Bat-adventures 🖤🦇



Hi guys, I had a bat-adventure 🖤I went to visit a friend and we walked around his housing estate. I found a flower that perfectly matches my batman shirt and asked my friend to take some pictures of me. This flower is known as "Allamanda", I have memories since I was little with this flower but I just discovered its name haha I remember I always took a flower and brought it to my mom as a gift. Although I must admit that I don't like the smell of this flower, but it is not an unpleasant smell.

The day was very nice, we spent it buying some knick-knacks and talked quite a bit. I went to visit him because he had an accident with a glass bottle and cut his finger, so I went to help him a little bit to cure his finger since he couldn't, he is better now!!! 😅

Hola chicos, tuve una bati-aventura 🖤Fui a visitar a un amigo y paseamos por su urbanización. Encontré una flor que combina perfectamente con mi camisade Batman y le pedí a mi amigo que me tomara unas fotos. Está flor es conocida como "Allamanda", tengo recuerdo desde pequeña con esta flor pero apenas descubrí su nombre jaja recuerdo que siempre tomaba una flor y se la llevaba a mi mamá como regalo. Aunque debo admitir que el olor de esta flor no me gusta, pero no es un olor desagradable.

El día estaba muy lindo, pasamos comprando algunas chucherías y hablamos bastante. Fui a visitarlo porque tuvo un accidente con una botella de vidrio y se cortó un dedo, entonces fui a ayudarlo un poco para curarle el dedo ya que no podía, ya está mejor!! 😅

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