Christopher Nolan : A Freewrite

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One of the movies that I watched in the past time that really affects the way I think and how I see the universe and the cosmos is The Interstellar, made by Christopher Nolan. I really love this movie because this guy really puts a lot of work and a lot of ingenuity.

He designed the movie and gave it his best, but make the movie a template into what other movie makers should look out for. The movie did not even disappoint at the box office at and when it was scooping up awards at so many stages on international scene.

Too many movies that I can't even count the number of category when it comes to Best Picture, Best Editing, Best Director, Best Photography, name it. Interstellar nearly clicked all the award when Cristiano Christopher Nolan made another movie, the one he just released recently. It's actually.

Pass all expectations to and people were actually thinking what was going through this guy's mind. Is this the new Martin Scorsese? Or who could it be that is producing the latest and the best movie in terms of rating in this present generation?
