[ESP] Amanecer [ENG] Sunrise
[ESP] La esperanza llega al amanecer
[ESP] La esperanza llega al amanecer
[ENG] Hope comes at dawn
[ENG] Hope comes at dawn
Photo property of the author @marcosmilano71
Fotografía propiedad del autor @marcosmilano71
y sus destellos descubriendo todo con su luz de libertad.
Su tenue resplandor, acaricia con amor,
la curtida piel del pueblo trabajador.
y las poliformes hojas de los árboles del camino
se impregnan del rocío matutino,
resaltando su fragancia y sus fulgores.
con sus diversos y coloridos plumajes,
nos invitan a cantar alabanzas a Dios,
a orar, rezar y a meditar su mensaje.
and its flashes discovering everything with its light of freedom.
Its faint glow, caresses with love,
the tanned skin of the working people.
and the multiform leaves of the roadside trees
are impregnated with the morning dew,
highlighting their fragrance and brilliance.
with their diverse and colorful plumage,
invite us to sing praises to God,
to pray, to pray and to meditate on his message.