
Hi Guys.. this is my start for this July Garden Journal Challenge for this #hivegarden community.

Today I just want to share to you guys how I make it happen, offcourse this just a little tip from just lucky guy that happens to post the steps, but maybe we can have a little bit conversation about this or simply sharing tips or the result of the experiences. For you who don't know me Im a practical guy more like 1 + 1 = 2 , so I just go straight to the point in this one. Please be kind to me.


First thing first Im a guy who like to do something new, like experiment or something like that so I bought the see from the plant market near my area to see how it goes. I did pretty well in the terms of "family-recipe" to help the plant grow. Well, offcourse not proven scientifically but it works.


Ok.. Im an Asian guy, as an ASIAN GUY we love to do every food that taste hot and spicy (not every asian offcourse HAHAHA), and at the end of the COVID the price of the pepper blow sky rocket including onion etc. So I decided to grow it on my own, I dont necessarily have this spesific need in terms of sex or whatever (SHUT UP!!!). Long story short I bought 2 kind of pepper the orange fat one and the purple one.

You may look at the picture for the tips, here I show you.


I know.. I know.. again I really open for the suggestion but I really do this and the result come into a best expectation. Look I know it might be because of the condition of where you live but I guess I did it like this almost to every plant that I had even for my cactus.

Ok for the orange pepper it took a little bit longger rather than my purple one, I guess because of the kin of the plant itself, the orange pepper took 1 and half month and the purple one took 3 weeks.

I haven't put the purple one into my meal yet but I guess it will deliver the purpose as well. BUT OFFCOURSE my asian tounge will not recognize mediocre spicyness unless it taste like fire HAHAHAHA.


Here some proof at least that I can provide, I did grow cactus also for my pet, so I do little bit a trial error with this one and it seems it worked perfectly. If you guys have a suggestion or opinion about tobacco and stuff please let me know. Some of my internet reasearch has a similiar result about this one although so many of them consider ash from ciggarates works even better.


With that reason me and my dad do some other experiment with papaya. We tried to grow the papaya with same recipe and I guess we'll see in couple of month. I know this might be sound twisted especially the title was about chilli but I guess to put another option or examples will help you understand this was not just a random post where a guy trying to get attention.. well offcourse Im looking attention as well but its not like that.. You know what im saying right ???


The best of part of living in tropical country is we don't really put extra thought into whatever that come with soil. The soil has perfect already and the weather support us in everykind of way.

Back to the main topic I guess I've done a little bit experiment that might give you an isnpiration to grow some green, it might be usefull it might be trash, but at the very least please give it a try. Hmm.. and also if you guys really want the best result I guess you guys should considering old leaves or dying root or any organic waste and mix it together as a fertilizer.

I guess thats all guys, hope you get some insigh in this one and hope you can learn something of this. The chilli going to great I guess even though I dont have a wife nor a girlfriend, SO GOODBYE. !!!

@rebolegi check this out escobar !!!


Now, I'm curious about that purple chili because of your post. 🤣


My dude you cant say something like that in public you know.. 😂🤣


Oh, right! It'll forever be on the blockchain. 🙀🤣
Your post is really funny. 😂


hey I just want to ask you about hive token, I just opened my hivekeychain app and I slide it to Token and it is written 1300 dollar. what is that mean man ? I mean can i sell it or can i turn it int my currency or what ? please understand Im new and non of MOD or currator answer my chat..


Ahhh... the ornamental chili! If you expect them spicy-hot then you will be disappointed. They are similar to jalapenos. We grew them in a pot a long time ago. Tobacco soaked in water is also good for spraying to get rid of insects from eating your leaves. We're lucky to live in a tropical country with fertile soil. Whatever you throw on the ground will grow. We experimented with growing chili using non-soil (using a mix of cocopeat and roasted rice hull) as grow media and applied hydroponics AB Mix formula fertilizer. The result was excellent and much better than using soil. Good luck and let us know if they are as spicy-hot 🌶 as you expected! 😊


I surely let you know firsty first my friend


I love hot chilli too, I'm notAsian though 💚🤪 ... I don't ever like the idea of a shortage so I always like to grow extra!!


Ohhh I wish we in the same ara and lets see how "spicy" you are, do some chilli food battle and see how you fill the requirement for the hot chilli lovers. 😅
