251 день мужності та стійкості/251 days of courage and resilience


Усім друзям привіт з Одеси.

Вірю, що усі ви живі і здорові. Сподіваюся що 251 день війни не зламав силу вашого духу і не ослабив вашу віру в перемогу над агресором і окупантом.

251 день український народ протистоїть агресії, стримує орду що йде зі сходу. Борються усі і солдати ЗСУ, і тероборона, і волонтери і тисячі простих українців, що перераховують гроші на потреби ЗСУ і допомогу потерпілим. Війна об'єднала усіх.

І тоді як весь світ допомагає чим може нашій країні, є країни які допомагають агресорові. Ось сьогодні стало відомо, що Іран продасть россии 1000 балистических ракет. Також стало відомо, що дальність польоту цих ракет складає від 300 км до 700 км.

Джерело фотографії https://www.rbc.ua/ukr/news/nas-nema-zahistu-ekspert-rozpoviv-shcho-dopomozhe-1667315922.html

Джерело фотографії https://forbes.net.ua/obshchestvo/2022/11/01/v-gur-uznali-o-novoi-ugroze-dlya-ukrainy-nazvany-mesta-budushchikh-vzryvov-iranskikh-raket/

Чому ця новина насторожує? Справа в тому що у нас немає протиракетної оборони, у нас протиповітряна. Зараз поясню суть.

Ракети типу Калібр, які россия використовує при руйнуванні наших міст, це крилаті ракети, вони летять практично як літак і їх траєкторію легко відстежити, що дозволяє знищувати їх засобами звичайного ППО. А ось іранські ракети - балистические, вони злітають високо вгору, після чого з величезної висоти на величезній швидкості пікірують вниз в мету. Таку траєкторію польоту практично неможливо відстежити, а значить і збити таку ракету.

Друзі, я не лякаю, я попереджаю, не варто ігнорувати повітряні тривоги, треба думати про свою безпеку. Дізнайтеся де найближче укриття, пам'ятайте про правило двох стін, бережіть себе.

Сьогодні 1 листопада вночі, підло обстріляний Миколаїв. Зруйнована школа, пошкоджені житлові будинки, загинула одна жінка. Ось так воює друга армія світу, доводить свою силу не на боле бою, а вбиваючи мирних громадян, руйнуючи цивільні об'єкти.

Джерело фотографії https://www.unian.net/war/obstrel-nikolaeva-segodnya-rossiyane-popali-v-gorod-raketami-s-300-pogibla-zhenshchina-foto-12030531.html

І усе це прикривається гучними словами про порятунок України від фашизму. Хоча вже всім ясно хто фашист і від кого Україну треба рятувати.

251 день терору. 251 день руйнувань, та вбивств мирного населення. Сьогодні президент України Зеленский заявив, що россия знищила 40 відсотків енергетичної інфраструктури нашої країни. Цивільної інфраструктури, усе це не інакше як геноцид українського народу.

Але ми вистоїмо і витримаємо усі випробування. Заради майбутнього своїх дітей.

І найголовніше сьогодні ми стали на один день ближче до нашої перемоги.

Hello to all friends from Odessa.

I believe that you are all alive and well. I hope that the 251 days of the war did not break the strength of your spirit and weaken your faith in victory over the aggressor and occupier.

For 251 days, the Ukrainian people have been resisting aggression, holding back the horde coming from the East. Everyone is fighting: the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and the defense, and volunteers and thousands of ordinary Ukrainians, transferring money for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and assistance to the victims. The war united everyone.

And while the whole world helps our country as much as it can, there are countries that help the aggressor. Today it became known that Iran will sell 1,000 ballistic missiles to Russia. It also became known that the flight range of these missiles is from 300 km to 700 km. Why is this news disturbing? The fact is that we do not have missile defense, we have air defense. Now I will explain the point.

The Kalibr-type missiles that Russia uses to destroy our cities are cruise missiles, they fly almost like airplanes and their trajectory is easy to track, which makes it possible to destroy them with conventional air defenses. But Iranian missiles are ballistic, they take off high up, after which they dive down at the target with a high altitude at high speed. Such a flight path is almost impossible to track, which means shooting down such a missile.

Friends, I do not scare, but I warn you, you should not ignore the air raid warning, you need to think about your safety. Find out where the nearest shelter is, remember the rule of two walls, take care of yourself.

