WE - 143 My Future Concerns : Few Worries Then More...


Some things are worrying and some(if not all) worries are worrying.

I took this while writing, looks kinda loopy ~

I am not alone in this. First we worry about some things and these worries causes more(worries) and on and on.
Its tiring and provides little to no benefits at all(if ever one exist) only more of it.

So no more worries but then

If i could picture my concerns about the future it would be about my worries about the future. it needs to stop.

Having to worry about what the future holds is worrying and if I'm ever to reach this future(whatever that means) i need to suspend worrying about them.

To picture the future I desire but not here yet, is one(future) that captures all the experience of its present without worries about its future(anymore).

Its almost like how we fantasize about a million dollar, then having it , only to fantasize about a billion dollar.

When does it end? if ever it ends

We all do have concerns about different things(yet to happen) ranging from finance to relationships to physical well being and mental health. It could be one of these or everything.

But the future itself can never give nor his to give us what we want nor need. Even if we think we can ever know what our wants and needs are. It doesn't imply that wanting something you may need and needing something we want is bad(or good) its that we(most) measure our lives based on these things and the pitfalls lies in when we don't measure up.

When what we want isn't here right now. This gives a sense of not living up to expectations. Then before you know it the worries about not meeting up gives you worries about why you are not meeting up.

"Why can't I have this perfect job, car,friends and live in the best place ever".

But the truth is why can't I have what I have without worries about what I don't...

Its like an infinity loop with the former

I want to stop all the worries about the what is and isn't & how much or how less.

If we can't have a perfect present, why worry so much about having one in the future.

image taken by me

It never ends until it ends. Life itself is perfect, the air is good and the sun shines without holding the moon from shinning during the night but this doesn't mean we fantazise about the sun in the night and about the moon in the day when all we could have done in the day, was walk in the sun and feel its life energy and stare at the moon at night without worrying if the sun will come up or not.

If you come this far I hope you didnt fantasize about having a perfect ending cause at the beggning of writing this post i was worried about its future which really worries me to the point of not writing it at all but then here you have it.

Don't have a great day when you can have this day. some don't.

Thanks to galenkp for this weekend prompts.


You haven't followed the guidelines. Check your tags against the guidelines in the topics post.


Changes have been made with the edges. Thanks for pointing it out and the comment.


You still haven't followed the guidelines.


How about now...?


There you go...the very first guideline.

You're probably thinking I'm a total idiot for sticking to the guidelines like this and that's ok, I don't mind. There's only a couple rules, the tag and posting the entry in the weekend experiences community...I'm not sure why people sometimes can't follow them...It makes no sense to me considering I suggest on three different occasions in the topics post to do so.

Anyway, to be fair to everyone, I enforce the guidelines. It is what it is.


You're probably I'm a total idiot for sticking to the guidelines like this

That was never thought.

I'm not sure why people sometimes can't follow them.

I get the people point. I'm probably not going the people way next time(weekend) or ever.

Anyway, to be fair to everyone, I enforce the guidelines. It is what it is.

Probably the best way to go only takes some time and effort on your part(which should not be so) but then people are just people.

And thanks for the correction, I appreciate the time and effort.
