RE: Put Your Faith in What You Most Believe In


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I was aware of your clash with some Whales a while back.

lol - I'm down voted on every single post I write (and many comments)... for the last 4 months.

I decided to ditch my other business's to write full time - and was making just enough to support me (my required bowl of rice is very small).
After the malicious and continual vindictive attacks on my account, I can no longer do that.
I.e The actions of other people have denied me from continuing to do this endeavor.
(and it may actually be illegal under 'common law and trespass'- something I'm looking into right now - common law is above any other law - in theory at least).

I believe that some 'important' people in the crypto world/media space are now watching my account closely - and it's ongoing developments.
One of the reasons that I now post is so that the continued actions can be seen clearly by observers.
The toxicity expressed by some accounts on here is embarrassing...
...lmao - they're acting like petulant children having a tantrum on a keyboard (who just so happen to inhabit adult bodies and have large stake).

This is very bad optics for Hive.

...but 'the powers that be' on here, seem to be totally unconcerned about how it looks to the wider world - including , potentially, some 'important' people who are actively looking at the shenanigans going on (and talking about it to others)...

Make of that, what you will.

I look at actions - or inactions - and judge from there - and the picture isn't very pretty.
For example - There are accounts on here who try to take the moral high road - (specifically in regards to bullying behaviors in this instance) - and then go on to actively support the very same accounts who engage in such bullying activity !
As I said - the picture isn't very pretty.

It's fascinating psychological study.
I'll be writing in detail about many of them, off hive - subscription only.


Psst! I don't support bullies. Those two who downvote you. I've only seen them around. Can count the times I've spoken to both on one hand. And this comment of yours I just stumbled into browsing the chain again. I don't like seeing anyone get pushed around. Get your facts straight. Like it or not, I know which parts you're bullshitting about. But it doesn't bother me and I don't mind setting the record straight. It just makes me think you're full of shit when I see you talking shit, and that is no fault of mine. And I don't care to listen to your rebuttal.

Psssst.....This comment was not referring to you !!!! lolol.. not in the slightest.... !....lmfao

...Narcissistic, much?
(...You might have - now - just made the list....Well done, you !).


I called you a bully, for being a bully, so I'm not surprised to see you call me names and pretend to be threatening. You turned around and placed me on your 'list', awhile ago. I laughed at you, because I thought it was weird. So I guess I'll just chuckle at this again.


Examples of bullying ... ?
Please elucidate.

Oh, and just to avoid any further embarrassment - from yourself - reacting to bullying behavior, is not bullying - not unless you live in an upside down world of postmodern logic of course.

...this should be interesting...(which will make a pleasant change)...


You already know what I'm talking about. No need to play games with me. I realize you think you're being watched, so I understand why you feel the need to 'put on a show'.

Nobody cares though. I certainly don't. And it's not my fault you choose to act the way you do.

Have a good one. I'm putting you on mute.


lol - So..... no actual examples?..Got it.


(I was trying to save you from embarrassment....but yet again, you excelled at achieving it once more for yourself..bless)

I don't think your narcissism will allow you to stop reading my posts and commenting.
Masochism is a funny pathology....
Or....Can be extremely self destructive if you're not aware of it.
(I have traits of it myself, but I now know myself better - warts and all).

Substance abuse is a common in introverted masochists. (especially when combined with narcissistic traits).
After a couple of decades of indulging in the said substance abuse myself (I no longer do anything), I can see it clearly in others...

For example:
Continually embarrassing yourself with vapid one liners and accusations without substantive evidence, is one expression of this masochistic pathology (mixed with possible narcissistic personality disorder - NPD).

Narcissistic supply is garnered through looking like an idiot - thus satisfying both pathologies - attention and humiliation - all in one!

I don't mute - (apart from sock puppet accounts from the steem days)... I'm not scared of seeing things and challenging the things that I disagree with...
Being a grown up, is gooooood....

Speak soon, matey !


It's much easier to simply allow you to provide the examples, as you do, every time you open your mouth. It doesn't faze me though. That's what you need to understand. You can sit there, throwing around your insults and baseless accusations all you want. Your true colors shine bright. All I had to do was call you a bully. You went from someone pretending to be my friend, to a complete dick. Like a light switch.

