🌼🌼🌼 [ESP-ENG] Hey, shall I tell you a story? "The boxing wedding" Episode 6 🌼🌼🌼


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Own photograph, edited with Canva software
Fotografía propia, editada con programa Canva

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Helloo, Peladiente. 😁

What every person dreams for their wedding, especially women, is that it will be a super special event, that will gather their loved ones and that they will never forget...

What this couple didn't know, is that the way they dreamed that people would remember their special day, would be in the most peculiar, grotesque and weird way...

Make yourself comfortable to tell you



Some cousins of marriageable age invited me to accompany them to their best friend's wedding.

From the beginning everything seemed quite nice, not to mention that I love formal events, so we agreed to attend.

The day of the wedding everything flowed quite well, I didn't know the bride at all but she didn't seem like a bad person and when we arrived at the event, first they got married in church and hours later the reception, I realized that the family was quite nice and very polite...

I think for this reason it was very strange

It turns out that halfway through the reception, tempers started to flare up, let's blame it on alcohol and nerves, because well I don't know who was really to blame... Hahahaha

I was enjoying the good music, the exquisite food and the cheese table, when everything started to blow up and the club room was quite big...


The groom's family running after him, the bride's family running after her, all in long dresses, I remember and it makes me laugh a little, nervous and naughty... Because let's think objectively, who spends so much money to finish everything on the floor...? I don't know about you but I don't hahahahahah!

The irony of the story is that I was running behind everyone, because whoever I went with was one of the girls who accompanied the bride...

The bride's sisters were crying, the groom's parents were screaming, the groom's sisters were grieving, everyone was screaming and everyone was crying What were they saying, I don't know hahahahaha they were talking in two languages I was just sitting at the entrance waiting for them to stop the bad mood...😁

The boyfriend's car arrived and he pushed her in, hitting her, shouting and she was saying out loud through the window He's going to kill me! He's going to kill me!

Oh! At what point did we go from a wedding to a funeral? hahahahaha

I was shocked... Aren't we supposed to get married for love and everything is pretty pink?

The guy went to the wedding room and kidnapped the bride, at the point of mistreatment, we went from a wedding to a kidnapping? She would call screaming and/or crying and he wouldn't let anyone in, it was like a boxing ring.

Oh, what chaos!
What was I doing? I was super astonished, with a nervous laugh, trying to calm the spirits of the people who approached the corner where I was, waiting for everything to happen and thinking: And how good were the pasapalos!...😁
Here comes the saying: It happens even in the best families...

Do you want to know what happened some time later?

They are still married, "happily married" like boxing brought them luck...
But don't practice it on your wedding night or ever hahaha!

Happy Monday 🌼

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Thanks for reading me... ❤️ See you in the next post of Malomi TV 🤗

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Ohhh!!! before I forget, coming soon on Blogger and other platform pending 😃

Lo que toda persona sueña para su boda, en especial las mujeres, es que sea un evento super especial, que reúna a sus seres queridos y que nunca lo vayan a olvidar...

Lo que esta pareja no sabia, es que la forma como soñaron que la gente iba a recordar su día especial, seria de la forma más peculiar, grotesca y rara...

Ponte cómodo para relatarte



Unas primas en edades casaderas, me invitaron para acompañarlas a la boda de su mejor amiga.

Desde un principio todo me parecía bastante agradable, sin contar que a mí me encantan los eventos formales, así que nos pusimos de acuerdos para asistir.

El día de la boda todo fluyo bastante bien, no conocía del todo a la novia pero no me parecía mala persona y al llegar al evento, primero se casaron por la iglesia y horas después la recepción, me di cuenta que la familia era bastante agradable y muy educada...

Creo que por esta razón fue muy raro todo

Resulta que a mitad de la recepción, los ánimos se empezaron a caldear, vamos a culpar al alcohol y los nervios, porque bueno no sé quien realmente era el culpable... Jajjaja

Yo estaba disfrutando de la buena música, de la comida que estaba exquisita y de la mesa de queso, cuando todo empezó a volar por los aires y eso que el salón del club era bastante amplio...


La familia del novio a corrían atrás del el, la de la novia a corrían atrás de ella, todos en trajes largos, me acuerdo y me da un poco de risa, nervios y picardía... Porque vamos a pensar objetivamente ¿Quien gasta tanto dinero para terminar todo en el piso?... No se ustedes pero yo no jajajaj

Lo irónico del cuento es que yo corría atrás de todos, porque con quien me iba, formaba parte de las chicas que acompañaban a la novia...

Las hermanas de la novia lloraban, los padres del novio gritaban, las hermanas del novio apenadas, todos gritaban y todos lloraban ¿Que decían? no se jajjaja hablaban en dos idiomas yo solo estaba sentaba en la entrada esperando que dejaran el mal humor... 😁

Llego el carro del novio y el la metió a ella a empujones, a golpes, a gritos y ella decía en voz alta por la ventana ¡Me va a matar! ¡Me va a matar!

¡OH! ¡En que momento pasamos de una boda a un funeral? jajajja

Yo estaba impactada... ¿No se supone que nos casamos por amor y todo es bonito color rosa?

El chamo se fue a la habitación de boda y secuestro a la novia, a punta de maltratos, pasamos de una boda a un secuestro... Ella llamaba gritando y/o llorando y el no dejaba entrar a nadie, parecía un ring de boxeo.

¡Oh! ¡Que caos!
¿Qué hacia yo? Estaba super asombrada, con una risa nerviosa, tratando de calmar los ánimos de la gente que se acercaba al rincón donde estaba, esperando que pasara todo y pensando: ¡Y tan buenos que estaban los pasapalos!...😁
Aquí entra el dicho: Sucede hasta en las mejores familias...

¿Quieres saber que paso tiempo después?

Aun siguen casados, "felizmente casados" como que el boxeo les trajo suerte..
¡Ojo! no lo practiquen en su noche de bodas ni nunca jajjaja

Feliz Lunes 🌼

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Gracias por leerme… ❤️ Nos vemos en el próximo post de Malomi TV 🤗

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Oyeee!! antes que se me olvide, próximamente en Blogger y otras plataforma pendiente 😃


⭐️ Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

⭐️ La redacción y diseños son propiedad exclusivamente de @malomitv, cualquier uso externo, debe ser notificado a mi persona.
⭐️ Los GIF sondee la galeria de peakd

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Nunca hemos hablado de esto pero
¿Te casarías por la iglesia?


😀 Si quieres conocer más sobre mí, visítame en mis otras publicaciones en HIVE BLOG, en TWITTER, en Instagram como MALOMI TV y próximamente en Blogger
😀 If you want to know more about me, visit me on my other posts on HIVE BLOG, on TWITTER, on Instagram as MALOMI TV and soon on Blogger.

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