Today, November 1 at night, Nikolaev was vilely shelled. A school was destroyed, residential buildings were damaged, and one woman died. This is how the second army of the world fights, proving its strength not in more battles, but by killing civilians, disarming civilian objects.
And all this is covered with loud words about saving Ukraine from fascism. Although it is already clear to everyone who is a fascist and from whom Ukraine needs to be saved.

251 days of terror. 251 destruction, killings of civilians. Today, the President of Ukraine Zelensky said that Russia has destroyed 40% of the energy infrastructure of our country. Civil infrastructure, all this is nothing but the genocide of the Ukrainian people.

But we will persevere and endure all trials. For the future of your children.

And most importantly, today we are one day closer to our victory.


Iran, not Iraq.

The real terrorism:

Ukrainian rocket hits shopping center in center Donetsk, Russia


19 Sep, 2022

Children among civilians killed in Ukrainian strike – authorities

Local media outlets, citing eyewitnesses, report that an artillery shell hit a bus stop in Donetsk

At least 13 civilians have lost their lives in a Ukrainian artillery strike on the city of Donetsk, local authorities have said.

Donetsk city administration chief Alexey Kulemzin took to Telegram on Monday, writing: “according to preliminary information, 13 civilians are dead as a result of a punitive strike on Baku Commissars square.”

The official added that the exact number of those injured in the attack is not yet known.

Local media, citing eyewitnesses, has said an artillery shell hit a bus stop.

Speaking to Russia’s Rossiya 24 news channel later in the day, Kulemzin said: “two children are among the dead,” adding that it’s not the first case of minors being killed by Ukrainian strikes in that district.

The territorial defense of the Donetsk People’s Republic, in turn, posted a message on their own Telegram channel, alleging that the Ukrainian military used Western-supplied 155mm howitzers to shell residential areas of Donetsk.

The authorities said infrastructure and apartment blocks came under fire in one of the city’s districts. Local residents have been advised to stay indoors or move “to shelters if necessary.”

According to the Donetsk Territorial Defense, six more people were killed in shelling on Sunday through Monday morning.


The number of victims of the shelling of Donetsk has increased to 16 people

In addition to strikes on the Baku Commissars Square, the terrorists also fired at the Sokol market, where 3 sellers were killed.


25 people were killed by Ukraine shelling of civilian areas in Donetsk in last 24 hours but the Wests mainstream media says nothing about it. Same as everytime last 8 years when Ukraine shelling has killed thousands of civilians. All they show is the propaganda in favour of UA.



On September 19, Ukrainian militants committed another war crime against civilians in the Donetsk People’s Republic which remained unnoticed by the global media.

In the morning a precise strike hit the bus stop and a grocery store on the Baku Commissars Square in the Kuibyshev district of the city of Donetsk. As a result of the inhumane attack of the Ukrainian military at least 13 civilians were killed, including two children, many more civilians were wounded.

According to the Representative office of the DPR in the JCCC, Ukrainian forces fired 155-mm shells from their positions in the village of Netailovo located 15 kilometers from Donetsk. The attack was carried out with NATO military equipment.

Eyewitnesses say that some of the victims were alive for a moment after the attack. “They crawled until they bled out.”

The attack brought the total number of civilian casualties in the city in two days up to 25. On September 18, the AFU managed to kill only 9 civilians and injure 13 more with several strikes, then today, they they immediately killed 13 civilians with a single 155-mm shell, more civilians were killed in other district of the city.

In addition, Ukrainian shells hit the hospital near the railway station. The railway itself was also targeted. Before that, the ambulance station was demolished. Another “strategically important target” for the Ukrainian shell was a market in the Tekstilshchik district. As a result of the attack, three sellers were killed on the spot.

At night, the AFU struck the House of Culture in the village of Stakhanov, as well as at infrastructure facilities in Svatovo of the Luhansk People’s Republic. The attack was carried out with the US-made HIMARS MLRS. Damage to civilian infrastructure was reported.

The ongoing attacks on civilians in the DPR and LPR continue on a daily basis. People have been dying from Ukrainian shells for eight years. Today, dozens of teams of foreign journalists are working in the city but the global MSM do not publish any reports from Donetsk. The Western media are even using horrific footage from the city to spread lies that it was shelled by Russian forces or to claim that the attacks hit other Ukrainian cities. The MSM prefer spreading baseless fake claims of the Kiev regime.

