Knowing the Bohemia Bistro Café, cozy and Retro atmosphere (ESP/ENG)

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Greetings dear hivers, I hope you are well and enjoying a beautiful day. Today I want to share my experience at Bohemia Bistro Café, a place that I visited yesterday and that I loved, it has a retro atmosphere and good music, ideal for chatting over a delicious coffee.

Bohemia is located on Av. 25 in front of Grano de Oro in the city of Maracaibo. Their specialty is coffee and they are experts in ancestral and contemporary preparation methods. Talking to its owner, he told me that Bohemia is his life's dream, where three of his passions combine: coffee, music and the art of collecting antique objects. From the moment you enter there, you notice the love that its owner deposited in that place, it is very cozy and invites you to stay.



I came to Bohemia through my daughter, the owner of the site is her professor of Urology and since she attends to groups of small students, she likes to give classes there while they have a coffee, I really love it and I find it fun to listen to classes in a coffee. When I went to look for my daughter in Bohemia after finishing her class, I decided to get out of the car to see that beautiful place that my daughter had told me so much about. Every object in the place is part of the collection that its owner has put together since he was very young, there are paintings by annealed artists, old books, old cameras and typewriters, and even a trunk salvaged from the Second World War.



Talking with her owner, she invited me to have a Mocaccino coffee, it was very tasty, having a coffee in that beautiful place made me feel like I was in another era dressed in a long suit, gloves and a hat. I really had a great time and took the opportunity to take lots of site photos to share with you. When you enter Bohemia you feel that you are transported to the past, I loved the decoration of the place.


You can also notice in a corner of Bohemia that there are some musical instruments such as drums, guitar, bass and a keyboard, its owner told me that there he and his friends used to play for clients some nights, as well as magic acts, which It is another of his favorite pastimes. He also told me that if you play an instrument and it makes you want to play there, you can do it.



If you ever visit Maracaibo, I invite you to meet Bohemia and have a delicious coffee, they also sell dessert. So far my publication, I say goodbye to you, hugs.



Spanish Version:

Saludos queridos hivers, espero se encuentren bien y disfrutando de un hermoso día. Hoy les quiero compartir mi experiencia en Bohemia Bistro Café, un sitio que visité ayer y que me encantó, tiene un ambiente retro y buena música, ideal para conversar tomando un delicioso café.

Bohemia está ubicado en la Av. 25 frente a Grano de Oro en la ciudad de Maracaibo, su especialidad es el café y son expertos en los métodos de preparación ancestrales y contemporáneos. Hablando con su dueño me dijo que Bohemia es el sueño de su vida, allí conjugan tres de sus pasiones, el café, la música y el arte de coleccionar objetos antiguos. Desde que entras allí notas el amor que su dueño depositó en ese sitio, es muy acogedor y te invita a quedarte.



Llegué a Bohemia a través de mi hija, el dueño del sitio es su profesor de la materia de Urología y como atiende a grupos de estudiantes pequeños le gusta dar las clases allí mientras toman un café, la verdad me encanta y me parece divertido escuchar clases en un café. Al ir a buscar a mi hija en Bohemia luego de terminar su clase decidí bajarme del carro para conocer ese lindo sitio del que mi hija me había hablado tanto. Cada objeto que hay en el lugar forma parte de la colección que su dueño ha reunido desde que era muy joven, hay cuadros de artistas recocidos, libros antiguos, cámaras y máquinas de escribir antiguas y hasta un baúl rescatado en la segunda guerra mundial.



Conversando con su dueño me invitó un café Mocaccino, estaba muy sabroso, tomar un café en ese lindo sitio me hizo sentir que estaba en otra época vestida con un traje largo, guantes y sombrero. Realmente la pasé muy bien y aproveché la oportunidad de tomar muchas fotos de sitio para compartirlas con ustedes. Dese que entras a Bohemia sientes que te transportan al pasado, amé la decoración del sitio.


También puedes notar en un rincón de Bohemia que hay algunos instrumentos musicales como una batería, guitarra, bajo y un teclado, su dueño me dijo que allí él sus amigos acostumbran tocar para los clientes algunas noches, así como se presentan actos de magia, que es otro de sus pasatiempos favoritos. También me dijo que si tú tocas algún instrumento y te provoca tocar allí puedes hacerlo.



Si alguna vez visitas Maracaibo te invito a conocer a Bohemia y tomarte un delicioso café, también venden postre. Hasta aquí mi publicación, me despido de ustedes, abrazos.



Fotos de mi propiedad tomadas con mi celular Redmi 9, editadas con PowerPoint y Photoshop CS5 // Texto traducido por Google Translate.

Photos of my property taken with my Redmi 9 cell phone, edited with PowerPoint and Photoshop CS5 // Text translated by Google Translate.



Se ve muy interesante el lugar.


Es muy lindo y se paso un rato agrable. Saludos.


You've described this place beautifully and transported me back in time too:)
It is indeed lovely to experience places like these, they stay with you forever:)))
Yeah, there were some good posts, heh-13.jpg


It is true, it is a magical place that transports you back in time, I liked it so much that I am going to return with my husband so that he knows the place. Greetings.


Retro spaces are alway so vibey and fun. Your pictures offer real atmosphere, we can almost smell the coffee! ❤️💕


I really liked the site and I hope to return soon to listen to music and have a delicious cup of coffee with my husband. Greetings.


I appreciate these cafes that are actually cafes, one of a kind with a history and story. I can imagine how long you ladies stayed there chatting 🤭