All I wanted to do was clear the air. I'm not the one you need to be pissed off with. I don't like it when people drag me through the mud for no reason. You think you're a grown up? Stop acting like such a baby.

You got a poor read on me, dude. I've known that from the start. I don't respond directly to much of what you say because to me, when you go into bullshit mode, I know the truth. You're the type that can't be wrong though. You were being a bully that day and you haven't stopped being a dick to me ever since I pointed it out. Like I said, you got rocked, and now you're swinging at the crowd thinking everyone is out to get you.

You do remember we used to get along, right? To me there was just enough friendship there to want to step in and help. When I see a friend doing stupid shit, I'm the type who will tell them straight, to cut it out. I feel like you stabbed me in the fucking back.

You don't scare me, and I see right through you. I don't like what I see now. So I'll just look away. You don't deserve even one more minute of my time. Besides. You're fucking delusional and the examples of that are all over the chain. I'm not the only one who can see that.

When you point one finger, don't forget about the three fingers pointing back at yourself.


P.S. Yes. You are muted now. You can mock me all you want. You're a bully. I wouldn't expect any less. Thanks for providing examples. I've a hunch you'll offer more, shortly. But I won't be here to see them. Now think about what you just said to me. Pick up the mirror.


You went from someone pretending to be my friend, to a complete dick.

I never pretended to be your friend. We got on okay.

I don't like it when people drag me through the mud for no reason

I never did - that's your narcissism coming to the fore - ego centrism . (or give me an example of this 'dragging you through the mud' ? ? I didn't think so)

You do remember we used to get along, right? To me there was just enough friendship there to want to step in and help. When I see a friend doing stupid shit, I'm the type who will tell them straight, to cut it out. I feel like you stabbed me in the fucking back.

I'll get along with anyone if they're being real.
So it's now all about how you feel?

I never stabbed you in the back - that's your perception. (any examples of this?..No?... I didn't think so - yet again..)

You don't scare me, and I see right through you.

Why would I scare you? (the emotion of fear is within you, not me - it's interesting that this emotion is connected to my words though)

You're fucking delusional and the examples of that are all over the chain.

Ad hominem attacks are 'the white flag in any debate' - you do know that, right?
(Why do you keep making yourself look like an idiot? - is it a prerequisite to being accepted into 'the hive sycophancy club', or something ? )

Like I say, I don't mute people I disagree with, I'm not a snowflake.

Speak soon, matey !


I believe that some 'important' people in the crypto world/media space are now watching my account closely - and it's ongoing developments.

There's one example. It's probably your NPD creating this fantasy world. It wasn't an attack. Simply an observation and a common occurrence when studying how you carry yourself. I'd say you're delusional.

You don't even notice how bad it is. Look:

Ad hominem attacks are 'the white flag in any debate' - you do know that, right?
(Why do you keep making yourself look like an idiot?


Like I say, I don't mute people I disagree with, I'm not a snowflake.

You're always tossing around insults and want me to doubt myself. Classic case of NPD. Nothing I do or say will make it click with you. You'll continue on, being in denial of any wrongdoings. Even if I offered you examples like this post where you drag me through the mud, you'll be in complete denial and try to pin it on me somehow, like you did, by claiming:

I never did - that's your narcissism coming to the fore - ego centrism . (or give me an example of this 'dragging you through the mud' ? ? I didn't think so)

You already knew about that. I already approached you about it a couple days ago, standing up for myself.

You continuously knock me down. I already told you I'm not fazed by this behavior of yours. It's an offering. You're showing me your true colors.

Now, in closing, you need to get this part through your head: I'm not interested in talking to you. And it's not because of my flaws. It's not because I'm some kind of 'snowflake' that can't handle confrontation. Take note I've not had any issues confronting you. You just have some issues I don't feel like dealing with. I'm simply making a choice to give you enough respect to respond, now. Moving forward you need to understand, I'm not interested in anything you do or say. I said I'm putting you on mute but I didn't say when.

I'm walking away. Try to accept that.


