
Have you ever fallen in love before ?. If you have, you'd agree with me that love can really make one automatically become weird and begin to act crazy. Just try to recall how you acted when you were very much in love, you'd begin to realize that acted like you were rid of your rational reasoning and you did things that you would never have thought that you could ever do. Sometimes you just find yourself laughing or smiling to yourself on the road without talking to anyone, some people may even call you crazy, That is what love can make one do. It makes you do things that are unusual to you, things that you previously found stupid. It makes adults begin to act like children, it breaks strong men and can even make them shed tears.

This craziness that comes from falling in love with someone or having a crush on someone is predominant amongst the youths and teenagers.
Lots of adults try to control their emotions and how it affects their overall behavior but this skill isn't one that youngsters have mastered.

Youths and teens would agree with me that when they're in love or have a crush on someone, there overall behavior changes. they begin to act weird and crazy. Indeed love is a beautiful thing and the powers it wields are unimaginable.

Today I want to share with you some funny, unusual and abnormal behaviors people display when they're in love. I know you can relate very well with this because we all have fallen in love at one point in our lives or the other.

So, what funny and crazy things does falling in love make us do ?

Firstly, falling in love makes you overthink and overanalyze:

This is almost normal for everyone. Love can turn one into a perfectionist and a professor too. Once someone you love or crush on is involved, You begin to overthink and overanalyze everything. Little decisions become very hard for you to take. You fear not to mess up and ruin things, You question all your actions, decisions and sometimes even your believes.

If it's a boy crushing on a girl, he begins to analyse her voice tone, facial expressions, body movements whenever she talks to him. He would even begin to analyse a simple "hi" that he or she said to him . A lot begins to run through his mind. "Does she love me back ?, is she sad, did I get her upset" etc. The worst is when he is trying to make an approach, maybe he wants to say "hi" to the lady, ask her what her name is and probably have a little chat with her for the first time.
He would begin to overthink. He thinks about his cloth, how to walk to her, how to ask for her name, how not to ruin the situation, if it's ok to say hello first, if he should be sober or wear a big grin etc. He would then start predicting her replies and how to follow up.

During those period,the perfectionist in you manifests. You can no longer cope with little mistakes, like if you're on your way to work and maybe something stains your cloth so faintly that people would normally not notice, you would turn back, go straight home and have a change of cloth. Some people may even fight their barbers for not carving their hair with utmost precision. Suddenly you'll even begin to care about matching clothes and color.

Falling in love makes you frequent social media a lot more than you used to : You're trying to learn more about the person and also get a glimpse into the kind of lifestyle they live so what better way to do that than checking them out on social media
You find yourself stalking them on social media, the private investigator in you comes out in full force.

Your wallet becomes their wallet:
In other words, you become so generous to them that Father Christmas has nothing on you. If you're the kind of person who's used to buying things for your friends already; you can play it off by buying things for another close friend of yours so if anyone asks, you can just say; "Oh, it's how I am naturally" while we both know it's not natural in any way. Because why are you blushing while giving them the biscuits you bought for them (biscuits that are their fave by the way).

You've become a mother protector: Because what else can we call that protective nature of yours that only comes out when they're involved?? You don't stress yourself when other friends are in trouble, just show the normal amount of friendly concern and be done with it. But with this person, you have become a knight in shining armor (oshey super hero thats always saving the day). You don't give your friends rides normally but it's as if this particular person has turned you to their cab guy.

You no longer know how to talk to them: Let's say the both of you were really cool friends before you started having feelings for her and the group chat and conversations flowed easily between you both. Now however, you have suddenly forgotten how to talk to them like a normal human being or even act around them because your hormones (at this point I'd call them hormones) and emotions have decided to tag team and turn your life around. So instead of just vibing with them like you used to do, you've become a stumbling mess who either talks so much that you've begun to ramble or you avoid talking at all so that you don't use your own hand to fall your hand.

Your hands no longer know how to stay one place: Selena Gomez knew what she was saying when she sang the song "Can't Keep My Hands To Myself" and you know this because that's your situation right now. Your hands that always used to mind themselves before have all of a sudden forgotten how to behave around this person and it's as if all they want to do is touch this person (no the touches are not sexual, unless of course the atmosphere is charged with sexual tension and the both of you are okay with it) and if you don't touch them you'd probably die. It's not your fault that they've become a magnet for your hands is it?

You become their personal clown: Because everyone loves someone who can make them laugh, you've decided that the best way to win your special someone over is to always make them laugh, be it by cracking jokes around them or teasing them ever so often (be careful though, so that you don't cross a line and accidentally strike a nerve). But yeah, when you're in love, you're going to do everything in your power to make this person laugh and feel comfortable around you so that at the very least, you come to mind whenever they need a good laugh after a stressful day.

You tend to avoid them:
On the days when you're not sticking to them like glue, you are staying at least 5 feet away from them, and doing everything possible to avoid coming close to them. The reason for this? Well, you're trying so hard to make sure they don't notice your feelings which at this point are flowing like a river and what better way to hide it than avoiding the object of your affections. Every day feels like a struggle, do I go close to them or do I stay as far from them as I can? And although some days love will win, there will be days when the scaredy cat in you will win

You're always there for them:
In fact you're the definition of a good friend because you always show up when your sweetheart needs your help. Do they need someone to go with them to the hospital? Or someone to talk to about how scared they are that something might be wrong with them? Do they need someone to help them get some notes in class cause they can't make it to school? Or do they need someone to cry to when something has them in a bad mood? Well no matter what it is, you're always there for them, so much so that they've automatically come to rely on you because you've made them feel like you're dependable and that you'll always have their back. Sometimes you tend to overdo it (you'll know when your crush feels comfy enough to tell you she's going through her time😅😅)

Here are just a few. I know you're even thinking about a lot other weird things that you have done. It's weird but it's normal. That's just how powerful love can be. I would love to hear from you. What weird things have you done because of love ?, drop yours on the comment section let's laugh together.


Thanks alot for stopping by, I hope you found this interesting.


You are really right buddy, we really need to control ourselves whenever we fall in love or tend to fall . What I just need to say is that when love finally leaves your eyes wide open, then you will understand caused I was once in this situation and I understand what it is


Yes bro. It's really funny what we can do when we're in love. No wonder they say love is blind


Yes ooo, but now are days love is not blind again oo cus you go learn in the hard way if you let love blind you😂😂


Coming from a love Pro I guess, these signs wouldn't be needed by @diikaan though


Hmm, I'm no love pro. I don't think there can be one. Love is to big a thing for one to call himself a pro


I dunno how I got here but I'm sure that nothing that concerns love concerns me. I can't be any body's clown


Nice list🤣🤣🤣
It's been a while I had such feelings and I'm not ready for it yet. It feels weird but it's a beautiful thing TBH
