[WE]: Is Reporting Workplace Theft The Answer?

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Confront, report or ignore
You witness someone at your workplace stealing money from the company you both work for. What do you do? Confront them, report them to the boss or remain silent? Explain your choice and the ramifications that could come from it. Write 300+ words using images you photographed personally where possible.

As we all know, some of the components that are crucial traits in a workplace are honesty and integrity, well you can actually classify that as my own opinion. But if I am to be truthful here, it can be difficult for me to choose the right course of action whichight be reporting theft when I see someone taking money from the company we both work for.

Look, I clearly know that confronting someone or reporting them to management is a customary thing to do, but my past experiences have made me wonder sometimes if these actions are always the right course of action to take.

Here's why?

As a young teenager that was just throup with highschool and I was waiting to be admitted into college, I had this small job I was doing for pay. In this job I had a manager who didn't care about the welfare of his staff. He owes us salaries and when he did decide he was going to pay, it was never done on the right or scheduled day. Owing of salaries was a frequent thing.

Not just that, we were overworked and frequently had to put in unpaid overtime. So if I am to go by this understanding I'll say, I now have a better understanding of the struggle most people go through to survive in such tough situations because it was not a nice experience for me.

So presently, if I catch my colleague for theft, I won't report that coworker. That is if I catch them red handed taking money from the business. Instead, I would try to make an effort to comprehend their situation and, if I could, give assistance. Or if there's a reason for that. Generally well call it greed but most times life troubles can also warrant such.

Now you all know that a person who is confronted or reported for such a thing could suffer serious consequences, such as losing their job or being charged with a crime. That's okay, that's like paying for their wrong actions. But he who is with sin should cast the first stone.

Like I mentioned earlier, stealing from the business is unquestionably immoral and wrong, it is not always clear-cut. But there are sometimes hidden motives behind people's use of such tactics. For instance, just like my experience above where you're not being paid your salaries while you have problems to solve. Also they might be going through financial difficulty, having a hard time making ends meet, or even dealing with personal problems that have turned them in the wrong direction. Therefore, I believe it is crucial to demonstrate empathy and understanding at first other than passing judgment right away.

So in my own opinion, despite how serious a workplace theft can be, I just feel that it is not always wise or advisable to notify management immediately without confronting the culprit. Instead, we should try to make an effort to comprehend their predicament and reason with them first, then provide assistance if we can.

Remember that sometimes these actions can have a lifelong negative impact in a person's life. So I bey trying to help the person other than going straight to report the person would go a long way.

I believe that a positive and encouraging work environment can be created just by showing empathy and understanding to one another.


So in my own opinion, despite how serious a workplace theft can be, I just feel that it is not always wise or advisable to notify management immediately without confronting the culprit. Instead, we should try to make an effort to comprehend their predicament and reason with them first, then provide assistance if we can.

great minds. think alike. I wrote something similar in my post. I liked how you were able to include some real life experience in your post. Have a great weekend!


I believe at times we have a different view to life when we experience something's personally. Have a great weekend too.


Generally well call it greed but most times life troubles can also warrant such.

Troubles in life doesn't mean that one needs to steal from others though. Theft is theft, no matter the situation. A disadvantaged person stealing from someone else disadvantages them right? When everyone is doing it then things crumble in a heap.

Like I mentioned earlier, stealing from the business is unquestionably immoral and wrong, it is not always clear-cut.

I think it is. If one steals it's theft.

Also they might be going through financial difficulty, having a hard time making ends meet, or even dealing with personal problems that have turned them in the wrong direction. Therefore, I believe it is crucial to demonstrate empathy and understanding at first other than passing judgment right away.

What about empathy and understanding for the owner of the business? What if that person can't feed his kids because of the theft? Does he go and steal from someone else? Hmm, no wonder some countries will never get anywhere. What if theft over time forces the closure of the business and everyone else loses their job? What if the theft forces prices upwards to account for the loss and the community has to struggle harder to afford the products or services?

So in my own opinion, despite how serious a workplace theft can be, I just feel that it is not always wise or advisable to notify management immediately without confronting the culprit. Instead, we should try to make an effort to comprehend their predicament and reason with them

I agree to some extent, but no help would be forthcoming from me unless that individual owned up to the theft to the boss/company first. Honesty and integrity is one of the only things a person can truly call their own and I don't reward those who do not have it.

Remember that sometimes these actions can have a lifelong negative impact in a person's life.

Just as theft can have for the person who has been robbed. I work hard for what I have and wouldn't take kindly to someone taking it. I'm sure you'd not want to lose what you've worked hard for...and neither would the owner of a business or company right?

My business partner in my development company stole over a million dollars from my company and it almost caused the end of me, I lost almost everything I had. I would offer him no empathy, rather, I would cut him into pieces with a chainsaw if given the chance. Theft is theft and the implications of it are broader than just the perpetrator's issues.

Thanks for your perspective. I hope you don't mind my own comments to offer a counter-point to your thoughts. Feel free to comment.


Honestly I didn't see it from your point of view. Stealing over a million dollars is the height of it. And such a person deserves no empathy just as you said.
I only wrote this from the view of an employee who wasn't or isn't being treated well by his employer which was my experience while working with one firm in the past. I believe I mentioned that earlier in my write up. Honestly it wasn't easy coping as I had to come to work everyday and that requires transport, mind you we're owed salaries and when it comes it either come late or not the full pay of months you've been owed. Now don't you think that a worker might be tempted to steal in other to survive.
You might counter quit the job, but to where exactly? In a country where there's a high number of unemployment.
Morally and all round everyone knows stealing is bad and I don't support it. But what if..?


There's always room for different perspectives, but stealing from someone who may need the money just as much as the person actually stealing it doesn't make it right. Stealing is wrong, it's a pretty simple concept as far as I'm concerned.

I was born in an affluent country in which stealing is not acceptable, it's actually against the law and comes with penalties for those caught. Corporate theft, (the workplace) is treated severely.


I get it now. I guess I have to stop trying to make a point 😂.
Have a great weekend. 😊