The West is afraid to face the truth and continues to justify its bloody policy, stuffing their population with fake narratives. In turn, the Russian military has to force the Kiev regime to pay for thousands of lives of innocent civilians killed in the Donbas.

Videos at source:

A “red line” in innocent blood: US M777 howitzer massacre civilians in Donetsk

This is how the US and NATO ‘bring democracy’ to the Donbass: (no need for translation)

(Video at saket.is link)

the source is the WarGonzo Telegram channel: https://t.me/wargonzo/8353

In response to this massacre, both the LNR and DNR have asked to be incorporated into the Russian Federation. See here: https://www.rt.com/russia/563113-lpr-vote-to-join-russia/


Drop the pretense that Ukrop fights for anything but territory:

Ukrainian recorded himself committing war crimes when he killed civilians from his APC
Machine translation: Fox (Konstantin Nikitenko) - drove around Mariupol in an armored personnel carrier and shot at people, for fun.He posted his own death sentence in the form of a video on the net.
Civilians can be seen on the start of the video left between the sign and the tree...

Irina Bykova from Mariupol testifies how Ukraine soldiers/Azov Battalion were shooting at civilians
When they tried to leave the city. - Zelinsky 17a... We went to the DPR humanitarian bus. We were (still) on the side where there were Ukrainian residents, on the other side - the DPR (military). Ukraine began to shoot us from machine guns... they began to fire mortars.

Irina Nikolaevna from Mariupol testifies that Ukrainian military are shooting civilians.
Irina Nikolaevna from Mariupol (lives on Shevchenko Boulevard): — From the very beginning, from the first days, we were fired upon from Ukraine (Ukrainian military).

Human Shields: Ukrainian Man Shot in Leg Testifies that Ukraine Army Is Shooting at Civilians
Russian forces come across an old man who said he was shot by Ukrainian soldiers while trying to find water. The wounded civilian crawled to safety. He accused Ukraine's forces of preventing residents from leaving buildings and threatened to shoot them if they did -- in an apparent tactic to create human shields.


Ukrainian marine testifies to shooting a civilian
In this video, the senior sergeant of the 501st battalion of the Marine Infantry of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Anton Cherednik, tells how he shot a civilian of the Vostochny district in Mariupol after the civilian failed the 'pronunciation test' of the Ukrainian word "palyanista"

Captured Ukrainian fighters confess to their crimes against civilians shooting women for refusing https://www.bitchute.com/video/SDkjk5uBeCR1/

Ukrainian Nazi Soldiers Killed Ethnic Russians That Tried To Flee Mariupol Before The Arrival Of RU https://www.bitchute.com/video/AlnVvkkSOyVl/

One cam shows Azov Nazis shooting at apartment buildings with bazookas and disappearing again.


Nazi Thugs Doing Drivebys For Fun

Ukrainian forces shooting at Ukrainian civilians.

Ukrainian soldiers randomly shoot civilian building...

Kharkov Citizens Indulge In "Medieval Amusements"
""Say hello to the Kharkiv public. In the country, such a game is going on, and you are performing here, scum."
Since Russia did not advance in Kharkov, the citizens can safely indulge in their favorite medieval amusements. Actively applying the achievements gained during the All-Ukrainian Championship on Torture and Bullying."


The Conduct Of Nazis In Kiev

More Women Tortured in Ukraine - Amused Volkssturm Laughs

Ukrainian Court Of Justice - How Women Are Treated In Kiev By AFU

More 'Freedom and Democracy' in Ukraine

When Will Civilian Torture By Ukrainians End?

When Will Civilian Torture Stop in Ukraine?

Ukrainian Creeps Laugh While Again Torturing Civilians

And The Weirdness Continues In Ukraine

Ukrainians Continue Their Bizarre Tortures of Civilians

Old Man Punished For Being Hungry - Stole A Coffee and Sausage in Ukraine

Civilian Torture In Odessa

More Barbaric Medieval Civilian Abuse In Ukraine

More Normal Scenes In Medieval Kiev

More Ukraine Civilian Barbarity

Ukrainians Teaching New Generation How To Abuse Civilians

Ukraine Shows More Civilians Their "European Values" - Torture And Abuse


Where is Stanley Tany? Fears for African man thrown out of Ukrainian police station after being chased by Neo Nazis

THERE ARE growing concerns for the welfare of an African student in Ukraine who filmed himself allegedly being pushed out of a police station in Ukraine after being chased by Neo Nazis.

