con pocos ingredientes, muy fĂĄciles de hacer, utilizando galletas oreos.

Sweet has always been something I have loved, ice cream is one of my favorite desserts and I had not been able to make a decent ice cream recipe since my refrigerator does not work very well, but recently I acquired a freezer and I felt the creative freedom to make a very simple recipe for ice cream with few ingredients, very easy to make, using oreos cookies.

Ingredientes | Ingredients

  • 2 Paquetes de Galletas Oreo
  • Leche en Polvo
  • Leche Condensada
  • Cacao en Polvo (Opcional)
  • 2 Packets of Oreo Cookies
  • Powdered Milk
  • Condensed Milk
  • Cocoa Powder (Optional)


Paso a Paso | Step by Step



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  • Lo primero es triturar las galletas, en el mismo empaque, estuve utilizando un rodillo y con movimientos bruscos me dedique a golpear el empaque de galleta hasta que quedaron hechas trocitos bastante pequeños. DespuĂ©s tome la cantidad que deseaba de agua y le coloque una gran cantidad de leche en polvo para que quedara bastante pura.
  • The first thing is to crush the cookies, in the same package, I was using a rolling pin and with abrupt movements I was beating the cookie package until they were made quite small pieces. Then I took the desired amount of water and added a large amount of powdered milk so that it would be quite pure.




  • DespuĂ©s tome un recipiente de vidrio en el cual estuve colocando media lata de leche condensada, despuĂ©s la cantidad de leche que deseaba y me ayude de mi batidora para poder unirlo mucho mĂĄs rĂĄpido. Seguidamente coloque las galletas trituradas y con la batidora nuevamente estuve integrando mucho mejor la galletas con las leches, con una licuadora es mucho mĂĄs rĂĄpido el proceso.
  • Then I took a glass container in which I placed half a can of condensed milk, then the amount of milk I wanted and I helped myself with my mixer to be able to put it together much faster. Then I put the crushed cookies and with the mixer again I was integrating much better the cookies with the milks, with a blender is much faster the process.


  • Una vez todo estuvo perfectamente integrado, dejando unos trozos de galletas mĂĄs grandes que otros decidĂ­ agregar una cucharadita de cacao en polvo, no demasiado, y despuĂ©s lo coloque en vasitos para poder llevar al congelador durante 4 horas aproximadamente, el tiempo que tomĂł para estar firmes.
  • Once everything was perfectly integrated, leaving some pieces of cookies bigger than others I decided to add a teaspoon of cocoa powder, not too much, and then I put it in little glasses to take it to the freezer for about 4 hours, the time it took to be firm.



Y después de esperar unas cuantas horas para poder comer mi dulce tranquilamente me dedique a probar como había quedado, creo que quedo un poquito mås dulce de lo que a mi me gustaría pero si estaba muy rico. Espero que les haya gustado esta pequeña receta, nos vemos pronto!

And after waiting a few hours to be able to eat my candy quietly I tried to taste how it turned out, I think it was a little sweeter than I would like but it was very tasty. I hope you liked this little recipe, see you soon!

Pictures of my property.

Camera: CellPhone Xiaomi Redmi Note 10.

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If you like makeup, the world of beauty or making art on your skin I invite you to the community and the Telegram:

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Pufff que ricooooo, nada más cuando ví que estabas preparando algo con oreo vine directo a ver porque la oreo es mi galleta favorita 😍😍😍. Besitos y saludos.


La galleta oreo definitivamente es superior, la amo demasiado! Saludos 😘😘


Babas. Me recuerda a Miga's.


It looks amazing. It is a coincidence that I have a pack of Oreos now in our cabinet. With that said, I will try this one out tomorrow.
