

Juliet and James have been married for 10 years with beautiful memories as couples. Although there is no relationship with no red flags, Juliet saw all the red flags of James but pushed it under her sleeves as she allowed her love to rule over.

The marriage that was everyone's dream and perfect description of what marriage is in the neighborhood began to fall apart when James began secretly chasing after young girls from different angles.


Juliet has received several news from friends who care about her how her husband is seen entering and leaving hotels with ladies. Juliet has confronted him and he denied the allegations.

One day, she decided to see for herself as she followed one of her friends to Hotel James lounged with a lady, after she got the evidence she needed. She filed a divorce. Where they were both sitting in the divorce court. At the end of the day, Juliet won the case. She was feeling a bit happy and sad as she remembered all the wonderful memories in the past but the most important thing is that she is free instead of dwelling with an unfaithful partner.