Stanley Tany, who is from Cameroon, videoed his ordeal on his mobile phone and the harrowing footage was uploaded to social media platform Tik Tok.

In the now viral video, Mr Tany claims he was chased by Neo Nazis to Ukraine’s police station, where went to seek help, but instead he was pushed out of the station.

Mr Tany has not been seen since.

During the heartbreaking video, Mr Tany says: “I cannot go outside, it’s for my safety, this is a police station, it’s for my security.”

He is then approached by man in a high visibility jacket who attempts to lead him out of the police station.

Mr Tany then says: “It’s for my security, I can’t go outside so many people are outside waiting for me and I cannot go there.

“I cannot go there, so many people are there waiting for me, I can’t go there.”

But he is still ushered towards the exit.

Mr Tany then pleads: “They want to harm me, I cannot go outside.”

Despite fearing for his safety, Mr Tany is then physically pushed and pulled out of the police station by two men.

The video has been widely circulated on social media under the hashtag #StanleyTany and #WhereisStanleyTany?

It was first shared online on March 9 and so far, there has been no update on where Mr Tany is or what his condition is.

There is growing concern about the presence of neo-Nazis in the Ukrainian national guard that is fighting the Russian invasion.

The extreme right Azov Battalion is suspected to be attracting neo-Nazis from across Europe in a fascist fighting force seeking to repel Russian troops.

(More like Russian Liberation)


AFU Unit Describes Command Ordering Them To Shoot Every Civilian In Town And Their Own Wounded
◾️ Ukrainian unit describes how their command ordered them to shoot every civilian on sight and left the town in ruins.

◾️ Ukraine soldiers where order to shoot their own wounded colleagues ( yes, the Ukrainian command gave the order to not evacuate their own wounded men but to kill them).

◾️Going into the village - shoot everyone: such an order was received by the Ukrainian military from the 25th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during one of the battles. According to them, they killed civilians, even women and children, threw grenades into cellars where people were hiding.

◾️But they decided to talk about these atrocities only because their commanders left them on the front line and ordered to finish off their wounded colleagues so as not to organize an evacuation.

“We refuse to carry out criminal orders” - Ukrainian servicemen say after a failed offensive


Ukrainian soldiers confirm they were ordered to kill civilians

Injured civilians who survived Ukrainian HIMARS attack on fleeting civilians
“I am sure of what I saw” – a journalist of the Tavria TV channel told how Ukrainian terrorists fired at a column of civilians in Kherson.

The girl said that she and her colleagues were sitting in the car and waiting for their turn to cross. She says that she survived only thanks to her colleague, who, after being wounded, pulled out the journalist and covered herself. According to her, it was obvious from whose side the shelling was carried out.

Ukraine shelled civilians of Donetsk city with incendiary rounds

Ukraine shelled civilians of Donetsk city with incendiary rounds, vid #2

Ukraine shelled Belaya Berezka inside Russia and killed some civilians

French military correspondent on France sponsoring terrorist attacks against civilians
French military correspondent believes that her compatriots do not understand that they are sponsoring terrorist attacks against civilians in the DPR and LPR

The history of Ukraine’s crimes against Donbass civilians

American in Donetsk city shows the damage that Ukraine is doing to civilians

Ukrainian official brags about killing civilians [English subs]
A district deputy from Ukraine brags to a Ukrainian channel “journalist” how they killed many Ukrainians they considered to be “enemy agents.”

"These people gone missing,” he laughs.

That guy looks like an ogre and even has a spiked club on his desk. No words.

Ukrainian Nazis executed civilians that "cooperated" with Russians
Machine translation: Realizing that things were bad and the situation had reached the global level, the neo-Nazis leaked another one and a half seconds of the video of the execution. The stories have already begun that the full video cannot be published because it has been "handed over to the investigation." Nice try, but no. It was handed over to the investigation, not handed over - nothing will change from the publication. But the fact that the fearless Nazis wrote excuses in all the languages of the world clearly shows that I (author) was right and there is something that they and their roof are seriously afraid of. Let's take another half a second, don't be shy

Ukrainian Nazis Massacre of civilians
READ BELOW: WATCH AT YOU OWN DISCRESION!Ukrainian Nazi Zhorin published on his TG channel a video of Nazis massacring civilians in Kupyansk, who, according to the Nazis, are collaborators, signing that "there will be retaliation!"

