Visitando Lugares Hermosos-Parque Nacional Yacambú // Visiting Beautiful Places-Yacambú National Park


Hola a todos espero estén teniendo una linda semana es la primera vez que publico por acá y quería mostrarle un poco mi viaje con mi grupo de amigos al Parque Nacional Yacambú que es un parque de montaña, ubicado en el estado Lara, en la vertiente sur de la Sierra de Portuguesa.

Hello everyone, I hope you are having a nice week, it is the first time I post here and I wanted to show you a little about my trip with my group of friends to the Yacambú National Park, which is a mountain park, located in the state of Lara, on the southern slope. of the Sierra de Portuguesa.

En principios el viaje no era al parque si no que llegaríamos solo al pueblo de Sanare a almorzar y estar un rato en la plaza para descansar pero uno de mis amigos insistió que fuéramos al parque que solo quedaba a 30-45 minutos aproximadamente del pueblo, arrancamos hasta allá y aproximadamente a mitad de carretera comenzó a hacer un frio ya que íbamos cuesta arriba estábamos congelados ,pero el paisaje era muy lindo a pesar de que las carreteras no están en muy buenas condiciones no paramos y seguimos nuestro camino.

In principle, the trip was not to the park, but rather we would only arrive at the town of Sanare to have lunch and spend some time in the square to rest, but one of my friends insisted that we go to the park, which was only approximately 30-45 minutes from the town. we started up there and approximately halfway through the road it started to get cold as we were going uphill we were frozen, but the landscape was very nice despite the fact that the roads are not in very good condition we did not stop and continued on our way.

Al llegar al parque muy cordialmente los Guardaparques nos guiaron hasta donde debíamos de colocar las motos y nos prestaron el baño, luego de esto la Guardaparque que nos asignaron nos explicó las reglas del lugar y nos comento que habían 3 caminatas y por supuesto elegimos la mas corta que era de aproximadamente 10-15 minutos.

When we arrived at the park, the park rangers very cordially guided us to where we should place the motorcycles and lent us the bathroom, after this the park ranger who assigned us explained the rules of the place and told us that there were 3 walks and of course we chose the most short which was about 10-15 minutes

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Y al llegar nos encontramos con esta belleza donde nos tomamos varias fotos y apreciamos lo tranquilo que es estar en este lugar.

And upon arrival we find this beauty where we take several photos and appreciate how peaceful it is to be in this place.

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Después de estar en el parque bajamos al pueblo donde fuimos a comer una parilla acompañada de papas y arepitas.. Por cierto el lugar es super bonito y económico.

After being in the park, we went down to the town where we went to eat a barbecue accompanied by potatoes and arepitas. By the way, the place is super nice and cheap.

De regreso a mi ciudad nos tomamos estas fotos que me gustaron mucho y que me permitieron tener este recuerdo para toda la vida. Espero les guste esta publicación y puedan ver los lugares bonitos que tiene mi pais Venezuela.

On the way back to my city we took these photos that I really liked and that allowed me to have this memory for life. I hope you like this publication and you can see the beautiful places that my country Venezuela has.


Gracias por su atención-thanks for your attention
