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Whether we like it or not, artificial intelligence (AI) has come to stay and the earlier we start adjusting and readjusting our life patterns to accommodate them, and the earlier we start to think of how to open up new areas/opportunity for ourselves, the better for us all.

Artificial intelligence like the word implies means intelligence that is not from human, it means intelligence that is non-human and is facilitated or orchestrated by an artificial or man-made machine.

Artificial intelligence basically means machines, robot or softwares acting or thinking like humans.

We can get a glimpse of how this works through the Google mobile assistant in our phones or Siri in some other kind of phones (apple). "ok Google" and "Siri" are mobile assistants same way people have human Personal assistants ( PA). They can to a large extent help you get things done. They can help you search for things on the internet, they can set reminders for appointments, they can help you call and send messages to people, they can play a song and even crack a joke if you ask them to.

Like humans, they are intelligent enough to comprehend what you say and give you an appropriate response or output. Their intelligence though is limited, as they do not have a mind of their own but act based on how they programmed to. This wouldn't be the case in years to come as analyst have predicted that in years to come, this AI would be self-aware and would even make decisions based on their own desires like humans. There are even some who say, these AI may turn against humans in future.

Because of how smart these AI have been made to be, there is nearly no sector that you can't find their application. You can find it in Military, in the health sector, education sector, and even in the corporate sector, etc.
Countries like Japan already have Robot waiters and receptionist. some other country have AI powered drones. You find AI teachers, personal assistants, and customer service agents( chatbots), We now even have autonomous cars too.

The development of these machines have led to a high level of redundancy as many workers have now been laid-off and replaced with these highly efficient and effective machines. Other than being efficient, these machines are cost effective as they do not need to be paid monthly salaries.

Although there are still a lot of sectors and areas that are yet to be explored and affected by the AI takeover, but with the rate and pace at which these machines are being developed, and with the level of technological advancements and evolution that we are witnessing in present times, there isn't any area which these machines cannot be made to fit in and there isn't any area which it wouldn't eventually takeover in years to come, and this will lead to even more people losing jobs.

Having this in mind, it is imperative that we reevaluate and position ourselves in such a way that these technologies have the lowest chance of affecting and displacing us.

I thought about my skill-sets one after the other, thinking of which would have the least chance of being taken over by these machines, and then a question popped up in my head - "can an AI fry puff-puff ?". It then dawned on me that the culinary sector especially cookery is one that would be difficult to be taken over by these machines.

cookery is an art and is very much subjective and doesn't have a particular path to it, it's not a one way thing. Our food recipes are a product of our thoughts and experiments plus no AI has been made with the sense of taste or smell and it is almost impossible to create one.

I had learnt to make small chops years back after I left secondary school. Smallchops are food snacks that can be served at home and at various events. I had done these chops for many exotic events in the past and made good money off it. I can make the springroll, Samosa, Mosa , Mosa and Puff-puff. There is no way an AI can do this the same way I do it, Plus my recipes are only known to me.
I was convinced this was it. My culinary/cookery skill. This was one area I could bank on


After figuring this out, I felt a bit relaxed and happy as I dread being amongst the so many people that'll be made redundant by these machines.


Thanks for stopping by. I would also love to hear from you. Do well to drop your thoughts in the comment section. Gracias


Indeed, AI is here to stay whether we want it or not. Our population is drastically increasing and it is impossible how to keep doing everything manually.

At some point, we have to depend on AI for a lot of things. You are right about AI lacking the sense of taste and smell.

Puff Puff, one of my favourite snacks especially the peppered one can't be made with Artificial intelligence. I also make snacks, and cook varieties of food which means, I have a lot of options when AI starts stripping people of their job.


Yea, indeed you're lucky you have this indispensable skill. Thanks for stopping by


I totally agree with your points here. AI have come to stay and the only way to stay relevant in our society is by adding value to ourselves. Getting skills that will remain in need even with the reign of Ai
By then, I will start cooking my native delicacies and be selling 😉


Wow!, I'll actually love to taste this delicacies, I can tell they'll be amazing. Making those delicacies would always keep you relevant and you're indeed lucky you possess the skill to make them. Thanks for stopping by


The pleasure is mine

Perhaps, you could have an online taste of the food 😍


Omo... I'm certain that in future, AI would be able to prepare meals. But it would only mean that human cooked meals would become gold! People will pay an arm and a leg just to eat human cooked food. Because no matter how good AI gets, it just can't have that uniqueness that comes with being human. Everything about it will just be generic and the food might be sweet, but there's no way it will burst your brain. That's for sure😂


Thanks for stopping by. You are indeed correct.


Getting Ai into the culinary world won't be easy but it is not impossible.

Imagine, the Ai been programmed to know exactly the amount of temperature needed to make a good puff-puff. The mixing part of the flour and other ingredients😂😂, I don't know how that can happen