Ukrainian Telegram channels write that Kiev is dissatisfied with the publication of a video with the massacres of residents of Kupyansk!▪️The former commander of Azov had to urgently edit his announcement of retaliation against the civilians of Kupjansk suspected of cooperation with the Russian army.▪️The video caused such a scandal that the punisher, who once again wanted to intimidate other Ukrainians by promising "retribution", had to urgently repeat everything, adding that the video was "taken from the occupier's phone".▪️However, it was no longer possible to repair the damage caused by the online publication. The video was recorded today, October 9, 2022 at 13:24 and uploaded to Zorin's channel almost an hour later.▪️So, this fact only confirms all the comments of attentive users, who noted both the autumn landscape and the clothes of the dead.

Ukrainian HIMARS strike on a bus with civilians in the Kherson region

Patrick Lancaster - 3 civilians were killed By Ukraine Shelling in Makeevka

Ukraine shells civilians in Donetsk with a French CAESAR 155mm howitzer

Ukraine shelled civilians who tried to cross into (new) Russia from Ukraine
Machine translation: Unfortunately the Kiev regime sponsored by the "West civilised society" shelled a civilian convoy

23 people lost their lives and 34 wounded as a result of that

This convoy was shelled while waiting in line to cross from Ukrainian-held territory into Russian-held territory

Ukraine shells civilians in Kherson again

Ukraine shelled civilians in Donetsk again

ANGER OVER REFERENDUMS: Ukraine shells civilians in suburbs of Donetsk with incendiary ammunition

Ukrainians shelled Donetsk city again and killed a bunch of civilians
Machine translation: The indoor market and people who were nearby were hit. The shells hit near the bus stop and near the market dome. At least five people were killed.

Kiev regime is "filtering" civilians in Nikolaev

The video is from the DPR asking the West to stop arming ukrop nazis who murder civilians in Ukraine
The ukrops are shelling Donetsk as I am typing these words. Four civilians were killed in the city yesterday, how many will be killed today? Whether you blame Russia or Ukraine for starting this war (it was Ukraine) it was not Donetsk civilians.

They are innocent victims! STOP ARMING THE NAZIS WHO MURDER THEM!!!

Absolute Hell On Nova Khakovka Street Where AFU Struck Civilian Neighborhood - Killing 6 Civilians

Ukrainians shelled civilians in Gorlovka and a girl died
Machine translation: A girl was killed in Gorlovka due to the shelling of Ukrainian terrorists, two more children were taken to the hospital in serious condition..Gorlovka is equally shelled as Donetsk but less media attention is payed to that unfortunately.

Ukrainian Soldiers seen killing unarmed civilians in Donetsk
Yuvanko Vladimir: "...I despise those people, what they are doing now. They are shooting at civilians, in Donetsk...".

А POWs of AFU's Marines, National Guard, Airborne Assault and Land Forces units decided to stay in Russian Federation-controlled territory due to reluctance to fight and fear of being on the front line again.

Ukraine is shelling civilians in Skadovsk
New footage from the special operation zone from RT military correspondent Valentin Gorshenin, who spent a week with the Russian Guard fighters.

◾️the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to shell the population of Skadovsk.

◾️Servicemen, found a cache of weapons and ammunition. Despite such finds, order in the city is maintained: fighters patrol the streets and help people.

Amnesty International Report Confirms Ukraine Using Civilians as Human Shields
Zelensky is fuming in response to an Amnesty International report, which found that Ukraine is violating international humanitarian law by using schools and hospitals as military bases, and stationing troops in residential areas where it uses civilians as human shields…Telegram links (RT News was banned from telegram - these are the reporter's channels): Follow for more news: @RachBlevinsJoin the conversation: @RachBlevinsGroup

White Genocide of Civilians by Zelensky Continues in Ukraine - Funeral and A Hotel Bombed
So we are to believe that the "Nazis" are killing white Ukrainians ? That does not compute, sorry.... From EKB: 6 Killed and 11 injured /// "Ukraine's increased terrorizing of central Donetsk civilian areas continues, on Thursday targeting a funeral site in the city centre and also the hotel I was in". - Eva K. Bartlett

Ukroid Admits Mariupol Tactic Was: Use Civilians As Shields And Never Let Them Leave
"and statements like this, basically openly admitting that orders to use Mariupol civilians as a human shield came from high command. Do you really think Zelensky and his Western masters wanted such statements from Azov militants heard in open court covered by world press?"

