Gracias hija: Por elegirme como tu madre[ESP– ENG]

Hola mamás y papás me encanta este reto promovido por la comunidad de @motherhood donde nos invitan a ser un acto de agradecimiento hacia esa persona especial en nuestras vidas como nuestros hijos y un acto de agradecimiento por elegirnos como sus padres.

Para hacer acto de agradecimiento hacia mi hija decidi hacerlo a través de una misiva, es la mejor manera de expresarle a una hija un acto de agradecimiento por elegirme como su madre:



Querida hija Esperanza desde que te sentí en mi vientre te he agradecido por haberme escogido como madre. Tengo miles razones para agradecerte y lo hago desde mi corazón. Fuiste y eres mi maestra. Desde que te tuve en mi barriga comencé a valorar la vida y a medida que fuiste desarrollando y creciendo en mi vientre hubo entre nosotros una conexión espiritual que solo tu y yo sentiamos cuando acariciaba mi barriga con mis manos y tu saltabas de alegría en señal de indicarme que todo estaba bien. Cuando lloraba a solas dabas golpes en mi vientre como indicándome no estas sola y esto me servía de reflexión y me dabas fuerza y valor para continuar adelante.

Una vez que te tuve en mis brazos prometí luchar por ti. Te convertiste en mi compañera inseparable a medida que fuiste creciendo mi gratitud hacia ti también fue creciendo. En miles de oportunidades vi actos de amor,y bondad, en ti que me hacen sentirme orgullosa y siempre te he agradecido el haberme escogido como madre. Porque eres una joven luchadora, entusiasta, humilde de corazón, altruista, noble y con mucha empatia, dispuesta ayudar a tu familia en las buenas y en las malas, y eso me llena de satisfacción, de orgullo haber tenido una hija como tú. Eres el mejor regalo que Dios y la vida me ha dado. Me has dado tantos aprendizajes que se que aun me falta por aprender de ti.

Gracias mil veces gracias hija por haberme escogido como tu mamá. Tu alma supo escogerme y sé que supiste que era la mamá perfecta para juntas tener grandes aprendizajes, especialmente me has enseñado a sanar situaciones difíciles por las cuales he pasado. Eres el regalo más preciado que Dios me dio y por eso he cuidado de ti con mucho amor. El haberte tenido en mi vientre por nueve meses y haberte portado tan bien a pesar de todas las vicisitudes que pase desde ese momento me mostraste madurez y me aceptaste y escogiste como madre por eso admiro tu valentía, sabias que nos enfrentaríamos a muchas situaciones difíciles y con tu amor y bondad, lograste hacerme fuerte, resistente, valiente por eso estoy agradecida contigo por ayudarme aprender a llevar la vida con calma, con valentía, y eso representa un aprendizaje para mi.

Esperanza Han pasado los años te has convertido en una joven adulta y sabes que siempre te he agradecido haberme escogido como tu madre. Eres una hija con grandes valores y eso me llena de orgullo. Buena hija pendiente de mi a pesar de la distancia. Te fuiste a tierras lejanas a buscar una mejor calidad de vida. No fue fácil separarnos dolió muchísimo pero fue necesario. Se que estaremos juntas. Cuando te marchaste a otro país te agradecí desde mi corazón el haberme escogido como tu madre lloraste y entre palabras cortadas me decías te amo madre. Se despide;

Tu siempre y agradecida madre




English Version

Hi moms and dads I love this challenge promoted by the @motherhood community where they invite us to be an act of gratitude towards that special person in our lives as our children and an act of thanks for choosing us as their parents.

To make an act of gratitude to my daughter I decided to do it through a missive, it is the best way to express to a daughter an act of gratitude for choosing me as her mother:



Dear daughter Esperanza, ever since I felt you in my womb I have thanked you for having chosen me as your mother. I have thousands of reasons to thank you and I do it from my heart. You were and are my teacher. Since I had you in my belly I began to value life and as you developed and grew in my womb there was a spiritual connection between us that only you and I felt when I caressed my belly with my hands and you jumped for joy as a sign that all was well. When I cried alone you would tap on my belly as if to tell me that you were not alone and this would serve as a reflection and give me strength and courage to go on.