I believe that some 'important' people in the crypto world/media space are now watching my account closely - and it's ongoing developments.

There's one example. It's probably your NPD creating this fantasy world. It wasn't an attack. Simply an observation and a common occurrence when studying how you carry yourself. I'd say you're delusional.

This is not an example of delusion - this is a result of my 'off hive' communications.
This is not an example of delusion - this is an example of you trying to framing a reality. This framing is based on something in which you have no possible knowledge (my communications off hive).
This is not an example of delusion - this is an example of you making assumptions and then trying to extrapolate a narrative from it - nothing more.

You don't even notice how bad it is. Look:

Ad hominem attacks are 'the white flag in any debate' - you do know that, right?
(Why do you keep making yourself look like an idiot?

So you're saying that ad hominem attacks are NOT a white flag in a debate?
Seriously? lol...
If you really think this is not the case ( that ad hominem attacks are a valued debate strategy), then I'd suggest some quick lessons in philosophy and critical thinking.

You're always tossing around insults and want me to doubt myself.

If my 'insults (as you choose to frame them) make you doubt yourself - then just maybe that's your own subconscious wanting to have quiet word with you?

If 'tossing around insults' is conducive to initiating some kind of synaptic action, that's fine.
I only do anything , to try and make people think.
I cannot make you doubt yourself - only you can do that.
If my words trigger such doubts - then I accept your gratitude gracefully, I want no accolades - it's not an ego thing for me.
I always find gratitude welling up within myself from any source that induces me to think - as such, I see it in the same light - that you'd only ever want to thank me for making you think .

....if I offered you examples like this post where you drag me through the mud

I don't drag you through anything - you do it to yourself. You're now adopting 'the victim' role.

You're showing me your true colors.

My 'true colors' have been on display ever since I joined steem.

Now, in closing, you need to get this part through your head: I'm not interested in talking to you. And it's not because of my flaws. It's not because I'm some kind of 'snowflake' that can't handle confrontation. Take note I've not had any issues confronting you. You just have some issues I don't feel like dealing with. I'm simply making a choice to give you enough respect to respond, now. Moving forward you need to understand, I'm not interested in anything you do or say. I said I'm putting you on mute but I didn't say when....I'm walking away. Try to accept that.

Riddle me this:....

If you were not interested in talking to me, then why do you keep coming to my comments and posts - and talk to me ?

(and not the other way around - ever - I only reply to your intercourse).
'Your T-shirt doesn't say how your mouth behaves'...

I always look at actions over words, and your actions tell me - and everyone else - that you do indeed, want to come over and talk to me...(can you reconcile this ?)

You can walk away any time you wish - but you keep coming back to my comments and posts and keep talking to me....It's you that need to accept this reality, not me.

(Maybe it's because you find me interesting -colorful- in an otherwise 'sea of gray mediocrity' ?... also known as the majority of Hive accounts ?..).

Speak soon, matey !


You seem to have trouble with reading comprehension. You're trying, again, to make me doubt myself. I've lost count of how many times I've told you I'm not fazed by your behavior. I'm observing this behavior coming from you, not doubting myself. There's a huge difference.

You throw around ad hominem nonstop, yet think it makes people look like idiots, so make up your mind.

Now you're throwing around the large text. Are you compensating for something perhaps? Get overly excited? I dunno. I don't care.

So you're saying that ad hominem attacks are NOT a white flag in a debate?

I didn't say that. You made it up and believed your own bullshit. Reading comprehension problems again maybe? I can only guess at this point. Intentional spin perhaps? I don't care enough to know the answer and feel confident I wouldn't get an honest one anyway.

And if people truly are watching you; you realize YOU is what they'll see, and not what you think you are, I hope.

You should ask yourself why you're talking to me. I'm not interested in anything you say or do. Just want you to know now is a good time to leave me alone because I'm walking away. Try to accept that. It's a good thing.


Are you finally walking away now then, or is this yest another empty statement..?

Speak soon, matey....

(You can't seem to stop yourself from trying to connect with me!.... time, after time, after time - no matter how many times you tell the world that you're doing just that!... it kinda makes you look very silly, insecure, and full of shit)...