Failed Switchblade300 Now Being Used To Strike Civilians
Some people have asked about the Switchblades recently. They have failed to strike any Russian military targets because the EW jamming and air defense easily neutralizes them. So here can be seen Ukroids have now resorted to striking civilian targets they claim are "FSB Agents". In their desperation for relevancy, this is all that the AFU is capable of hitting with their failed american toys.

British journalist in Donetsk reporting on the Ukrainian army using NATO weapons on civilians

Civilians Fled Ukraine's Shelling of Popasnaya For Safety in Stakhanov, But Ukraine Bombs There Too
On June 24, I went with journalist Roman Kosarev to Popasnaya, a Lugansk People's Republic front line city that had been liberated a month prior but was still being pounded by Ukrainian shelling, including when we were there. We also went to Stakhanov, a city to the east, where many refugees from Popasnaya and other regions being shelled by Ukraine have taken shelter. Ukraine is targeting that city, too. So, these fleeing civilians find no peace and continue living a nightmare of endless bombing. On July 3, Russia's Ministry of Defence announced that all of the Lugansk People's Republic has been liberated from Ukrainian forces. After 8 years of Ukraine's war on the people of the Lugansk & Donetsk republics, the liberation of the LPR is a victory which corporate owned media will downplay or ignore, but for the people it means a massive step towards a return to peace and stability. But even with this positive development, the tragic reality is that Ukraine continues to bomb civilian areas, with no military target, the only purpose being to kill and maim more people in the Donbass republics.Source: Eva K Bartlett

Aftermath of Ukrainian shelling of civilians in Donetsk

Ukrainian shelling of civilians in Donetsk continues

Ukrainians have again shelled civilians in Donetsk with NATO weapons
A local resident shows the results of shelling by the AFU militants at home in Donetsk Ukrainian Nazis regularly hit the city, and the Kuybyshevsky district is one of the most frequently shelled. In the footage, a resident of Donetsk shows the results of a shell hitting her house: a huge hole in the roof, and the entire floor is strewn with debris of destroyed walls and windows.

Russian scouts intercept Ukrainians talking about killing civilians who are witnesses
Machine translation: Scouts near Donetsk intercepted talks of AFU fighters discussing the retreat from Avdeevka and the murder of a familyDuring the conversation, the occupiers talk about what to do with the family where one of them lives. The punisher suggests killing them because of calls with relatives in Russia.

Two civilians died as a result of the shelling of Gorlovka by the Ukrainian army
Two civilians died as a result of the shelling of Gorlovka by the AFU

Ukrainian militants attacked Gorlovka again. As a result of the shelling, two people were killed (a man and a woman), a recreation center, a kindergarten, shops and residential buildings were damaged.

According to the operational data of the JCCC, 8 shells of 152-mm caliber were fired at the village. Later, Ukrainian militants continued to shell other parts of the city.

Ukraine Shows More Civilians Their "European Values" - Torture And Abuse

Ukrainians are again shelling civilians in Donetsk with NATO weapons

Ukrainian shelling killed two kids, injured three other civilians in Makeyevka
As a result of today's strikes by Ukrainian formations on Makeyevka, two children were killed, three more civilians were injured

Aftermath of shelling in Donbass... DPR soldiers and doctors try to save civilians and children
Ukrainian nationalists are shelling civilians of Donbass with artillery. Russian military doctors in the DPR are helping to save people.

About 10 people, including children, were taken to doctors by servicemen of the People's Militia of the DPR.

As a result of the shelling of residential quarters, one of the shells hit the basement, where civilians with children were hiding


(If you can't see my images, formating, or links on peakd or hive.blog, as both frontends refused in the past to even display the link for my images or my formating, you should be able to see everything on the ecency. com frontend)


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