Enjoying little things that make me happy [eng-esp]


Simple things are also the most extraordinary things and only the wise can see them." Paulo Coelho

Las cosas simples también son las cosas más extraordinarias y solo los sabios pueden verlas." Paulo Coelho

Hello my beautiful people. These days I have enjoyed little things that have made me happy. I think that in these times of crisis we must be grateful and enjoy those little things that life offers us to have happiness or live moments however small they may be of happiness.
Hola mi gente bonita. En estos días he disfrutado pequeñas cosas que me han hecho feliz. Creo que en estos tiempos de crisis hay que ser agradecidos y disfrutar esas pequeñas cosas que nos ofrece la vida para tener felicidad o vivir momentos por muy pequeños que sean de felicidad.


I received a visit from an old friend I hadn't seen for years and she came home as a surprise. Well, I hadn't seen her since before the pandemic. We did keep in touch by phone on occasion. Marlene is an unconditional friend, besides being my comadre she is an excellent friend. With her I can talk and express my emotions without being censored or criticized, she is a woman who offers me a helping hand, gives me advice and tries as much as possible to help me manage my emotions and let them flow. That is the good thing about her, she has such a unique temperament that provokes conversation with her and she remains analyzing what you are telling her.
Recibí la visita de una vieja amiga que tenia años que no veía y llegó de sorpresa a casa. Bueno no la veía desde antes de la pandemia. Si manteniamos contacto telefónico en ocasiones. Marlene es una amiga incondicional, a parte de ser mi comadre es excelente amiga. Con ella puedo conversar y exteriorizar mis emociones sin ser censurada, criticada, más bien es una mujer que me tiende esa mano amiga, me aconseja y trata en lo posible de que pueda manejar mis emociones y dejarlas fluir. Eso es lo bueno de ella que tiene un temperamento tan único que provoca conversar con ella y se queda analizando lo que le vas contando.


My friend arrived at the right time. I was in a situation where I had to decide whether to return to work or continue on leave. Of course, anxiety overwhelmed me because Covid is still latent and there have been several cases in my city. He talked with me a lot and gave me a lot of encouragement. Reincorporate yourself and little by little you will see how you are developing and adapting after being away from your work area for so long. And so it was this week I returned to my work I have felt a little discomfort because the mask causes me allergy prolonged use. My friend's visit helped me to relax and to drain emotions that had me on the edge of the abyss. I was very happy with her visit.
Mi amiga llegó en el momento indicado. Ya que me encontraba en una situación donde debía decidir reincorporarme a mis labores o seguir de permiso. Claro la ansiedad me agobia porque aun el Covid está latente y han habido varios casos en mi ciudad. Conversó bastante conmigo y me dio mucho ánimo. Reincorporate y poco a poco vas viendo como te vas desarrollando y adaptando después de tanto tiempo estar fuera de tu área laboral. Y así fue esta semana me reincorporé a mis labores he sentido un poco de molestia porque el tapabocas me causa alergia el uso prolongado. La visita de mi amiga me sirvio de relax y para drenar emociones que me tenían al borde del abismo. Me sentí muy contenta con su visita.

Another positive event in my life was getting back together with my sisters and having a good time, these are events that help you feel protected and supported. Seeing my mother happy and content is priceless. The visit was a full day family reunion because my mother is going to have eye surgery in the next few weeks. These are moments where solidarity, support, family unity, etc. are consolidated. As a family we are very united. The previous weeks were weeks of medical exams that were performed on my mother and thank God she is fit to be operated on. Waiting for a letter of endorsement for her operation.
Otro evento positivo en mi vida fue volver a reunirme con mis hermanas y pasar un rato agradable son eventos que te ayudan a sentirte protegida y apoyada. Ver feliz y contenta a mi madre no tiene precio. La visita fue de todo un día la reunión en familia ya que a mi madre en los próximas semanas la van a operar de la vista. Son momentos donde se consolida la solidaridad, el apoyo, la unión familiar, etc. Como familia somos muy unidas. Las semanas anteriores fueron de exámenes médicos que se le realizaron a mi madre y gracias a Dios está apta para ser operada. Esperando carta aval para su operación.


Receiving my aunt Irma, my mother's sister who came to visit her for the whole week, was a source of happiness for us at home. We were very happy. My mother spent the whole week sharing with her sister. She is younger than my mother. They reminisced about old times, when they were young and compared the times before and now.
Recibir de visita a mi tía Irma hermana de mi madre que vino a visitarla por toda esta semana fue motivo de felicidad para nosotros en casa. Estuvimos muy contentos. Mi madre paso toda esa semana compartiendo con su hermana. Ella es más joven que mi madre. Recordaron viejos tiempos, cuando estaban jóvenes y compararon las épocas de un antes y la actualidad.

All these events were reasons for happiness for me. Seeing my mother happy and enjoying the family as much as I do is priceless. What fills me most with satisfaction and happiness is that we are a united family. We grew up with strong values. Those little details are things that make me happy. I always pray to God for my family to keep us united and to be able to solve the situations that come up. Laughing, talking, sharing, eating together as a family are moments to enjoy and thank God for those little moments.
Todos esos eventos fueron motivos de felicidad para mi. Al ver a mi madre contenta disfrutar de la familia al igual que yo eso no tiene precio. Lo que más me llena de satisfacción y felicidad es que somos una familia unida. Crecimos con valores bien fortalecidos. Esos pequeños detalles son cosas que me hacen feliz. Siempre le pido a Dios por mi familia que nos mantenga unidas y podamos solucionar las situaciones que se nos presenten. Reir, conversar, compartir, comer en familia son momentos para disfrutar y agradecer a Dios por esos pequeños momentos vividos.


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