Once I held you in my arms I promised to fight for you. You became my inseparable companion and as you grew up my gratitude towards you also grew. On thousands of occasions I saw acts of love and kindness in you that made me feel proud and I have always thanked you for choosing me as your mother. Because you are a young fighter, enthusiastic, humble of heart, altruistic, noble and with a lot of empathy, willing to help your family in good times and bad, and that fills me with satisfaction, with pride to have had a daughter like you. You are the best gift that God and life has given me. You have given me so many lessons that I know I still have a lot to learn from you.

Thank you a thousand times thank you daughter for choosing me as your mom. Your soul knew how to choose me and I know that you knew that I was the perfect mom to learn a lot together, especially you have taught me to heal difficult situations that I have gone through. You are the most precious gift God gave me and that is why I have taken care of you with so much love. Having had you in my womb for nine months and having behaved so well in spite of all the vicissitudes I went through since that moment, you showed me maturity and you accepted me and chose me as a mother, that is why I admire your courage, you knew that we would face many difficult situations and with your love and kindness, you managed to make me strong, resistant, brave, that is why I am grateful to you for helping me learn to lead my life calmly, with courage, and that represents a learning experience for me.

Esperanza The years have passed and you have become a young adult and you know that I have always been grateful to you for choosing me as your mother. You are a daughter with great values and that fills me with pride. You are a good daughter who has taken care of me in spite of the distance. You went to distant lands to look for a better quality of life. It was not easy to separate us, it hurt a lot but it was necessary. I know we will be together. When you left for another country I thanked you from my heart for having chosen me as your mother, you cried and between short words you told me I love you mother. She says goodbye;

Your ever grateful mother




Contenido 100% original de @mariela53. Las fotografías proporcionadas para esta publicación son cortesía de mi hija Esperanza Marin, editadas en Paint. Traductor utilizado Deepl//100% original content by @mariela53. Photos provided for this post courtesy of my daughter Esperanza Marin, edited in Paint.Translated with (free version)



What a beautiful piece of writing to express the timeless love of a mom 😍I love so much how you thank your daughter for choosing you 💕

It sounds like you raised a tough and ambitious young woman who any mom would be proud of 🤗


What a beautiful piece of writing to express the timeless love of a mom 😍I love so much how you thank your daughter for choosing you 💕

It sounds like you raised a tough and ambitious young woman who any mom would be proud of 🤗

That's right, my friend, I raised my daughter very differently than my mother raised me. I taught her to be independent to work and earn her own money. But I raised her with excellent values that have made her a woman of noble feelings and very empathetic and kind to people. And the most beautiful thing is that we are very close and love prevails between us. Greetings


It is sooooo heart touching a writing. It gave me goose bumps out of emotions. We, as parents, often think that we are the ones sacrificing for our kids but this piece of writing made me feel how special our children are for us. Their presence in our lives makes us gain so much strength. They tend to live us despite our shortcomings. We scold them but they are there to hug us back


Very true friend my daughter has never been upset with me despite scolding her or calling her attention to me. She says that if she were born again she would choose me as her mother that I am the most beautiful thing she has in her life. That I am the perfect mom for her. Greetings


She says that if she were born again she would choose me as her mother that I am the most beautiful thing she has in her life.

How cute 😍


Hermosa misiva llena de mucho sentimiento. Tan bellas, imagino todo lo que puede venir a la mente cuando se escribe sobre los hijos. Saludos @mariela53


Gracias amiga @belkisa758 por tus lindas palabras. Si cuando escribimos sobre nuestros hijos las palabras comienzan aflorar y se crea la inspiración para describirlos y expresarle todo lo bonito que se siente ser su madre. Saludos


Que hermoso amiga😍🥺🥺 ser madre es un mundo 🌎 infinito de sentimientos encontrados


Exactamente cuando somos madre hay un mundo de sentimientos que hacen que amemos y cuidemos más a nuestros hijos. Saludos


Que bonita relación has tenido con tu hija desde que estaba en la barriga, ellos sienten todo lo que uno siente y por eso se vuelven inseparables con la mamá hasta que son adultos. Bendiciones para las dos


Si amiga @yole mi relación con mi hija es muy bonita somos amigas, confidentes, estamos en primera fila en las buenas y en las no tan buenas buscando soluciones. Y dispuestas a salir adelante juntas como eternas compañeras inseparables. Es mi única hija y el vinculo entre ambas es muy lindo. Saludos
