First Time Trying Pulut Durian - A delicious preparation of sticky rice and durian.

Hi dear Hivers, good morning and peace be upon you. I hope you are blessed with good health and God's blessings. In this post, I would like to share my experience of eating traditional Indonesian food for the first time, Pulut Durian. This food comes from the province of West Sumatra, Indonesia. The main ingredients of Pulut Durian are glutinous rice and durian fruit.

Hola querido Hivers, buenos días y que la paz sea contigo. Espero que gocéis de buena salud y de las bendiciones de Dios. En este post, me gustaría compartir mi experiencia de comer comida tradicional indonesia por primera vez, Pulut Durian. Esta comida procede de la provincia de Sumatra Occidental, Indonesia. Los principales ingredientes del Pulut Durian son el arroz glutinoso y la fruta durian.


So, 2 days ago, I visited my best friend's house. It's been a long time since we met, and while I was on leave from work, I wanted to see him in the city of Tebing Tinggi. Incidentally, my best friend has a durian garden and there were already some durian fruits that fell from the tree. The taste of durian that falls from the tree is more delicious than durian that undergoes a process of maturation (forced maturation).

Hace 2 días visité la casa de mi mejor amigo. Hacía mucho tiempo que no nos veíamos y, mientras estaba de permiso en el trabajo, quise verle en la ciudad de Tebing Tinggi. Por cierto, mi mejor amigo tiene un huerto de durianes y ya había algunos frutos de durianes que caían del árbol. El sabor del durián que cae del árbol es más delicioso que el del durián sometido a un proceso de maduración (maduración forzada).



The durian from my friend's garden tasted very good. Of the many durians I have eaten, the ones grown in North Sumatra province are the most delicious. Besides its sweet taste, the flesh is thick and the seeds are small. After we had eaten our fill of durian, my friend processed the leftover durian into Pulut Durian. This is a processed food menu that is also delicious to me.

El durian del huerto de mi amigo sabía muy bien. De los muchos durians que he comido, los cultivados en la provincia de Sumatra del Norte son los más deliciosos. Además de su sabor dulce, la pulpa es gruesa y las semillas pequeñas. Cuando nos hartamos de durianes, mi amigo los transformó en Pulut Durian. Se trata de un menú de comida procesada que también me resulta delicioso.





The serving method is quite simple, the cooked sticky rice is put into a plate, then doused with a sauce made from durian meat. Durian that has been processed into a sauce is similar to cream soup. When I first tried it, I could taste the sweet and creamy flavor on my tongue. At first, I thought it was strange to hear about sticky rice being served with durian soup. After trying it, I became addicted and wanted to eat it again. I think Pulut Durian is suitable for dessert or after a heavy meal.

El método de servirlo es bastante sencillo: se pone el arroz pegajoso cocido en un plato y luego se rocía con una salsa hecha con carne de durian. El durian transformado en salsa se parece a una sopa de nata. La primera vez que lo probé, sentí un sabor dulce y cremoso en la lengua. Al principio, me pareció extraño que el arroz pegajoso se sirviera con sopa de durian. Después de probarlo, me volví adicta y quise volver a comerlo. Creo que Pulut Durian es adecuado como postre o después de una comida copiosa.

My friend said that people in his village make this special dish during Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. But sometimes, even ordinary days are consumed by the local community, especially during the durian harvest season. Even at weddings or certain events, Pulut Durian becomes a complementary dish that must be enjoyed. For those of you who might be good at processing it, try making Pulut Durian, because it tastes very delicious and addictive.

My friend said that people in his village make this special dish during Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. But sometimes, even ordinary days are consumed by the local community, especially during the durian harvest season. Even at weddings or certain events, Pulut Durian becomes a complementary dish that must be enjoyed. For those of you who might be good at processing it, try making Pulut Durian, because it tastes very delicious and addictive.

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Personally, I do not like durian. I tried it several times when I lived in Sumatra.

However, I really appreciate your article and use of pictures. Thanks for sharing!


Thank you very much. There are some people who don't like durian, especially with its aroma. But, in Sumatra, durian is an ingredient in processed foods such as sponge cake and pancakes.
