Concurso comunitario Ladies of Hive #110 \\Ladies of Hive Community Contest #110

Que tal apreciadas damas de la colmena, espero estén bien .
Hoy quisiera compartir con ustedes mi participación en el concurso comunitario # 110. Gracias a @trangbaby por las preguntas de esta semana, dónde nos invita a una nueva reflexión.
A medida que nos acercamos al final del año, tomemos un momento para reflexionar sobre lo que hemos logrado y aprendido en 2022. ¡Esperamos escuchar su experiencia!!
2022 sin duda un año fuerte para mí, e logrado a dar valor a la vida, a abrazar a mi familia a pasar tiempo de calidad con ellos.
Venir de un 2021, en la pandemia del covid-19, dónde la muerte estuvo a la orden del día, es sin duda alguna la manera de hacernos ver los vulnerables que somos frente a adversidades, dónde sólo Dios y la prudencia nos podía salvar y que el dinero, la prepotencia y la vanidad de nada sirve. Nos hizo vivir una incertidumbre, azotó al mundo entero, en Venezuela no fuimos excepción y diario ví cantidades de personas que murieron por ésta terrible enfermedad, personas conocidas, que su muertes me generó, pánico, dolor, miedo y ansiedad.

How are you dear ladies of the hive, I hope you are well.
Today I would like to share with you my participation in the community contest # 110. Thanks to @trangbaby for the questions this week, which invites us to a new reflection.
As we get closer to the end of the year, let's take a moment to reflect on what we have accomplished and learned in 2022. We look forward to hearing from you!!
2022 is undoubtedly a strong year for me, and I have managed to give value to life, to embrace my family and to spend quality time with them.
Coming from 2021, in the covid-19 pandemic, where death was the order of the day, is without a doubt the way to make us see how vulnerable we are in the face of adversity, where only God and prudence could save us and that money, arrogance and vanity are useless. It made us live with uncertainty, it hit the whole world, in Venezuela we were no exception and every day I saw numbers of people who died from this terrible disease, known people, whose deaths finished me off, panic, pain, fear and anxiety.


De esta tragedia aprendí que todos somos iguales que no importa la edad, color de piel, género, religión o clase social, todos somos iguales estuvimos a la misma exposición aunque con diferentes recursos.
Dentro de algunos años se hablará de la pandemia como recuerdo nefasto, recordaremos lo malo que fue y del gran aprendizaje que nos dejó.
Parte de lo aprendido fue a ser más humana, ser más agradecida, atesorar recuerdos y momentos compartidos en familia, a no dejar las cosas para después a vivir el presente, sin prisas,sin rencores.
Todo éso vivido también me hizo reflexionar de que somos fuertes tenemos un gran poder de resiliencia, aún en circunstancias inciertas o adversas.

From this tragedy I learned that we are all the same, we were at the same exposure, although with different resources.
In a few years the pandemic will be talked about as a disastrous memory, we will remember how bad it was and the great learning it left us.
Part of what I learned was to be more human, to be more grateful, to treasure memories and moments shared with the family, not to leave things for later to live in the present, without rushing, without rancor.
All this experience also made me reflect that we are strong and have great resilience, even in uncertain or adverse circumstances.



Hola, es cierto muy resilientes los venezolanos y aún se sigue demostrando.
Cada día hay algo nuevo que debemos mirarlo y decir y ahora que hago con esto.

Seguro el venidero años va a compensar muchas cosas a nivel personal por todo lo que hemos aprendido a valorar lo que se tiene .



Saludos, abrazos y besos, Dios mediante así será 🙏


I'm glad to hear that you've spent the quality time with your beloved family during the tough time and learned to be stronger. I'm sure it was a great experience for you and I hope you enjoyed every minute of it. Thanks for the entry dear !LADY


Thanks to you for reading my post, I send you infinite blessings 🙏


Covid 19 hit the whole world my dear. To survive it is really a great achievement of the year. Thanks for sharing your experience with us


We can only thank God for being here and that this terrible evil has calmed down.


I learned that we are all the same, we were at the same exposure, although with different resources.

This is true. It was shocking at first for me but made me realize how fleeting life is. I'm glad to read you are spending more time with your family and that you are more grateful.



It’s a great thing you have learnt about us living in the moment,appreciating family and always grateful for the gift of life.


It's good to treasure every moment spent with loved one..

I'm glad to see you strong 😊
