How Time Makes Money For You


In its most simplified form, economics is the study of how money is used to manage the economy. It is a way to organize and understand how nations and individuals make decisions. All economic activity involves the exchange of goods and services for time. In this way, time is money. Money is used to trade for goods and services, which in turn creates wealth and brings people back to their original state, before they had any money. Therefore, understanding how to use money effectively in an economic system will lead to a wealthier society.

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Time is money; therefore, time equals money. If you have one dollar, then you can have ten minutes of time as well as ten dollars. Time can be spent or saved depending on how it’s allocated in a system. For example, a person could spend all her time working at a job until she has no more hours left to work with. Or she could save her time by not working and investing her extra hours into additional income, generating activities. Either way, she will still have the same amount of money after she uses all her time in the system she’s living in, that’s called temporal wealth. Temporal wealth represents accumulated time as opposed to physical wealth, physical goods that we own that we use to sustain our lives such as food, clothing and property.
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A national economy can only be maintained with a high level of production; therefore, increased production leads to increased wealth creation through employment opportunities for people who have saved their time for work assignments. Increased wealth creates demand for goods and services from employers who have also saved their time for work assignments such that they can sustain their businesses through increased revenue generated by increased consumer purchasing power from increased national wealth .

Both national economies and personal economies must be managed in order: demand , supply and equilibrium . Demand refers to how much consumers need or want during a specific period of time . Supply refers to how much producers have available during this same period . Equilibrium occurs when both demand and supply are at their highest during the same period of time . During this period , business owners earn additional revenue through increased consumer spending which allows them to increase their own wages or savings if they choose .
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An effective use of economic incentives can lead us towards a better world where everyone has enough financial freedom to pursue their dreams without interference from temporal constraints. The best way towards this goal is through creating an environment where entrepreneurs thrive with enough capital for growth so that they can create jobs for those who seek them out.
A sound economic system leads towards this goal by providing ways for people to gain rewards, both temporal and physical, through productivity, enhancing activities such as employment or saving up ext
ra funds for investment or purchase of goods or services they desire now or later.

Thanks For Reading

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I would like to refer to how savings grow in the HBD wallet or how our accumulated HP (over time) is money. This was the best way I understood this post...hehehe.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


That's another angle too. Thanks for checking by 😊
