WE148 - My time saving tips


Greetings dear friends and happy Easter @galenkp and everyone.

My topic choice

The time savers
Share a few time saving tips that work for you personally in your daily life. Tell us what they are, how they are achieved and how they save you time in a post of at least 300 words and use photos you took yourself if possible

Time saving tips are very effective because they make one concentrate, stay more focus and be efficient. They have great impact on how productive one's day is and offer one quality time to have fun and socialize. Personally, I have some time saving tips that have yielded positive outcomes for me personally.

Actually, I don't begin my daily activities without planning ahead. Most times if I'm not very exhausted, I plan my day a night before the actual day. Once I'm laying in bed, I try to recollect and prioritize my tasks. When I take my time to plan my day that way, I have the opportunity to place the tasks based on their order of relevance and concentrate on achieving them.

TASK DISTRIBUTION: When there are more hands in the house, I delegate tasks to everyone. This saves time for all of us and help us accomplish all tasks in a fun way. I do this mostly on Sundays and this tip has been helping us attend Mass early on Sunday.

KEYBOARD SHORTCUT: Being computer literate indeed has been an added advantage in my life. While I was trying to write my project. What helped me beat time was my ability to use the shortcut keys. There are so many short keys that one can find instead of using a mouse or using the longer version.


While I am bound to forget certain tasks. For example, when I want to watch a video course and I tell myself once it is this time I will begin. While I am engaged in other things, I can forget when it gets to the time. Another scenario, if I set 2 hours to finish some tasks, in order for me to finish these tasks without wasting so much time on them, the time saving tip I apply is allocating a time frame for each of them which will help me hasten my speed and meet up with all the tasks.

IDENTIFYING DISTRACTION: Taking the appropriate steps that will aid eliminate distractions is a great time saving tips. Once I'm ready to carry out my set of tasks first thing I do is to silence my phone, plug my system to charge if there is a power supply. Thess help me stay focused knowing my phone isn't ringing, no sms is popping in and other related distractions.

HAVING SOMETHING TO EAT FIRST: The truth is that I can't put my mind to accomplishing any task without having either my breakfast, lunch or dinner depending on when I'm set to start my tasks. Food is something that, if I skip, I won't able to work effectively which will lead to low productivity. Food renews my energy and helps me stay committed.

When one disciplines him or herself and follow these tips, they help save time and make tasks more productive. It is always good to have it in mind that setting a plan and starting with the most crucial tasks, eliminating setbacks and having something to eat before starting gives a renewed spirit, energy and commitment to work.
