[ESP] | [ENG] Fotos de la ciudad de San Cristóbal | Photos of the city of San Cristobal


Hola comunidad de Photography lovers, como algunos ya saben me encanta fotografiar la ciudad donde vivo, San Cristóbal Estado Táchira en Venezuela.

Cuando salgo en mi carro o a caminar aprovecho a llevar mi cámara conmigo ya que nunca se sabe que fotos puedan surgir.

Este tipo de fotografía callejera me viene agradando.

Hello community of Photography lovers, as some already know I love to photograph the city where I live, San Cristóbal Táchira State in Venezuela.

When I go out in my car or for a walk, I take the opportunity to take my camera with me since you never know what photos may come up.

I have been liking this type of street photography.


Como les he dicho anteriormente aquí es muy común ver a muchas personas en bicicletas.

As I have told you before, it is very common to see many people on bicycles here.


Se siente la fiesta del mundial.

We feel the World Cup party.


Tenemos algunas arquitecturas interesantes.

We have some interesting architecture.


Siempre me ha gustado como se ve cuando se crean estos túneles entre los arboles y las calles.

I have always liked how it looks when these tunnels are created between the trees and the streets.


Aquí los aguacates son muy grandes y el precio les va a sorprender.... 1$ por cada uno.

The avocados here are very large and the price will surprise you... 1$ for each one.


En la plaza principal de la ciudad estaba este señor vendiendo cachorros de perros husky.

Antes esto era muy común de ver en este lugar, los fines de semana venían muchas personas a vender cachorros o a regalarlos, pero luego el gobierno comenzó a castigar esto y eso detuvo este tipo de ventas.

In the main square of the city this man was selling husky puppies.

Before this was very common to see in this place, on weekends many people came to sell puppies or give them away, but then the government began to punish this and that stopped this type of sale.


Como ya les he mostrado antes, es muy común el tipo de comercio informal. En este caso este señor estaba vendiendo mercancía aprovechando la fiebre del mundial.

As I have already shown you before, the type of informal trade is very common. In this case, this man was selling merchandise taking advantage of the world cup fever.


Este edificio es un antiguo cine que en el día de hoy está abandonado.

This building is an old cinema that today is abandoned.


Auto pizzas Antonio, aquí obviamente venden pizzas jaja. Son muy deliciosas y las preparan muy rápido.

Auto pizzas Antonio, they obviously sell pizzas here haha. They are very delicious and they prepare them very quickly.


De esta foto me gustó que se ven las montañas al fondo muy bonitas.

Ya les he comentado que estamos rodeados de montañas y siempre tienen un verde hermoso. Estas son tierras muy fértiles.

From this photo I liked that the mountains in the background are very beautiful.

I have already told you that we are surrounded by mountains and they always have a beautiful green. These are very fertile lands.

En esta edición mas que enfocarme en las persona me enfoqué en las calles que son muy conocidas en la ciudad, cualquier persona que haya pasado por San Cristóbal Las va a reconocer.

In this edition, rather than focusing on people, I focused on the streets that are well known in the city, anyone who has passed through San Cristóbal will recognize them.



All photos taken by me with a Canon EOS REBEL T3I
Canon Lens: 18-55mm

For the best experience view this post on Liketu


It looks Beautiful there to me!
Have an Amazing Friday and Thanks for Sharing!


This is a definitely a pretty city and pacefull too


That's Good to hear!
I live in a peaceful part...
But Corpus is "No" peaceful city...

Have an Amazing Weekend!
