Tokenized social media with the power of communities can change advertising models.


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A couple of hours ago I wrote a post centered on content creation, the things that affect the creative process, and how it correlates with advertisement. The basic concept of content creation has a few principles, one notable principle requires that one’s content attracts actual people.

Having this in mind, every business is reliant on selling the best content to have the slightest chance of earning attention and value transfer in the process. Now, when we look at how the field of business has grown, there are far more products that circulate than there are people to actually spot and buy them.

The web is as big but also a small place as the world is, the idea of forced advertising was birthed to allow businesses to scale higher with fast-paced promotions. How have this changed things? Well, there has been a huge shift in the industry as workloads have been lifted off business owners and placed upon advertisers, how crazy is it that we don’t realize we are all building on these models?

The Sad Reality

Ads are becoming less valuable as the day goes by, it’s no surprise this is happening because of the competition the system has amassed, therein making the room tighter for actual value to flow. When we look at sponsored content in an attempt to determine its productivity rate, we see that it’s a disheartening figure, and one would wonder, why is this so? Well, that's simple.

Ads are currently most profitable for providers, not those paying for the advertisement or those selling the ad space. A million page views should probably earn you more than you actually get as most ads cost over $80, if you don’t believe it, ask google. This model is incredibly flawed that it has influenced full fleshed contents productivity rate. People believe every system is well after your clicks and attention than to actually present value, this is why it is increasing unprofitable to bother as it only places work on those selling the space, this is primarily how this system’s content focus is influenced, and for individuals paying for the advertisement, it’s just a sad reality that provides no real impact whatsoever, most of the times.

Tokenized Social Media and Communities

Well, this is something not many seem to understand, attention for starters should always be unique, earned with all dedication to present value, only in this way can the ecosystem thrive regardless of the season. Many do not understand this model but I suppose as that everyone gets the idea behind communities and how they cannot be bought, then that’s a step toward knowing how these things are shaping the social space and its content creation process.


Organic as a sub-focus

Before we look deeper into the tokenization of communities, we can still throw more light on traffic and how meritable it is to attract the right audience. First to note is that this is something not currently achievable with ads networks, even though Google claims to collect user data to sell them the right ads, it doesn’t work without a flaw as these advertisements are forced and take away the primary force of each individual web scroller.

In web 3 social media one thing is obvious, you either attract the right audience through dedication or just may not get to taste any of the goods in it. As many have considered the shift in how businesses will be advertised in the future, this factor does the marketing job of retaining users, as it’s called customer retention in business. Attracting the right audience helps in this aspect, though many people overlook it, it is what keeps the community scaling.

Tokenized Communities - Selling the right advertisement to the right audience.

Clearly, this is what web 2 social platforms lack, although there’s the existence of communities, not much value flows into them. Using leofinance as an example on hive, we've witnessed how countless times, this space has always embraced the activities of each and every user but does it end there?

Not really, on a web 3 platform, there are numerous ways to advertise, though not many consider it, if one has ever had a business idea that a fresh account would find it difficult to publicize, the accounts with more audience can be a tool in this advertising process, in other words, they can be paid to promote, just as website owners are paid to sell ads space.

However, if that is an option not many can adopt, using promotion mechanisms works, and by this, I’m referring to burning tokens to get one’s content a spot on the trending page. This is frankly a tool that is very much economical as it’s less expensive in current times and not to mention how it profits the ecosystem at large.

It’s a mechanism that brings more value into the community as burning tokens creates scarcity and scarcity drives prices up. So when we look at how all of this comes together, we see an economy where people can battle for promotional space while being rest assured that their contents are pushed to the right audience. This creates a better user experience for visitors as ads don’t fly around their faces milking every shit out of them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


We are really seeing the early stages of this massive paradigm shift to Web 3.0.

The idea of decentralized databases is very powerful. I dont think most understand this. What happens is we suddenly see the websites serve as frontends. This means that community (the userbase) becomes vital The URL is less important since the database is not owned by the entity.

On Leofinance we are trying to lead the way forward. This is something that is amazing to be a part of.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The userbase is often overlooked when it comes to web 2, it only matters when it makes them money. This is however something web 3 is changing, putting the userbase upfront as they no longer serve as products but a bigger part of the system.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


That is part of the shift. If the database is open and public, with accounts that cannot be cancelled, then we are looking at a new system whereby the companies profiting in such a way are quickly made obsolete.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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Last year I read an article where someone has posted a recent quote from Mark Cuban, in this quote Mark predicted that social tokens would be one of the next big trends in crypto, and he just kind of touched on the potential. This is one of the things that led me to embracing hive.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile


Yes, they are alternative tools that can change how things are done on web 2, the potentials are there, just not realized by many.


What we need to see now on hive are more front ends that embrace this and start to generate revenue.

At the moment we are wasting content by not receiving advertising revenue form all of the views that could be going back to the community and to develop more features on these sites.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I have always had the idea of rewarding users from ads revenue, or maybe creating a content competitive market where users are paid from the traffic they attract, in my opinion it's something that would really boost engagement on hive.


I am beginning to imagine, how would advertising be on Hive when there are a lot of companies burning tokens to advertise. I hope not that hive would get flooded with ads like that of web2 which is so annoying!

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile


Advertising on hive would be in form of posts, so it would look nothing like web2 ads.


Web 3.0 is still relatively new and it is already changing the atmosphere. One thing that centralized social media bank on to sell forced advertisement is there large stream of data collected. This is what decentralized social media platform has changed.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile


Nowadays there are also social networks that can give you token rewards.
That's great, a practical case in Hive and all its ecosystem, we also have the DeSo ecosystem, the Solana ecosystem and the BCH ecosystem which are the ones I usually interact in.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
