

It is currently 11.54am. In the next few minutes, it is going to be Thursday morning. The lights in my room have already been switched off and I am lying here.

Today has been a rather relaxed day. Was out in the early morning eating breakfast with my wife. Then I came home and had a nap. Went to the hospital with my wife.

The doc we knew, have us Foc consultation today. I was shocked.

I had prepared a couple of hundred. God bless her. This is my 6th year being self reliant without being employed. So usually, I make my own time and decide how I spend the day. I do have part time jobs, weekend jobs, YouTube and also i write here.

Currently, I've got 8132 subscribers.

When October comes, it would be my third year making videos on YouTube. I started wanting to make videos on YouTube way earlier but somehow hadn't done so till 2019 Oct. After only two years, I got monetized. You need 1000 subscribers and 4000hrs of watchhour to get monetized. Rolling 365.

I am starting my channel today so as my audience grow, my income grows too. I am building my retirement. This is something that can be done forever as long as google still exist. I earn more on Hive than my YouTube but it's alrite. I just love making videos. Cameras are my thing. Planning to get a new 360 camera pretty soon.

How does it feel to have 8132 subscribers. It feels normal. Nothing changes. I am still the same person I was in 2019 except now, I want to have a lot of my life documented in video format to look back one day and have a digital copy of my life. Imagine ten years from now, I would have an archive of stuff to look back at.

So usually, during the days, I spend my time doing work or just checking to see if there is stuff to do. At night, I usually go and start spending my time on Hive and schedule it for the next day. That is why you'll see me post at the same time daily. After that it's my YouTube video. I use Adobe premiere pro. I import the videos into adobe premiere pro then just see which fits where. This can take an hour or two. But I love it. Then after that, I will leave it to export. Usually 4k first. If it fails somehow, which happens, then I have no choice but to put it at 1080p. Then upload it to YouTube, type all the description, make sure I check the research to see if the key works hard high searches or not. While it is uploading, I go to Canva and create the thumbnail. Once it is a 100 percent uploaded, I schedule it to appear public. Usually the videos on YouTube need time to render to their highest resolution. I do this almost every night.

While rendering, I am reading chemistry on my tablet. do I watch movies? Very little. Maybe I will watch a section of a whole movie today, next week another section. Yes. One movie for me sometimes can take weeks. It has been a month since I started watching Jurassic park and I have yet to complete it. Too much stuff to do.

Anyways, this is a Sunflower that I took while I was jogging at the park.

I've been jogging since 2011. I mean seriously jogging. Maybe running since 2011. I try to get workouts done whenever it fits ( strength training) then at other times when I am not lifting weights at home, I go and run. Sometimes it's running and weights on the same day. Is it tough, nope, I've been doing this for more than a decade. Covid has slowed me down slightly.

Before covid these stats would have been at least 7k per run.

So this month, I've run around 32km. Another week to go. Let's see how much I can run. There is one 1.78km. that run has its own story. Halfway into the run, I felt like I had to head to the toilet to release the bomb. My speed has improved at less than 7 minutes per kilometres recently. The fastest for me is under 6 minutes. Music on and run.

The sunflower at the park.

Life is like this sunflower. There is the bloom, the peak and the decline. The bloom is the being a teenager heading to college, full of excitement, lots to explore.

The peak - everything that is done is done. House ✔️ money ✔️ relationship ✔️.

Then the decline. Our genetics slow us down. We can't beat it. Just like the sunflower, petals fall. Parts that were beautiful starts turning dark. The world suddenly changes to a different world. Then eventually, it is all over. But the sunflower somehow symbolizes life perfectly. When the sunflower is at its peak, everyone comes to see it. One day, it declines, it will slowly lose its appeal and then it's gone. No one ever knew it existed.

Whenever I look at a flower, it somehow reminds me of why we should appreciate life. The moment out mom's brought us out into this world waiting in the delivery room being happy that her child is here after nine months of pain. This is a reminder of any moment we think that life's lessons that may have haunted us. Only one gene from a father is chosen and that is the person who is reason this post.

Hope that this inspires u somehow. I used to always write stuff like these but have been so busy. Hope that your going to have a great day and always feel happy no matter what. Life is short. Moments are gone. The past is the past. The present is now. Future makes us forget the present which is the past of tomorrow.



You do a lot of hustling, which seems to work so well for you. I am sure it all involves a lot of hard work. Keep it up! I can certainly relate to you about watching movies in segments. I do that too. It takes forever for me to watch one whole movie. But I can watch it in one sitting if the stars are my favorite actor/actress.
